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Buckeye Firearms Assoction


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There is actually both a religion and politics section at USA Carry, it is well run and things tend to stay very civil.

Maybe I will have to check USA carry out I am a member of it I believe, but never really participated. I frequent lots of firearm based forums, mainly for the classifieds honestly, never know what you will find. I also use firearm, vehicle, career specific forums for research and some will not let you use the search function if you are not a member so I have joined and hardly if ever post. I am a member of a Harley forum and have never posted there. I joined because after I got my bike it was running rough and I was trying to find out why it ended up being so simple it was the gas vapor because it was sitting in the garage. I unscrewed the gas cap and re screwed it and it ran normal.

**You may now flame Harley for their gas caps****

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Every group has a couple bad apples that make them look bad. Look at how I was treated here when I stated my opinion about the "anointed one"! I was attacked just like you were there so this site is not immune to the personal attacks and name calling.

I am in between on the idea of Constitutional Carry. I like the training requirement, although I think most people would seek proper training. I came from Indiana where all you have to do is pass a background check to get a permit no training required. I did not seek in person training, but I did a lot of research, and online training, I also didn't carry a firearm until I was proficient with it at the range. Of course I am not the norm so people will carry without ever firing a firearm. I can see both sides of the argument personally.

Also look at how Harley riders get treated here.

I have many many problems with OFCC the religion topic is just the top of the iceberg.

I can too, but just happen to feel stronger about one of the sides.:cool: As for Harley riders, yeah they can be persecuted on most any non Harley site. I love their bikes, enjoyed every single one I have ridden "been several models too". I think the whole persona of "Harely Pirate or poser" lumps everyone into the same bucket, and that for sure isnt true. I will never give ya a hard time, and you gotta ride what you love. Just like anything else.......it is a persons/peoples perception whether right or wrong.

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If you want this country to be successful again you can start by not regulating them so much and allowing them to succeed or fail on their own. This is the struggle for the people to pursue or overcome not the governments.

You are correct........unfortunately there are a few areas right now where this country is in serious trouble.:eek: The Gov isnt helping matters, but my wife and I both being in healthcare see the most lazy and pathetic examples of what is kicking this country in the balls.

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So some of you guys are for the ability of someone who has never even touched a gun to walk into a store purchase a pistol and a holster. and carry it without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled.

No thanks I'd rather have training a simple as it is and keep the wanna be thugs from being able to carry legaly.. thats just me.

EDIT: and for that matter not knowing anything more than on the news that morning a bill just passed to allow everyone over 21 the right to carry without a CHL...

Edited by shadyone
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So some of you guys are for the ability of someone who has never even touched a gun to walk into a store purchase a pistol and a holster. and carry it without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled.


it is our right to carry.

also - your argument makes no sense......its already legal for them to go in and buy a guy and carry it openly, are you saying that carrying concealed is more dangerous than open carry?

soon as someone is 21, they can go in and buy a handgun and holster, slap it on their hip, and carry it openly "without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled. "

if it was up to me, there would be no more permits needed for concealed carry, and there would be no restrictions on who can carry. why should a minor marijuana charge from 1960 stop somebody from carrying today? if they committed a felony they also have their rights revoked. if the felony was so horrible, they should still be in jail. once they are out of jail, i consider that time served. if somebody went on a killing spree with an AK and killed 30 people, they are never going to see the light of day again, therefore they wont ever have the opportunity to own a firearm. if somebody ran from the police on a sport bike and spent 90 days in jail and got 3 years probation, i dont see how that correlates to them not ever being allowed to own a firearm to protect themselves.

the constitution isnt just a suggestion, those are our rights.

we need to stand up for our rights before we lose them completely

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it is our right to carry.

soon as someone is 21, they can go in and buy a handgun and holster, slap it on their hip, and carry it openly "without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled. "


if they committed a felony they also have their rights revoked. if the felony was so horrible, they should still be in jail. once they are out of jail, i consider that time served. if somebody went on a killing spree with an AK and killed 30 people, they are never going to see the light of day again, therefore they wont ever have the opportunity to own a firearm. if somebody ran from the police on a sport bike and spent 90 days in jail and got 3 years probation, i dont see how that correlates to them not ever being allowed to own a firearm to protect themselves.

the constitution isnt just a suggestion, those are our rights.

we need to stand up for our rights before we lose them completely

I agree with you, but it isn't quite so black & white as this. Our justice system doesn't necessarily incarcerate all evil people for life, and there are plenty of bad apples that are repeat offenders. Should they have guns? I believe now this is treated on a case-by-case basis and felons have to go in front of a judge to get gun-ownership rights back, let alone CHL privilege. It's a whole can of messy worms that I'm not sure we could adequately cover withing the scope of a motorcycling forum ;)

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I agree with you, but it isn't quite so black & white as this. Our justice system doesn't necessarily incarcerate all evil people for life, and there are plenty of bad apples that are repeat offenders. Should they have guns? I believe now this is treated on a case-by-case basis and felons have to go in front of a judge to get gun-ownership rights back, let alone CHL privilege. It's a whole can of messy worms that I'm not sure we could adequately cover withing the scope of a motorcycling forum ;)

umm...if theyre such "bad apples" why would they care if they are legally allowed to own the guns or not? people like that will get them either way. not like theres a background check involved in private party sales. or theft.

once a person is released from jail/prison and no longer on parole etc - that is time served. no more punishment after that point. if they still deserved to be punished, they should have a longer sentence.

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i stopped reading on page 1, but you're all missing the point of the internet:

group is started. opinions are formed. those who agree stick around. Those who disagree are shouted down by the masses.

This is how the internet works. like-minded people congregate and convince each other that they're 100% right and everyone else is wrong because of the (perceived) minority support of their opinion.

It happens on this site from time to time too. We're right-leaning and mostly responsible street & track riders. Ask a stunter or highway drag racer how "receptive" we are to their points of view. We're more level-headed than some sites out there, but there is still a bit of a bias here.

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So some of you guys are for the ability of someone who has never even touched a gun to walk into a store purchase a pistol and a holster. and carry it without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled.

No thanks I'd rather have training a simple as it is and keep the wanna be thugs from being able to carry legaly.. thats just me.

EDIT: and for that matter not knowing anything more than on the news that morning a bill just passed to allow everyone over 21 the right to carry without a CHL...

I made the statement earlier that other states allow open and concealed carry without a permit or any required training yet there aren't any significant issues related to it. Why do you have so little faith in the Ohio residents that you think they can't handle the responsibility?

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i stopped reading on page 1, but you're all missing the point of the internet:

group is started. opinions are formed. those who agree stick around. Those who disagree are shouted down by the masses.

This is how the internet works. like-minded people congregate and convince each other that they're 100% right and everyone else is wrong because of the (perceived) minority support of their opinion.

It happens on this site from time to time too. We're right-leaning and mostly responsible street & track riders. Ask a stunter or highway drag racer how "receptive" we are to their points of view. We're more level-headed than some sites out there, but there is still a bit of a bias here.

You forgot to include the Harley and cruiser hating. I personally don't like the 1911 fan boys either but any time I have a discussion with them the bastards stick around anyway. Some people have a better demeanor for internet discussions I suppose.

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Being able to open carry without a CHL is a total pain in the ass, and how many actually do it? You have to follow all the rules for transporting in your vehicle, then you take the risk of holstering/un-holstering your gun in public just so you can carry? Then you have people that can't /wont mind their own damn business and call the police to report you carrying. Now the popo can let you go in peace, or they may just bust you for inducing panic. It just aint gonna work, and it doesnt work......so get your CHL and be done with it.....at least you are 100% legal. I am against those that have had certain felonies and are not able to legally carry, I hope that issue gets fixed eventually. The 2nd Amendment is not being followed to the conditions and expectations that the founding fathers intended........so how can the states/Gov be allowed to do what they are doing? I do agree that many won't carry even if they are constitutionally allowed, but I am still very leery of those carrying that don't know a damn thing about guns.

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Being able to open carry without a CHL is a total pain in the ass, and how many actually do it? You have to follow all the rules for transporting in your vehicle, then you take the risk of holstering/un-holstering your gun in public just so you can carry? Then you have people that can't /wont mind their own damn business and call the police to report you carrying. Now the popo can let you go in peace, or they may just bust you for inducing panic. It just aint gonna work, and it doesnt work......so get your CHL and be done with it.....at least you are 100% legal. I am against those that have had certain felonies and are not able to legally carry, I hope that issue gets fixed eventually. The 2nd Amendment is not being followed to the conditions and expectations that the founding fathers intended........so how can the states/Gov be allowed to do what they are doing? I do agree that many won't carry even if they are constitutionally allowed, but I am still very leery of those carrying that don't know a damn thing about guns.

I totally agree about being leery of others who don't know a thing about firearms. I think you are an idiot for not knowing how to handle them if you want to carry them. My concerns are none of the governments business and they don't need to be regulated.

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We shall see if that happens, I aint gonna bitch about it if it does.

You should go tell the whiners over on Buckeye Firearms that you have seen the error of your evil thoughts. Oh wait you can’t because the assholes locked the thread because they couldn’t handle an adult conversation.

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You should go tell the whiners over on Buckeye Firearms that you have seen the error of your evil thoughts. Oh wait you can’t because the assholes locked the thread because they couldn’t handle an adult conversation.

Exactly...........at least I aint banned yet.:rolleyes:

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To allow everyone no matter what their experience or exposure to firearms and firearm safety to be able to legally carry, doesn't sit well with me. Other than that I agree 100% on the stupid gun laws put into place for those of us that are certified to carry. Granted being certified for a CHL doesn't mean you are special and qualified either, but at least it is a step in the right direction for many who had no prior knowledge or experience prior to the certification class.

So then Vermont must be demonstratively less safe and more crime-filled than Ohio, as they have zero restrictions or permit-based roadblocks in order to carry.

Is this the case?

If it's not, are you willing to use that open mind of yours to admit you might be wrong or emotionally invested in a viewpoint that reality conflicts with?

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So then Vermont must be demonstratively less safe and more crime-filled than Ohio, as they have zero restrictions or permit-based roadblocks in order to carry.

Is this the case?

If it's not, are you willing to use that open mind of yours to admit you might be wrong or emotionally invested in a viewpoint that reality conflicts with?

I am opened minded toward almost anything Craig, although I really don't give a rats ass about Vermont cause I don't live there. Also what cities in Vermont can actually compare to Ohio's in terms of size and the crime that occurs annually? I have been to Vermont, cant say I would feel unsafe anywhere in that state. I honestly thought you might be a person that would be somewhat hesitant to allow everyone to carry, I guess I am now enlightened;).


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