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Tell me something BAD about Ron Paul


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I should have read all of what I missed, rather than posting after reviewing only the "last" page.

Casper beat me to at least half my point.

Only to an extent. Not completely. Nobody knows for a fact where we came from. Not once science book will tell you "this is how it all happened". They all say scientists theorize this is how it might have happened. Remember the whole "the earth is flat" vs "the earth is round"? Funny, it ended up being oblong. Or whether Pluto is a planet or not? Fact is, we don't know. And we may never know where or why humans came into existence. That's part of the fun though, isn't it?

I'll even take it one step further and add that I have no scientific backing to suggest that creationists are explicitly wrong; I just think that more plausible theories have been proffered.

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International flights leave Port Columbus multiple times a day. If you feel that strongly about it, maybe you should be on one.

damn bro, if you want to ask me out on a date just do it, already!

i'll let you know now, though, that i am going to say no because i am into chicks. but, i aint mad at ya, we can still be friends as long as you always keep in mind that there is no chance for us as a couple.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ron Paul: I don't accept the theory of evolution


RP was mentioned here too...

When Republicans suddenly need government

Faced with a natural disaster, Chris Christie brags of a strong response. But does the rest of his party get it?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Dead at 49 because he couldn't afford insurance: Terrible fate of Ron Paul aide emerges hours after Republican said state shouldn't provide free health care

  • Kent Snyder died from complications caused by pneumonia because his premiums were too expensive
  • 49-year-old was Ron Paul's campaign manager during failed 2008 bid to secure Republican presidential nomination
  • Mr Paul told Tea Party debate people who did not have insurance should be left to fend for themselves
  • Retired physician also said churches should step in to care for those without cover

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2037330/Ron-Pauls-campaign-manager-died-pneumonia-afford-health-insurance.html#ixzz1YM3Llp6X

I dunno if that's good or bad or otherwise. Just ironic.

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I think the "brutal" stance that Dr. Paul takes is pulled out of context too often. I can't speak explicitly for Dr. Paul, so I'll speak for myself:

- we should take care of those who are UNABLE to take care of themselves; not those who had the means and opportunity, but failed to act.

So if you're mentally or physically handicapped from birth, or at a young age, then of course we (as a civilized society) should help you to survive, and lead a productive life.

But if you're in your 20's and haven't gotten your shit together enough to secure at least basic medical insurance, then I'm sorry, but you haven't done enough to help yourself. You haven't valued your own life, so you're going to have a hard time convincing me I should give a shit about you, when you clearly don't give a shit about yourself.

Situations where people have insurance, but not enough of it are more difficult. I do sympathize with those lead healthy lives, and then find out that they have some kind of cancer, or heart disease. In those cases, I believe we should look to that person's past conduct to determine whether or not the government should help them out.

From hereon out, I get pretty brutal. If you've paid your taxes, have a clean criminal record, and have been gainfully employed for any length of time, then you are deemed a "productive" member of society, and are worth treating and rehabilitating.

If you have been in and out of jail, don't have health insurance, and never have, and have no meaningful steady work history, then you are unlikely to be anything but a burden on society. Sorry, but why would the government want to help you?

I realize that's an impossible policy to legislate, which (I believe) is why Dr. Paul advocates the church's involvement in such situations. Allow charities to decide who the "good" people are, so that the government doesn't have to.

Every life is precious, but some people enrich the lives of others, and some are a drain on others. The people in the former category probably wouldn't have trouble finding family and friends to cover their medical costs... The latter will look to Uncle Sam for a handout.

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What about fresh out's? Ya know, the kids with liberal arts, communications, or some other worthless degree who are 'fresh out' of school, have $80k in school debt and can't get a job in their field and end up working at piercing pagoda @ the mall for minimum wage and no benefits? Or even if they do end up in their fields, they only make $30k a year, again, without benefits, and can barely afford renting + student loan debt, food and gas, let alone all the other essentials like healthcare or retirement?

What about those people?

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What about fresh out's? Ya know, the kids with liberal arts, communications, or some other worthless degree who are 'fresh out' of school, have $80k in school debt and can't get a job in their field and end up working at piercing pagoda @ the mall for minimum wage and no benefits? Or even if they do end up in their fields, they only make $30k a year, again, without benefits, and can barely afford renting + student loan debt, food and gas, let alone all the other essentials like healthcare or retirement?

What about those people?

I dont bring home much over 30 grand a year

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Do you have student loan debt? :dunno:

Besides, you have a government job... Which is the problem, right? Teachers, cops, fireman, public safety workers need to sacrifice like the rest of us.

Parks, you shouldn't get a raise and we shouldn't pay for you to have health insurance on our taxpayer dime, amirite folks? Anyone want to tell that to Parks' face?

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So don't go to school learn a trade and make more then you would as a i.t. geek. Thats the problem with this country to many pussies don't want to work for there money. Stupid office monkey, go get your hands dirty and earn that money. To many people want paid top dollar for jobs that produce no tangible goods. Office jobs should pay 30k or less a year..

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So don't go to school learn a trade and make more then you would as a i.t. geek. Thats the problem with this country to many pussies don't want to work for there money. Stupid office monkey, go get your hands dirty and earn that money. To many people want paid top dollar for jobs that produce no tangible goods. Office jobs should pay 30k or less a year..

So your saying as an engineer, I should only be making at most 30k?

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Do you produce tangible/ sellable things for the company you work for? Or do you work on project to make things "better" when you have no experience working with them in the first place. If you design parts that will make a product then you should earn what you earn. But if you simply are like the enginerds we have at my work that make educated guesses at how to fix problems on machines they know nothing about, then yes you are a waste of time and should earn 30k a year. I have little respect for most of my works enginerds only a very few are worth the money they make. And there "I am better then you cause your a factory worker making more money then I do" attitude does not help.

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Yea, what do you need differential equations, thermodynamics, electromagnetic field theory, and vlsi classes for you desk monkey?

Pick up a welder and wrench and do some REAL work.

How is I supposed to know what or how to build?

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You don't like it? Find a job creator to pay you what you're worth.

Apparenty our society thinks engineers should be paid more than laborers. :dunno: and that upsets you because you've experienced firsthand how dumb they are.

Why don't you just go back and get that degree so you have the slip of paper that allows society to judge you and pay you more? It's easy if those numbskulls you work with can do it.

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