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Taxes paying for illegals to go to college??


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This is rigoddamndiculous. And too bad they are going to kawtow to the illegals and make the schools provide the education in Spanish instead of making the "students" learn English and get their education the way the rest of the kids in this country do. Sometimes I wonder if our place on the map with Canada was switched, would the Canadians allow the shit our country does?

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I believe Perry said he is doing the same for illegals in Texas. During the debate in Fla he defended his actions saying it was the right thing to do. But there they had to have been living in Tx for 3 yrs to be eligible.

There is something terribly wrong with the system, and those instituting such a system, when this is allowed to happen.

And people wonder why we are beginning to see huge demonstrations against 'the machine'.

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and you and I get fined $1500 if you don't file a tax return (even if you had no job)so they can give it to a illegal...

a law abiding citizen gets penalized for being law abiding in this country.

True story.

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It's probably a case of these states have lost control. So many have immigrated illegally that there is no turning back. The only way out is to give up and move on. If and when they ever solve the problems they could never solve, they could reverse decisions like this for education. But don't count on it, it's probably going to be that way until there's a radical change in political power in those areas. Which would be approximately never.

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Sometimes I wonder if our place on the map with Canada was switched, would the Canadians allow the shit our country does?

sorry, they cant hear you over their free health care.

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Open the borders. Record DNA and fingerprints and hand them a SSN as they come across. Force them to pay taxes. Shut down and auction off any businesses caught hiring illegals or paying under the table. Problem solved.

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Build a 50 ft high wall, with 50 ft footers, using labor provided by the illegals caught here. When its finished heave them back over the border, then mount armed snipers with 50 cal. autos. Its time to get serious about the invasion. They cost the nation $billions$ in health care costs alone. You do not reward lawbreakers by changing the laws but instead enforce them.

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Im all for illegals getting a good k-12 education...(id rather pay for 13 years of school instead of a lifetime of welfare and ssi)

but this is redic.

You're all for it?? I'm not!! Not 13 years of school, and not SSI. If they are here illegally, they need to be DEPORTED. No questions asked! Why the Fook should we be paying for ANYTHING for illegals who don't contribute any taxes? I havent been able to obtain health insurance in years due to a preexisting condition, yet they can get free health care and a college education. Makes PERFECT sense to me. Fooking insane!!!

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If all the states start putting pressure on illegals they will eventually have to go back. Look at what is happening in Georgia and Alabama since they passed their immigration law. Politicians are out of touch with the majority of the population. Just look at our posts as a sample of the population 90% of us are against it..


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Build a 50 ft high wall, with 50 ft footers, using labor provided by the illegals caught here. When its finished heave them back over the border, then mount armed snipers with 50 cal. autos. Its time to get serious about the invasion. They cost the nation $billions$ in health care costs alone. You do not reward lawbreakers by changing the laws but instead enforce them.

Technically, closed borders is the changed law. FYI. To go back to the founding fathers' visions and beliefs, we'd go back to open borders. And why not? We're hurting for money. The more taxpayers we have the better. I believe the part that needs better enforcement is penalizing those who hire illegal immigrants. If we made it easier to come here (like it was supposed to be) but harder to get away with cheating the system, not as many would actually want to come here. If they had to pay the same taxes we do, things would be much different. What's the worst that could happen? We'd have millions of illegals here not paying taxes yet getting free schooling, healthcare, etc? Oh wait.

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I disagree. We already have too many unemployeds. Adding more potential workers to an already overburdened labor system, educational system, ss system, health care system does not add up.

Take the new legislation in Alabama.

"Read Alabama's Immigration Law, Signed on June 9, 2011"


The ultimate undoing of ANY reform of immigration is that it'll cost the wealthy business owners money, and they'll do ANYTHING to protect that labor supply.

Republicans want to protect the virtual slave labor the the mega farms and big businesses have and the Democrats want the new crop of social welfare junkies to vote for them and theirs. It's a win win for them and a lose lose for us. Remember this, the bottomline for the deciders, those politicians who are the paid for sellouts, is $$$money$$$= votes= re election = $$$money$$$.

The irony of this is (the new Alabama law) is its doing one thing: Its PROVING that the illegal issue can be addressed. They (Illegals) are leaving Alabama in droves and taking their anchor babies with them.


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Why the Fook should we be paying for ANYTHING for illegals who don't contribute any taxes?

its just flat out wrong to think illegal immigrants do not contribute to taxes.

if you file a W2 with a fake name/ss number, uncle sam is still taking money out of your paycheck.

unlike you or i, they arent getting refunds, and they arent eligible for medicare/social security when they retire. so they are paying into a system they will never get anything out of.

the government has estimated that 75% (thats three quarters) of illegal immigrants are paid on formal payrolls.

quite a few pay income tax as well. if they own a house, they pay property tax too.

not to mention sales tax that you pay on stuff you buy, regardless of your citizenship status. gas tax when you fill up your tank etc etc etc.

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its just flat out wrong to think illegal immigrants do not contribute to taxes.

if you file a W2 with a fake name/ss number, uncle sam is still taking money out of your paycheck.

unlike you or i, they arent getting refunds, and they arent eligible for medicare/social security when they retire. so they are paying into a system they will never get anything out of.

the government has estimated that 75% (thats three quarters) of illegal immigrants are paid on formal payrolls.

quite a few pay income tax as well. if they own a house, they pay property tax too.

not to mention sales tax that you pay on stuff you buy, regardless of your citizenship status. gas tax when you fill up your tank etc etc etc.

IF they are receiving a paycheck (W2) and not just cash under the table.

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