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Man robs bank for $1 to get medical care in jail


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You know how to fix it, but none of the conservative-capitalists on here like that answer either. So, we're all ears on how you want to deal with it....

A) Homeless guy gets arrested for taxpayer healthcare in prison.

B) Taxpayers pay for universal healthcare.

Either way, taxpayers are paying for it and neither work.

So how do you fix it Justin? You obviously know the answer, thus making you smarter than everyone else in the country and probably in the world.

I wonder how much of a chunk the total cost spend on wars could take out of the total cost of healthcare. And don't even try to blame Bush for that one. Sure he's guilty, but Obama is more so. Not only hasn't he brought the troops home, he sent more and started more "aggressions".

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A) Homeless guy gets arrested for taxpayer healthcare in prison.

B) Taxpayers pay for universal healthcare.

Either way, taxpayers are paying for it and neither work.

So how do you fix it Justin? You obviously know the answer, thus making you smarter than everyone else in the country and probably in the world.

Aww, you're making me blush.

So, if you take both your solutions there -- you pick the one with the best balance of cost-benefit.

In situation A) not only are taxpayers paying for healthcare, they're paying for law enforcement, the legal system, etc. So, it's pretty much a no-brainer that situation A costs more than situation B for pretty much the same net result.

B wins, it's cheaper.

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Aww, you're making me blush.

So, if you take both your solutions there -- you pick the one with the best balance of cost-benefit.

In situation A) not only are taxpayers paying for healthcare, they're paying for law enforcement, the legal system, etc. So, it's pretty much a no-brainer that situation A costs more than situation B so pretty much the same net result.

B wins, it's cheaper.

Execution of the elderly is way cheaper, and would save nearly 40% on healthcare costs. So it's the best option?

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Look, and I've said this before, my advocacy for things is predominantly economics based, with a small smattering of morals/ethics when and where possible.

I'm OK with whatever rules people want in the 'system' as long as everyone in the 'system' is willing to accept those rules. But they aren't. Americans are full of excuses why they are 'special cases' and should be treated differently. Hell, if you want to make a rule that if you don't have health insurance, then you don't get medical care -- I'm fine with that. If you don't carry around your wallet EVERYWHERE you go, so the first thing an emergency responder can do is check to see if you're financially responsible before treating you -- fine. But as soon as you make that rule, someone's gonna have an excuse why their brother/mother/uncle wasn't saved from a car accident because their medical card was at home, or it was thrown from the car in the accident, or...

So, because no one is allowed to be a cold-hearted bastard, or they get ostracized for being so 'insensitive' to people's issues, we'll all end up paying for it anyway -- so, the LEAST you can do is make it cheaper for the rest of us.

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Execution of the elderly is way cheaper, and would save nearly 40% on healthcare costs. So it's the best option?

i dont really understand what you are trying to do here... i mean this is obviously a made up statement with no facts to back it up, and as such it carries no weight.

i could say something like "hey we could all go to planet marklar and take advantage of their cell regeneration device for free!"

but that would just make me look stupid and add nothing to the discussion.

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Look, and I've said this before, my advocacy for things is predominantly economics based, with a small smattering of morals/ethics when and where possible.

I'm OK with whatever rules people want in the 'system' as long as everyone in the 'system' is willing to accept those rules. But they aren't. Americans are full of excuses why they are 'special cases' and should be treated differently. Hell, if you want to make a rule that if you don't have health insurance, then you don't get medical care -- I'm fine with that. If you don't carry around your wallet EVERYWHERE you go, so the first thing an emergency responder can do is check to see if you're financially responsible before treating you -- fine. But as soon as you make that rule, someone's gonna have an excuse why their brother/mother/uncle wasn't saved from a car accident because their medical card was at home, or it was thrown from the car in the accident, or...

So, because no one is allowed to be a cold-hearted bastard, or they get ostracized for being so 'insensitive' to people's issues, we'll all end up paying for it anyway -- so, the LEAST you can do is make it cheaper for the rest of us.

Wait, Obamacare will make healthcare cheaper for the rest of us? :lol:

You really should be a stand-up comedian or something.

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Wait, Obamacare will make healthcare cheaper for the rest of us? :lol:

You really should be a stand-up comedian or something.

Wait, because the current system works so well and is completely sustainable for the future? :lol:

You're a regular Dr. Laughinski

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i dont really understand what you are trying to do here... i mean this is obviously a made up statement with no facts to back it up, and as such it carries no weight.

i could say something like "hey we could all go to planet marklar and take advantage of their cell regeneration device for free!"

but that would just make me look stupid and add nothing to the discussion.

Backed up entirely by fact. I even looked up the numbers. :D

Executing 65+ would save 34.2%.

Executing 55+ plus would save 48.9%.

I figured nearly 40% would be a good guess for 60+.

Numbers are based on 2004 healthcare costs by age from www.cms.gov.

I am of course being facetious.

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i dont really understand what you are trying to do here... i mean this is obviously a made up statement with no facts to back it up, and as such it carries no weight.

i could say something like "hey we could all go to planet marklar and take advantage of their cell regeneration device for free!"

but that would just make me look stupid and add nothing to the discussion.

listen marklars his marklar is wise and full of marklar

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You know how to fix it, but none of the conservative-capitalists on here like that answer either. So, we're all ears on how you want to deal with it....

If I knew exactly how to fix it I would prop have a different czar position than mod czar. All I know is Obama care is going to eventually pit neighbor against neighbor. Example is that I am a very active person, I run eat healthy don't smoke. why should I pay the same into the system than a morbid obese person who smokes two packs a day and has their own personal booth at mcdonalds that they visit daily? Who is going to use the system more? I know more government is all that is going to lead to. Restrictions on what we can eat how much we have to exercise and the list goes on and on. You know me, im not a fan of more government and that's all this is. Name one thing that you do that don't relate or can't be related back to your health, you can't. Some people need the government to hold their hand im not one and neither are you. But in order to not make a nanny state which is what we are headed for or quite possible already are at we have to draw a line somewhere as to what the government will do for you.

Edit. This is on my phone and im trying a new keyboard so it is typed out like shit. Sorry.

Edited by kawi kid
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You and Ben both mention Obamacare... but what exactly don't you like about it? I don't get why you think it'll pit neighbor vs. neighbor? Sure, you're fit, your neighbor's fat, but if you both pay health insurance and he visits the doctor 7x more than you do, his premiums and co-pays will reflect that. As I pointed out, in the end, we all pay for it anyway -- so the cheaper you can make it the better. You think it's about hand holding, sure, some of it is because we can't just murder gaggles of people that make dumb decisions, or are old, or whatever, so in lieu of that, we need to take those idiots who are still Americans (for the most part, we don't need to get into the illegal debate because it's really a very small percentage) and figure out how to make those idiots cheaper on the rest of us.

It was a HUGE compromise on Obamacare, when the single-payer system was scrapped for this private sector deal. It's been shown that social healthcare is cheaper. Medicare/Medicaid costs grew at around 400%, while the private sector grew around 700% -- both unacceptable, but it still demonstrates the "socialized" care that is Medicare/medicaid is cheaper than the private solutions.

Medicare Saves Money


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