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OR club house / Zombie safe zone


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Eggs on parachutes? Nice. I did an elementary school poroject like that once...

You would definitely be cut off from the rest of the worl. You'd have to have your vehicles parked at the nearest other airport (no roads that I could see?) and it would royally suck to get to the airport and realize you left your car keys at home.

I guess it would depend on how far you need to go. If it's a 5 min flight then whatever, no big. if it's an hour flight to the nearest airport (or a couple hours drive to the nearest civilization) then it would suck.

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Eggs on parachutes? Nice. I did an elementary school poroject like that once...

You would definitely be cut off from the rest of the worl. You'd have to have your vehicles parked at the nearest other airport (no roads that I could see?) and it would royally suck to get to the airport and realize you left your car keys at home.

I guess it would depend on how far you need to go. If it's a 5 min flight then whatever, no big. if it's an hour flight to the nearest airport (or a couple hours drive to the nearest civilization) then it would suck.

There is a private airstrip on the grounds with several hangers.

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My teacher used the analogy that for every 45 cent stamp the average middle class worker can afford, bill gates could purchase a lamborghini....another way to look at it, a lambo costs 300k...bill gates could buy 186,000 lambos brand new off the lot with the money that he is worth....thats $84,000 worth of postal stamps ...pretty nuts to think about it...cant even imagine having that kind of money

so i doubt 500 a day would affect him too much lol...i bet he could spend 50k a day and not be hurting all that much

hes worth 56B...so at 500 a day assuming he stopped earning interest on all his money and quit earning, it would take him 306,849 years to go broke....im sure he makes millions per day in just interest

it would literally be impossible for him to spend all the money he has unless he was to pay off government debt or something radical

He could afford to pay for 4 months of Iraq war.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Russia still have this site as a target?

NO. This Atlas-F Series was finished before the SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty). The Russians knew these sites were already obsolete and decommissioned.

Is this site contaminated?

NO. The DEC(Department of Environmental Conservation) have rigorously tested all the grounds this past summer. They drilled 5 wells surrounding the site and found nothing in the water that was dangerous for all human uses.

Can I drive to the silohome?

Yes of course, often people think that since the silohome was a former missile base with a private airport, that there is no road access. However, one can access the property via state and county well maintained roadways.

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pretty nuts to think about it...cant even imagine having that kind of money

so i doubt 500 a day would affect him too much lol...i bet he could spend 50k a day and not be hurting all that much

hes worth 56B...so at 500 a day assuming he stopped earning interest on all his money and quit earning, it would take him 306,849 years to go broke....im sure he makes millions per day in just interest

it would literally be impossible for him to spend all the money he has unless he was to pay off government debt or something radical

No shit...i just can't fathom one person having that much money. I respect and commend him for earning that much, but punch a baby octopus that's an insane amount of green.

It just bothers me...that what some of these rich people spend/use a day a veteran with combat injuries...or mental illness or starving people use that in a year. Maybe 2. How that money could improve someone's really shitty quality of life. I'm not saying money is everything. But when you don't have any...it's a little different.

I remember about 5 years ago. I was working at Value City. My dad would make more in ONE day, than i would an entire week there.

It goes without saying, and i think i speak for everyone here, when i say i would use that kind of money to buy every motorcycle and car i've ever wanted. Maybe a house in every state. Other countries. A garage that's viewable by space. The list is...endless.

Ahhh yes. No...no, i've never...ever thought about being rich. :rolleyes:

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There is a private airstrip on the grounds with several hangers.

Understood - but where are you goign to fly to? Another airport. Of course that was assuming no roads led to the site which has since been clarified. (The assumption beign that if there was ONLY air access then to go anywhere you're need to fly to another airport where you store your car.)

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when he kicks the bucket, he isnt leaving his fortune to his kids - its all going to his charity minus a small chunk for his kids...hes leaving them 10 million each, the rest is going to a good cause....so i cant hate on him too much lol...still jealous as hell though!

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No shit...i just can't fathom one person having that much money. I respect and commend him for earning that much, but punch a baby octopus that's an insane amount of green.

It just bothers me...that what some of these rich people spend/use a day a veteran with combat injuries...or mental illness or starving people use that in a year. Maybe 2. How that money could improve someone's really shitty quality of life. I'm not saying money is everything. But when you don't have any...it's a little different.

I remember about 5 years ago. I was working at Value City. My dad would make more in ONE day, than i would an entire week there.

It goes without saying, and i think i speak for everyone here, when i say i would use that kind of money to buy every motorcycle and car i've ever wanted. Maybe a house in every state. Other countries. A garage that's viewable by space. The list is...endless.

Ahhh yes. No...no, i've never...ever thought about being rich. :rolleyes:

For every rich person there are millions of poor people. If Bill Gates spread his entire wealth throughout the entire country every person would get $200.

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For every rich person there are millions of poor people. If Bill Gates spread his entire wealth throughout the entire country every person would get $200.

and back in the day going from rich to poor BY HARD WORK was the American Dream. Now its just wanting a fucking hand out and being lazy and hoping to hit it big. This fucking country :rolleyes:

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For every rich person there are millions of poor people. If Bill Gates spread his entire wealth throughout the entire country every person would get $200.

Not necessarily directed at you, just the statement. There are rich people that didn't really have to do anything to get there and others who busted their asses to. Some charities are for the good and there are some poor people who work hard and try but there are a lot of lazy worthless people out there too. I just get tired of hearing how rich people need to give away their money for nothing except that its not fair they have so much. Oh BTW I grew up without money.

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and back in the day going from rich to poor BY HARD WORK was the American Dream. Now its just wanting a fucking hand out and being lazy and hoping to hit it big. This fucking country :rolleyes:

Dude, if Im gonna bust my ass with hard work then I'd want to go from POOR to RICH. :D

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