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Wall St occupied by protestors


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Think there isn't censorship in this country? This Wall St protest has been going on for 8 days. With no coverage in the USA, until 80 protesters were arrested today. The AP sent the news out, and so far I only see the Washington Post printing it.

Try the BBC:




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Apparently Yahoo "accidentally blocked" the transmission of emails about the subject.

Yeah... ok....


Protesters are claiming about 5000 people gathering in the nearby park on the nicer days. A search of Google news shows first item was YouTube, Huffington Post picked it up, then Canadian and British newspapers. And that was 3 or 4 days after the start of the protest. A Google search shows the news of it showing up early in various blogs, including the New York Times blog stream, if one were to look there. Major news is still avoiding it? I can't check everything...

But yes, people are noticing that the event and activities were blocked from TV, radio, newspaper, and major American websites. I saw people talking about it on Google+, and didn't notice till some were angry that it was being censored in mainstream media.

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from 9/16










it is being covered. i found those with like a 2 second search. im sure there are a ton more if you did a thorough search.

its obviously not headline news since there is a new season of dancing with the stars, and the jacko trial going on too...

its getting MORE coverage now that the NYPD thinks its cool to go around bashing heads and pepper spraying people just for fun. :rolleyes:

but its definitely been covered since the start. sometimes you have to read more than just the front page of the newspaper.

Edited by John
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...but its definitely been covered since the start. sometimes you have to read more than just the front page of the newspaper.

lol, missing the point here. The news was suppressed from news sources. Some chose to distribute the news anyway.

I saw where the subject was eventually outed by the AP and other news feeds, and almost all media skipped publishing it.

Note that the source of the CNN and USA Today articles are a twitter feed. Filed under social media.

A search of Columbus Dispatch website shows no news of the event.

I don't read the Columbus Dispatch anyway. Not anymore.

edit: btw, I thought it was interesting that it was a steady stream of news in the NY Times blogs. Most people that saw it early, picked up on it there. That particular source of news and opinions is getting to be very interesting to read. Some of the people writing there are very very good.

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Albuquerque, Boston, DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Ashville NC, Portland Maine, Seattle WA?, San Fransisco CA?.

And claims of "dozens of other cities".

You'll have to dig hard to find info on which cities.

AP and Reuters reporting the 400-500 arrested in Brooklyn,

But only limited sources for additional information.

"The event has been under an eerie, almost total major media blackout nationally. Local news, personal accounts, and home video cameras have been documenting the event so far."

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cable TV networks are not about journalistic integrity. they are about $$$. so what incentive would they have to cover it? wouldnt want to piss off their owners...

Note that the source of the CNN and USA Today articles are a twitter feed. Filed under social media.

who under 65 relies on cable TV networks for their news anymore? it is the 21st century. we can get our news from MANY different sources. if you really want to know whats going on, dont wait for cable news to tell you. get on twitter and find out first hand.

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cable TV networks are not about journalistic integrity. they are about $$$. so what incentive would they have to cover it? wouldnt want to piss off their owners...

who under 65 relies on cable TV networks for their news anymore? it is the 21st century. we can get our news from MANY different sources. if you really want to know whats going on, dont wait for cable news to tell you. get on twitter and find out first hand.

Good points. When I think about it, I gave up continuous cable news not long after it started up. Sort of like watching continuous reruns. I do go to CNN on cable for major events. They will have the resources to gain multiple feeds for video, and be able to pull experts in for interpretation of events on-going.

But I still won't think of twitter as a news source. Too limited in character length unless used as a pointer/link to information. Which is what NASA does, and about the only twitter feed I read consistently. It's sort of fun to talk to astronauts and cosmonauts when you spot them flying over. They get a kick out of it.

There's still a good use for reputable news sources like AP,UP and Reuters. And I bet they have twitter feeds, I think I'll check that and add them.

In between, is mobile news apps that fill the gap. BBC is just getting theirs functional. Wasn't quite working the last time I checked. Not really sure what USA media has mobile apps (that I would want to read). USA Today is one.

And there is an app that lets you read all the major world newspaper major headlines on your phone, translated to English. I don't use it a lot, but it's there when I want to check something out.

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Hopefully these protests will get some traction and result in an investigation of the banking debacale.An uncorrupted investigation might led to prison sentences being handed down for Kasich and hundreds of other Wall street criminals.

Darn rich people and those darn fruits of their labor!

Edited by C-bus
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So a bunch of dirty hippies with nothing better to do than camp in the city is not news, but the fact that a bunch of dirty hippies with nothing better to do than camp in the city is not news is?

Eureka! Exactly that.

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The Marines are coming to #OccupyWallStreet to Protect the Protesters

Should probably read "Some Marines, in uniform, join 'dirty hippies' in protesting Wallstreet"

how the heck did you find that? Not that it surprises me that you would read "freakoutnation" and I wouldn't know it existed. :D

Datum of One. Single source information. But will remain to be seen if veterans step up. At this point, anything that will poke Washington DC is ok with me. (All of them, I'm still not partial.)

It is about The People. We're responsible for everything, right or wrong, no one else. Let the people speak, right or wrong.


A rumor had circulated that Marines were coming all the way from Florida on behalf of the protesters, to protect them from the NYPD. “I didn’t fight for Wall Street,” posted serviceman Ward Reilly on his Facebook wall. “I fought for America.” Reilly had pledged that a Marine formation would be held that night. But the Marines hadn’t yet turned up in Zucotti Park. They must have been tied up in traffic.
http://www.edrants.com/occupy-wall-street-after-the-brooklyn-bridge/ Edited by ReconRat
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Media did cover the arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge. 700 of about 3000 protesters got arrested for being on the roadway instead of the pedestrian walkway. Some of them said they were tricked onto the roadway when they followed NYPD walking in front of them. Or NYPD was blocking the pedestrian walkway ahead of them. Whatever, they didn't leave when given the chance and got arrested.

There's been a couple of places where news on the internet has been edited after published, to say something different. That would be a Spin Doctor. They still exist. (Also known as a ninja edit.)

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Occupy Wall Street enters it's third week.

From Reuters:

By one estimate Tuesday morning, "Occupy" events were happening in 147 cities, and much of that is the result of social media being used to recruit the young and the computer-literate.

Protests born on Wall Street spreading nationwide

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