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China hit and run little girl left to die


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yes it's fucked, but so is slamming your baby to death in the middle of the street like the hood rat over on 16th ave did last year. you cant really stereotype an entire culture when we have shit that is just as fucked up going on at home.

btw all those people need to die

The most disturbing part wasn't that the guy hit the girl...it was the fact he didn't stop and help...nor did any of the dozens of other people walking by like nothing is going on...or the other truck that used her as a speed bump. At least that ghetto rat that killed the baby was just the sick act of one person...not a whole culture. The laws that are written that put the financial burden on anyone that helps also speak a lot about China and it's way of thinking. That country is a shit hole.

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Company I work for has done it for too many years. New product line here is now being taught to them. There were a bunch touring our place yesterday and about to be taught how to do the jobs so they can do them over there and lose the jobs here. We have lost lots of jobs at my company from them doing the same in the past with other product lines we have.

I don't shop Wal-Mart hardly ever anyway though...lol.

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It is a culture thing. They as a people have been programed for hundreds of years. Remember, the best way to control the masses is to make them believe in an unseen God, and keep them un-educated. :nono:

Not condoning it, but who do you blame?

Ride safe all, and please, ATGATT.


So this is a religious issue? My religion teaches love and caring. I can't think of anyone in my church (or my family, or my friends) who would leave this little girl lying there (Note: I didn't watch the video, but read the thread. Like someone said, "you can't unwatch it").

Unseen? I see God everywhere. Once you know Him, he's not "unseen".

As far as the "uneducated" piece, education is part of the problems today. I got hit with the "save the earth" spiel in school, but nothing like the kids now who are forced to watch Al Gore movies, and that "everything has to be fair". Educational institutions now, on all levels, are indoctrination camps. Especially the universities. My niece came out of OSU as a flaming liberal. We had an adult birthday party at our house a few years ago. Had an inflatable obstacle course (like a bouncy house). We put everyone in brackets. They ran two at a time. As they came out of the end of the course, I said "winners on this side, losers on that side" so the winners could move on to the next round. She came up to me and said "you can't call them losers". The hell I can't. BTW, she lost.

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but the girl died, so they won in their minds. now they don't have to pay any of the medical bills. disgusting shit man

Again, I'm not buying their description of Chinese laws.

I struggle to believe that a communist country would have a capitalist health system. I'm workign to confirm this.

*EVEN IF* the driver has to pay medical bills (or reimburse the goverment for the cost of state-funded healthcare) the drivers would still be facing medical bills associated with the attempts to save the girl, so no victory there - they would have to pay for the ICU etc.

Also they are both facing hit/run charges which, because it resulted in a death, they are looking at 15 years in jail. They might consider it a victory if they got away without being caught, but...

Could someone who watched the video tell me if the license plates are visible in the footage? I wonder how they were caught. May be local trucks that people recognized then confirmed through forensics.

While I still think the whole situation is fudged up from the start (who lets a 2yo wander around a market where there are trucks driving?), I don't agree that the drivers "won".

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The most disturbing part wasn't that the guy hit the girl...it was the fact he didn't stop and help...nor did any of the dozens of other people walking by like nothing is going on...or the other truck that used her as a speed bump. At least that ghetto rat that killed the baby was just the sick act of one person...not a whole culture. The laws that are written that put the financial burden on anyone that helps also speak a lot about China and it's way of thinking. That country is a shit hole.

While I agree with your comment about the Chinese video, it's not without precedent in the US...

CONNECTICUT: 78 year old Angel Arce Torres was ignored after he was knocked down by a hit and run driver and left lying paralysed in the street. One gawping onlooking even took out his cell phone so he could photograph the unconscious and paralyzed victim who is current in a critical condition in hospital.



This man never recovered, never left hospital, and died about a year after the accident. The driver was caught and got 10 years in jail.

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If you ever watch car crash video on youtube (either dashcam or CCTV) you'll notice that overwhelmingly people DON'T stop to help.

Ask yourself...

- Have you ever seen an accident and NOT stopped to give a witness statement? (Even if fault is obvious, a witness keeps everyone honest)

- Have you even come across an accident scene before the police/fire got there and NOT stopped to help?

- Have you ever seen someone hurt in the street and NOT tried to help?

Too many people answer YES to these questions (Followed by rationalization that I don't care to hear).

If I see an accident I always stop to help or give a witness statement.

Probably the worst I've caugh on dashcam is this:


Initially I saw that there were people stopped so I debated stopping too, but figured that nobody was helping the one car so I'd better stop. Irognically one fireman thanked me for stopping (the one who asked if I was hurt) and another yelled at me (arrived later, thought I had driven between the fire trucks out of impatience when in truth I arrived before they did).

The black car with the horn blaring ran a red light onto a 5-lane 55mph highway and t-boned a passing car (the one in the ditch that the nurses were helping). The 3rd car (white lincoln stopped in the left lane) clipped the corner of the black car and suffered minor comestic damage. White lincoln and black car suffered no injuries. The car forced into the dtich hit a pole and the driver was rushed to hospital by EMS. Lucky the nurses were there.

If someone needs your help, please offer it.

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Alright it is sad but who the fuck lets their 2 year old wonder around on a busy street like that. Yes the driver hit her but the parents should be at fault on this one. I could very easily see the driver being distracted and not see a child that doesn't come above the top of his van. Probably thought he hit a dog.

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@ scruit for the Connecticut video- this is why you don't jay walk and this is why people shouldn't illegally cross double yellow lines. both people should be at fault not just the driver.

Absolutely. The point of that video is that none of the bystanders helped and it was only when a cop going to an unrelated call happened to drive up on the scene that he got any help.

People in glass houses...

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the Connecticut video is an example of the "bystander effect" and is pretty well documented occurrence. The china video is so messed up because it is a little kid, and a 2nd driver also ran over the child so they were participants and not bystanders.


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Yet again, England wins!! Proud to be from the most apathetic country out there!! Woohoo! :nono: 20 minutes of the guy actively asking for help?? REALLY???

The only time I ever saw someone incapacitated in the street like that it was a similar situation - people milling past. I stopped and checked on her - she had had a siezure and was coming to as I was talking to her. Her sister arrived and took over (apparently aware of how to handle the girl's condition). She thanked me for stopping and said she could handle it from there.

Anyone ever see the video of the mock aduction of a young girl? Another social experiment. Big burly guy grabbed a young girl who was screaming; "You're not my dad! Let me go!" and they filmn people walking past doing nothing. Until two young black guys saw what was going on and surrounded the guy and "rescued" her.

EDIT: Found it...


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Per Australian news, both drivers have been arrested and most of the maybe 18 people that passed by have been interviewed. Despite what the camera can see, apparently it was pretty dark and hard to see what was there. Yueyue is in a military hospital in critical condition, and is not expected to regain consciousness. Pretty much the entire country of China, and much of the outside world, has watched this video.

'It was too dark': passers-by deny seeing dying toddler Yueyue at their feet

Only the guilty help the injured: legacy of the 'Nanjing Judge' all too apparent as passers-by ignore hit-run toddler

edit: Also interesting, a news article in the Chinese Xinhua English news source by Li Hongmei, titled "Social ills mirrored in passersby's cold-bloodedness:", has been deleted by the Chinese.

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If a vehicle operator hits a pedestrian the government forces them to pay the medical bills (which are insane in China's economy) the people quite literally cannot afford it. IF however the victim dies on the scene there are no fee's or medical bills, and the government writes it off as an "accident." This means if someone hits you in a car or a bus they will INTENTIONALLY back up over you until you are dead in order to avoid inevitability going bankrupt.

Even if the driver flees and someone on the street runs to help, THEY are charged with your injury. No one wanted to help her because the government would charge them the insane bills this girl would have if for some ungodly reason she was still alive. This rule is multiplied immensely if you're American, as you will inevitably seek the help of an American doctor or medical institution which are astronomically more expensive.

apparently NOT

Meanwhile, the street cleaner who came to Yueyue's aid seven minutes after she was first hit has received a 25,000 yuan ($3800) reward from the local government.

The cleaner, identified as 58-year-old Chen Xianmei, said she only did what she believed was right and did not think she deserved the reward.

However, she believed people would accuse her of seeking fame if she rejected the reward. She plans to donate some of it to help with the girl's medical expenses.

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Apparently there's some sort of reverse "good Samaritan" law there. If you try to help some one, you can be judged the responsible and/or guilty party. It comes from a judge's decision in a prior case, and currently keeps people from getting involved.

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Apparently there's some sort of reverse "good Samaritan" law there. If you try to help some one, you can be judged the responsible and/or guilty party. It comes from a judge's decision in a prior case, and currently keeps people from getting involved.

umm...why would they give the person a reward then for helping?

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