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crazy russian biker


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repost of a repost of a repost x288

still a crazy video to watch though lol

and people opening a car door into a bike doesnt happen as often as people like to think it does....you would be in big fucking trouble for doing that...especially if lane splitting is legal (not sure if it is there, obviously his speed isnt, but you still get the point)

if you were in CA and opened your door to block a lane splitter and ended up having the guy wreck and seriously hurt himself or die, you are going to prison for a good bit ....you can be paralyzed at low speed, just for falling wrong

Edited by Steve Butters
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It is legal in most of europe. Happens way more often than you think. You can kind of tell by how the guy is going down the middle of the freeway at speeds and only 1 person honks lol. In america if that happened it would cause a 500 car pile up because for some reason most drivers here dont understand how wide their cars are and think there toyota prius is a assault tank's width. He scraps a car at around 5:25, and ALMOST wrecked at 4:06 ish. I think it would be funny if that was his comute to work at mcdonalds or something.

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repost of a repost of a repost x288

still a crazy video to watch though lol

and people opening a car door into a bike doesnt happen as often as people like to think it does....you would be in big fucking trouble for doing that...especially if lane splitting is legal (not sure if it is there, obviously his speed isnt, but you still get the point)

if you were in CA and opened your door to block a lane splitter and ended up having the guy wreck and seriously hurt himself or die, you are going to prison for a good bit ....you can be paralyzed at low speed, just for falling wrong

Calling repost without posting a link to the original thread makes you :trollface:
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Calling repost without posting a link to the original thread makes you :trollface:

no way sir.

its been posted so many times that a link wasnt even necessary lol

but just to satisfy, heres two other threads..and in both of those threads, it is called a repost already



Edited by Steve Butters
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