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The heat index right now in downtown Columbus is 104


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Manbearpig FTW

I am sure there are plenty of service men that would love 94 degree weather with no gear on. People realty need to STFU sometimes.

Yup. Now go get some body armor and gear, wear it for at least 5 days/nights in this weather with no showers and your drawls and Tshirt start to rot. You drink so much water the thought of if makes you nauseous. Oh and don't forget your carrying a weapon at condition zero on patrol for said 5 days with your brain working overtime.

Do this for 2 years then you can come complain to me about the weather and tell me what beer you think I should drink. :rant:

Edited by jagr
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Gawd!! Why is it so fucking hot outside!!???!?!?!!?!??!! ?

A slow moving system of high atmospheric pressure has moved into our area. As such air from upper levels of our atmosphere is pulled toward the ground, where it becomes compressed and increases in temperature. Add to that that clouds are kept out of said area--the sunlight is undiluted, heating up the surface even more.

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Yup. Now go get some body armor and gear, wear it for at least 5 days/nights in this weather with no showers and your drawls and Tshirt start to rot. You drink so much water the thought of if makes you nauseous. Oh and don't forget your carrying a weapon at condition zero on patrol for said 5 days with your brain working overtime.

Do this for 2 years then you can come complain to me about the weather and tell me what beer you think I should drink. :rant:

Anything other than PBR. :p

Oh.. why didn't someone say so in the first place? :p

You are Pauly. You should already know this stuff. :nono:

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It's not the heat, it's the stupid humidity. I was out in Vegas last month and it was 107-110+ and I was out in it all day no problems. Running around, drinking beer, cooking out, hitting the pool, didn't even break a sweat. This shit here is just dumb, I walk outside and my glasses fog up and I sweat just standing there. Give me the desert heat anyday over this swampy shit we get here.

Edited by drew95gt
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:nono: Real men don't chase around a little white ball.

this is assuming I find where I hit my ball in the first place :lol:

Its always better on Thurs nights since its $1 beers though and trying to keep up with a beer per hole pace

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