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Mojoe in Afghanistan


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As some of you already know, Joe (Mojoe) was recently called up to duty. He spent the last month or two in Texas for training, and over the weekend shipped out for Afghanistan. He arrived there last night. For those who've seen Joe, Yota and I's camel tattoos, it's because of Joe we have these. It was our little farewell tribute. Two other friends also got the same tattoo. Anyways, he's gotten his address and everything (posted below). I'll be sending him and his unit random things here and there. Please feel free to do the same. Anything he or his fellow soldiers need, I told him to send me a list. I'll be sure to put that up here also. Thanks guys and gals.

Godspeed amigo.

SFC. Desrochers Joseph

1484th TC, HQ PLT


APO AE 09355

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after being here in TX, it might feel a little cool in Afghanistan!

Will he be able to get to email?

From what I gather, it's hit or miss. He had internet yesterday. I'm not sure if he will the whole time or not. And his computer is broke, so he was using his iPod or iPhone yesterday. I sent him a message asking if he wants me to send him another laptop.

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Tell him to be safe, as best he can.

My brother was in Iraq during the first assault into Basra. That was scary getting letters and calls from satellite phones that were sporadic at best. One letter started with; "There's nothing like a mortar assault against your position to wake you up in the morning" and went on to tell me about an embedded reporter taking shrapnel from one of said mortars.

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I met met Mojoe at Kenny's funeral a couple of years ago. Very cool guy, and now finding out that he is selflessly serving this great nation of ours just serves to bolster the amount of respect I have for him. I am really terrible about writing letters and sending packages, but I freely offer up my prayers for safety, mercy, and protection for Joe and his unit, in addition to all of our troops over there.

Godspeed Joe, come home safe!

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after being here in TX, it might feel a little cool in Afghanistan!

Will he be able to get to email?

I dont know I talked to a buddy in kandahar (sp)a few weeks back and he said it was reaching 130's - different type of heat though. He stated about like sticking your head in a oven. No humidity, at all.

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