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Two Girls No Cup


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While watching I was thinking the same thing, but they were booing Comisar Bettman who, among other misdeeds (mis-guided expansion, two labor lockouts, lousy/mis-guided television rights deals), basically ignores the Canadian teams even though the 6 of them contribute 30%+ of the League's revenue.

Watch any Stanley Cup presentation to any team, entry draft, or anytime Bettman has spoken since 1995 and you'll hear him booed.

What <was> disgusting was the Canadian fans' booing of the Star Spangled Banner throughout the playoffs. :nono:

For that, I say a big :bigfinger: to America's Hat, er, Canada.

***edit: It was nice to see an Original 6 team THAT WAS NOT FROM DETROIT win the cup. Sorry (not really) Moose!

I was at the NHL draft when Columbus had it a few years back, and he got it BAD then too. Cocksucker deserves it. I thought the boos died down after he got off the ice. Didn't know about the National Anthem though, sounds like we need to send Leo out there to do some ass-kickin'.

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While watching I was thinking the same thing, but they were booing Comisar Bettman who, among other misdeeds (mis-guided expansion, two labor lockouts, lousy/mis-guided television rights deals), basically ignores the Canadian teams even though the 6 of them contribute 30%+ of the League's revenue.

Watch any Stanley Cup presentation to any team, entry draft, or anytime Bettman has spoken since 1995 and you'll hear him booed.

What <was> disgusting was the Canadian fans' booing of the Star Spangled Banner throughout the playoffs. :nono:

For that, I say a big :bigfinger: to America's Hat, er, Canada.

***edit: It was nice to see an Original 6 team THAT WAS NOT FROM DETROIT win the cup. Sorry (not really) Moose!

bite me ass-hat... :D at least it wasn't those stinky birds of the pittsbugh variety... and at least we made it into the playoffs for a 20th consecutive time... not many teams can say that.
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bite me ass-hat... :D at least it wasn't those stinky birds of the pittsbugh variety... and at least we made it into the playoffs for a 20th consecutive time... not many teams can say that.

I'm a Pens fan from way back, but "making it into the playoffs for the 20th time" is no real accomplishment since half the teams in the league make it every year anyhow.

Great series, BTW. We don't usually follow either team, but watched all seven of these games. Goooood stuffffff.

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I think Canada's getting too big for its britches. If Congress can declare war before the end of business tomorrow, I think we can safely be prepared to celebrate before the weekend's over, no?

All joking aside, there were a lot of comments on Canadian news sites echoing the sentiments expressed here - that the booing was for the commissioner, not the Bruins, and that the citizens of Vancouver are thoroughly disgusted with the actions of these so called "fans." How the city reacts will be quite telling.

the initial reaction I have seen is:

- a facebook group set up where people can post pictures and video of rioters, so they can be tracked down and prosecuted, and

- hundreds of volunteers showing up to help city workers clean up the mess from the riots.

That's the Canada I'm used to.

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well, if you riot over the outcome of a sporting event, you are clearly fucking retarded anyway. posting about it on facebook is just the next logical step.

i mean really, who tries to light a cop car on fire and DOESNT cover their face? are you really that stupid?

i dont get how during G20 the cops were arresting people for absolutely nothing at all, just walking down the street, but last night it was apparently cool to burn your own city.

i guess i can understand the canadian frustration though. i mean its gotta be terrible living there with america RIGHT THERE.

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On a serious note, it was quite disgusting the way the Canucks fans booed at the end and throughout almost all of the cup ceremony. Then the riot. Sweet. Remind me to never visit Vancouver.

vancouver is actually pretty sweet. i mean, they got cannabis cafes there, so they are clearly better than america in some ways...

its just like people saying that OSU fans are terrible. i'd bet the vast majority are not the kind of people who would scream obscenities at your kids because you are from <insert opposting teams city here>. but some drunk assholes do it, and then ESPN is all over it. then everyone thinks that all OSU fans are douchebags.

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