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Can my blackberry used as an internet connection for a laptop?

DTM Brian

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Yes you can depending on your carrier they might charge you I know when I had my blackberry it was $20 a month for $2 GB of data that I went through quick and like $10 for ever GB over the two also Ming was only 3G speed and slow as he'll trying to watch YouTube videos under three minutes.

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- There's <supposed> to be an update to v7 of the BlackBerry OS that will implement the promised "Mobile Hotspot" features promised a while ago by RIM. This, of course, will depend upon your mobile carrier thinking it's a good thing and passing along this ability to you... good luck with that. Also, I'm unsure whether the Curve will be supported - I'd imagine it would be, but haven't searched the BTSC Knowledgebase at RIM yet. I'll get on that in my free time...

- In the meantime, you can try "Tether Bridge" from the App World - free to try for 30 days, and if it does what you want it to do it's $20.

- You could always sign up for the $15 -$45 per month tethering plan your carrier offers.

- There's also a cellular modem option for the lapper itself, but those plans ain't be cheap.

- Option 5: Leech wi-fi from a neighbor. Assuming we're talking about that lapper I set up for you a couple of years back, I <think> it has Intel wireless in it, which you should be able to place into promiscuous mode and start collecting data. Alternately, borrow Amazon's EC2 cloud (Google it) - massively parallel power on the cheap... :D

Edited by jblosser
"but", not "both"
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