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Well, this was unpleasant...


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Sparring at karate tonight, rolled over my ankle.

Now, picture me as 6'2', 225lbs with not a gram of fat on my legs (my belly is another story, but my legs are fabulous!) Now feast your eyes on my new cankle...

Injury, Day 0:


My ankle is about the size of a grapefruit right now. Everything from the crease in my leg down to the bottom of the bulge is swelling. The ankle bone (whatever that is called) is totally hidden under the swelling.

Day 1: 24 hours after injury:


Day 2: 48 hours after injury. I've been wearing a brace to immobilize it. You can see the pattern of the laces as gaps between the bruises on my shin.



Day 3: 72 hours after injury



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Did the same thing to my left ankle playing softball a hundred years ago; stepped on the beveled edge of home plate and my ankle went south.

It was fine while I was up and walking around on it - as soon as I stopped moving it swelled up just like yours. Made clutching in the car impossible on the drive home.

Doc said it is actually better to break your ankle - they can put it in a cast and forget about it. No, instead I had to tear every ligament in there and hobble for 2 weeks or so.

20+ years since, it's fine and hasn't given me a lick of trouble since.

  Scruit said:
...The ankle bone (whatever that is called)...

Actually, the ankle is a joint connecting leg bones (tibia (on the inside), fibula (on the outside)) with the foot bones (talus (bone on top of foot) and calcaneus (heel)).

Remember? "the foot bone's connected to the, leg bone. The leg bone's connected to the..."

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  Mykill said:
Maybe you should start wearing your gear for that class. You seem to get hurt often.

I was wearing gloves and face mask, but nothing on my ankles. :o Kinda stupid on my part becuase my ankles have unusually large range of motion and therfore I sprain them easily. This is about the 6th or 7th time I've sporained it this bad. Soccer, running, even walking through te woods...

When this heals up I'll be wearing ankle supports from now on for Karate.

My car is a tick, which makes it difficult to push the clutch in. Clutchless shifting = win. :D

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  jblosser said:





As I type this I am sitting at my desk job with an ice pack stuffed down my sock. After 30 mins I'll put my ankle brace back on. Elevation is difficutl at the desk, but the ice/compression/rest and Ibu are helping a ton.

  jblosser said:

Remember? "the foot bone's connected to the, leg bone. The leg bone's connected to the..."

That song is a little light on details, though. Should be "The Distal Phalanx is connected to the Proximal Phalanx..."

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Last time I wrecked it this bad a bruise is formed that eventually spread out to cover my whole lower leg up to the knee. Gonna take daily pictures to show the progress in case it happens again. It was scary looking.

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A buddy and I were playing ping pong at a bar and I put the ball to his far right so he tried to hit it, which caused him to nearly break his ankle. It looked like a baseball was growing under his skin at the time. No fracture and he lost the point to me. Of course his game was over for about two months. I'd hate to have to say that I almost broke my ankle playing fucking' ping pong, of all sports. When you get into playing at a club, it can get quite intense.

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  Gunshow Nick said:
tear... you dont bruise like that unless you tear soft tissue

go to an orthopedic NOW

Now that I see how bad the bruising is I'm gonna set something up next week.

It's a partial tear. Grade 2 sprain. No instability. I still have full movement and can walk on it fine. I'll probably get sent for 6 to 9 weeks of physio again. Been here before.

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I gave myself a high ankle sprain stepping off a curb delivering to a customer, I had to drive my semi back a hour and half because the manager wouldn't send out the yard guy till his relief came in! I am still having trouble with it almost three years later.

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Bump for day 3 pics in first post. The bruising seems to have stopped expanding and the amount of "sponginess" around the skin has decreased. This sprain is not as bad as my last big one (I'm prone to them, even just walking down the street) where the bruise expanded all the way up to my knee.

I'm walking on it pretty normally right now if I stretch it out gently. If I rest it then it likes to seize up. I'm avoiding painkillers so I have the proper pain feedback if I do something stupid. Been driving my car (stick) and lawn tractor (clutch-operated) with no problems at all. Going to cage it until I can get it checked out, tho.

Still, going to set up an ortho appt in the morning.

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Just got back fro the ortho. It's broken, AND a grade 3 sprain (meaning the ligaments are torn completely) Have to get an MRI later this week. In an air cast for now. No biking for a couple weeks at least. The MRI will tell us if the ankle is healing, or if surgery will be required.

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