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The heat index right now in downtown Columbus is 104


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it's 110 in Cleveland (the index - actual temp is more like 95).

I went for a run at lunch just to shut people the fuck up. People need to stop bitching about the nicest weather we have all year.

Yes, it's hot. Drink a cold beverage, and find some shade. If you've got AC, that's a viable option too.

But unless you're an infant, over the age of 80, or mentally disabled, there is no reason this heat wave should be anything more than a minor annoyance. Shit, turn on the sprinkler and crack a beer sitting in a lawn chair. Thank me later.

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I went for a run at lunch just to shut people the fuck up. People need to stop bitching about the nicest weather we have all year.

the nicest weather we have all year is september/october.

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^ i agree

i was slightly annoyed when i saw that theyre opening up a bunch of fire hydrants in columbus to help people cool down......water aint free, and im guessing my tax dollars are paying for that shit....i worked in the heat for 18hrs yesterday and i didnt get a fire hydrant...i survived, they can too

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Regardless of when the nicest time of year is, I am sick of people bitching about the weather like it's their favorite hobby.

In the winter, they complain about cold and snow. In the spring, they complain about rain. "where's the sun? Why is it so cold?" Now you've got your sun and your heat, and you're going to complain about that too?

It's not that bad outside. People survived worse long before the invention of air conditioning.

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Regardless of when the nicest time of year is, I am sick of people bitching about the weather like it's their favorite hobby.

In the winter, they complain about cold and snow. In the spring, they complain about rain. "where's the sun? Why is it so cold?" Now you've got your sun and your heat, and you're going to complain about that too?

It's not that bad outside. People survived worse long before the invention of air conditioning.

Exactly. I love the weather, regardless of hot, muggy, snowing, raining, frigid, etc. Fun things to do in all the different types of weather. I was just outside smoking, drinking a cup of coffee. A lady came up and asked, "are you drinking coffee!?". Well hell yeah I'm drinking coffee, I'm tired. She just couldn't believe it. "But it's so hot out!". So what? LOL.

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Regardless of when the nicest time of year is, I am sick of people bitching about the weather like it's their favorite hobby.

In the winter, they complain about cold and snow. In the spring, they complain about rain. "where's the sun? Why is it so cold?" Now you've got your sun and your heat, and you're going to complain about that too?

It's not that bad outside. People survived worse long before the invention of air conditioning.

let me introduce you to most of ohio's residents. Whiny bitches over everything

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This is my favorite time of year weather-wise. July/August when it's just hot and the cicadas are singing. :badgerrock:

I do like the Cicadas. Ugly little bastages, but something about their sound makes summer official.

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People survived worse long before the invention of air conditioning.

they also survived without cars or proper medical care either, but that doesn't mean we should have to also. :)

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its a great day to nt have AC in my car and have it constantly blow hot air lol but I agree with Casper fun stuff to do in all types I plan on going to the driving range then heading to friends to sit inside in front of his flat screen and play Gran Turismo 5 until Im tired lol

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days like today make me wish I wasn't a responsible adult so I could play hooky and hit the lake with the jet ski

thats what sick days/personal days/vacation days are for ;)

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thats what sick days/personal days/vacation days are for ;)

one of the few times where working for a small business and having too many responsibilities is a disadvantage.

Sometimes I could easily call off and other times I don't have that luxury :(

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I am sure there are plenty of service men that would love 94 degree weather with no gear on. People realty need to STFU sometimes.

:cheers: Exactly the kind of perspective adjustment people need. Rep for you.

Edited by redkow97
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I remember temps over 100 with near 100% humidity, somewhere far away.

That can be a heat index on up toward 190F. This is nothing.

You can't get out in the direct sunlight in conditions like that.

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