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Casey Anthony Not Guilty


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Correction.... They said they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it. (they likely still think she's guilty)

Prosecution failed/no concrete evidence

Exactly. Cannot blame the jury for their decision. The prosecution didn't prove anything.

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The defense did a masterful job of poking holes and creating doubt. Big brother failed to prove their case. The media failed to convict her. My gut says she's guilty, but the system worked as designed. As bad as it is, it was refreshing to see a jury consider the case in front of them and not the media-manufactured bias.

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The defense did a masterful job of poking holes and creating doubt. Big brother failed to prove their case. The media failed to convict her. My gut says she's guilty, but the system worked as designed. As bad as it is, it was refreshing to see a jury consider the case in front of them and not the media-manufactured bias.

Media failed to convict her? Since when is it their job? And didn't you just contradict yourself with that, and your last, statement?

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Media failed to convict her? Since when is it their job? And didn't you just contradict yourself with that, and your last, statement?

No, I chose my words carefully. My statement implies a wrongful attempt to convict, perpetrated by a biased media. I think she is guilty, but a jury could not find her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on the prosecution's presentation. The system worked. The prosecution failed. The media "failed"...... that was one of those sarcasm things.

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what gets me is all they people that are ready to throw the system out just because "they know it failed and she is guilty and she is going to get off"

before we throw the system out, I want to hear what you plan to replace it with. Explain to me how it will not fail. How will this new system sort out the wrongly accused from the bad people? Should we trust the media like so many are in this case?

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go back & read what you typed you answered your own question ...I highlited it to help you out :)

why does everyone love facebook so damn much? its not just FB but the whole FB type mentailty.

i should've said, all i read on facebook, all you could read on any of the news websites, ANY social media or media for that matter. Thank god I work at a construction company and only 1 person said anything about it yesterday.

Like seriously, who gives a shit about some bitch (who i'd hit but isn't as hot as everyone makes her to be) that can't handle having a child. This is an everyday occurrence in every state in America. Stories like this make me start to wonder if I'm more serious than I think when I say things along the lines of this country needs a population control intervention

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Just like the OJ trial - the media portrayed the accused as guilty, but the evidence just wasn't there, or wasn't presented in a manner that could meet the high standard for conviction.

I'd rather see than guilty people walk then innocent people jailed. If we convicted people based upon; "Well, Nancy Grace seemed to think she was guilty" then we'd have a lot of innocent people in jail simply because the crime evokes emotion.

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"Well, Nancy Grace seemed to think she was guilty"

I can't say this enough times with as much emphasis thats needed, FUCK NANCY GRACE. Whoever gave her a tv show needs to be tar and feathered

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I can't say this enough times with as much emphasis thats needed, FUCK NANCY GRACE. Whoever gave her a tv show needs to be tar and feathered

In our house we call her Nasty Face. Seems appropriate. :D

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My point exactly, the SYSTEM worked exactly as it should. Like with OJ, Ray Lewis, etc.

Do I care, not really, but I thought it was a good post and would get great reactions. So far so good! Call me Ringo JR on this one ;)

Maybe I just think everyone who "may" be guilty should be put to death, call it controlling the population, or thinking green. Heck I'd be fine with killing a lot of people who are in prison just to reduce the population and save me some tax dollars for something that might actually help the world, like I dunno, college educations, new jobs, roads, etc.

And yes, I am a sick person, I know.

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Maybe I just think everyone who "may" be guilty should be put to death, call it controlling the population, or thinking green. Heck I'd be fine with killing a lot of people who are in prison just to reduce the population and save me some tax dollars for something that might actually help the world, like I dunno, college educations, new jobs, roads, etc.

And yes, I am a sick person, I know.

Is it sick when there is another person who also thinks this way? :D

Granted I'm more in favor of this for repeat offenders. One of the few things I like about Cali is the 3 Strike deal, excpet instead of life in prison you get a single 9mm to the brain. Quick, painless and way more cost effective

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I can't say this enough times with as much emphasis thats needed, FUCK NANCY GRACE. Whoever gave her a tv show needs to be tar and feathered


I can't stand Nancy grace.

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Is it sick when there is another person who also thinks this way? :D

Granted I'm more in favor of this for repeat offenders. One of the few things I like about Cali is the 3 Strike deal, excpet instead of life in prison you get a single 9mm to the brain. Quick, painless and way more cost effective

Not at all. And for the record Nancy Grace can suck it, actually they all can.

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No, I chose my words carefully. My statement implies a wrongful attempt to convict, perpetrated by a biased media. I think she is guilty, but a jury could not find her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based on the prosecution's presentation. The system worked. The prosecution failed. The media "failed"...... that was one of those sarcasm things.

Sorry. Mis understood your post.

I took you for an uneducated Liberal;)

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