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So you all thought I was paranoid? Scanners seem to be giving TSA agents cancer...


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Isn't it weird in general that more and more people are ending up with cancer these days...im not trying to be funny either. Thats kinda messed up i think!

more people are being diagnosed, and there are more people TO diagnose. Medical technology has made it possible to detect more types of cancer, and in some cases (think breast cancer) awareness is up, and the cost of testing has come down. We've also gone from 6 billion to 7 billion people in the last 10 years.

I doubt there is a significant increase in the occurrence of cancer that can be attributed to technology, but it's a good "scary headline" for the 6:00 news to talk about cell phones, body scanners, etc. causing cancer.

Maybe the scanners DO increase the odds of getting cancer, but these TSA agents are using them for hours a day. Even someone who flies frequently is only going to get a few minutes of exposure to them each year.

You know what else causes cancer? Saccharine. It's a sugar substitute, used in sugar-free gum. They finally took it off the list of carcinogens maybe 10 years ago, because; while it did cause cancer in lab rats, they were being injected with such ridiculously high doses that there was absolutely NO comparable risk to humans.

I would wager that the TSA scanners are no different. The people working them should be pissed and concerned. The rest of us probably have little to worry about.

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It's funny how from that little bit I said you knew what I was going for with my statement, but u do agree with your post. On top of that the media plants mind bullets into a lot of people's heads on purpose I sware. I know they are just being cautious; the just take it too far all the time.

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more people are being diagnosed, and there are more people TO diagnose. Medical technology has made it possible to detect more types of cancer, and in some cases (think breast cancer) awareness is up, and the cost of testing has come down. We've also gone from 6 billion to 7 billion people in the last 10 years.

I doubt there is a significant increase in the occurrence of cancer that can be attributed to technology, but it's a good "scary headline" for the 6:00 news to talk about cell phones, body scanners, etc. causing cancer.

Maybe the scanners DO increase the odds of getting cancer, but these TSA agents are using them for hours a day. Even someone who flies frequently is only going to get a few minutes of exposure to them each year.

You know what else causes cancer? Saccharine. It's a sugar substitute, used in sugar-free gum. They finally took it off the list of carcinogens maybe 10 years ago, because; while it did cause cancer in lab rats, they were being injected with such ridiculously high doses that there was absolutely NO comparable risk to humans.

I would wager that the TSA scanners are no different. The people working them should be pissed and concerned. The rest of us probably have little to worry about.

Frequent fliers already get more than their fair share of radiation exposure, it's called being at 37,000 feet for a few hours. Even with the limited shielding in the fuselage, at least those doses have reams of long-term data to back up the health effects. I don't need to double-down on this by walking through a machine that was shoved down our throats with no meaningful testing at all by a former DHS director so he can make bank for himself and the company he now represents.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm getting picked for these freaking scanners every time I fly now it seems like. Today, they even felt the need to pat me down even though I went through one. I'm about to stand somewhere with a sign and start a whole big thing. Anybody wanna occupy the airport with me? :) srsly though, it really pisses me off... if you're gonna pat me down anyway, at least don't make me send my naked image to some (potentially) undertrained perv in another room.

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I'm getting picked for these freaking scanners every time I fly now it seems like. Today, they even felt the need to pat me down even though I went through one. I'm about to stand somewhere with a sign and start a whole big thing. Anybody wanna occupy the airport with me? :) srsly though, it really pisses me off... if you're gonna pat me down anyway, at least don't make me send my naked image to some (potentially) undertrained perv in another room.

...and I like to think of myself as a Highly Trained Perv!

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What doesn't give us cancer these days?:rolleyes:

Many years ago I heard my Dad tell this story.

I read somewhere that smoking causes cancer so I quit smoking.

Then I read somewhere that drinking causes cancer so I quit drinking.

Then I read somewhere that Sex causes cancer so I quit Reading!

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I'm getting picked for these freaking scanners every time I fly now it seems like. Today, they even felt the need to pat me down even though I went through one. I'm about to stand somewhere with a sign and start a whole big thing. Anybody wanna occupy the airport with me? :) srsly though, it really pisses me off... if you're gonna pat me down anyway, at least don't make me send my naked image to some (potentially) undertrained perv in another room.

Dont worry, Im the only perve that receives your nekkid photos.:wtf:

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I'm getting picked for these freaking scanners every time I fly now it seems like. Today, they even felt the need to pat me down even though I went through one. I'm about to stand somewhere with a sign and start a whole big thing. Anybody wanna occupy the airport with me? :) srsly though, it really pisses me off... if you're gonna pat me down anyway, at least don't make me send my naked image to some (potentially) undertrained perv in another room.

You have a legal right to refuse to go through the body scanner machines. Of course, by exercising this right you are guaranteeing you're going to get patted down, but in the face of 2 unpleasant decisions I'd take the one that doesn't have me eating radiation.

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