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1911 info

Steve Butters

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just went to gander and fondled some 1911s and now i want one bad

how are they for carry? 5" vs 3"?

i like full size 1911s for accuracy and range time etc, but i like 3" for being able to pocket carry (checked fit at the store and it fit)

i really liked the colt defender i held

i have a p2000sk i would have to unload to be able to afford one - so im very hesitant, i have a lot in my HK so i would hate to sell it and then have sellers remorse

looking for opinion on poly vs a 1911 for carry, and 5" vs 3" 1911 for carry

i think the 3" 1911 was lighter than my HK - but i held it unloaded so im not sure...it has less capacity so i think it should even out with my 40 loaded

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  Isaac said:
I was just discussing my 1911 with a co-worker today. I wish I still had it. Once I binned that Hogue rubber grip' date=' and installed the slim carry grips, it was much easier to conceal. Fairly thin, for a metal gun. I had a Blackhawk thumb-break side holster and a SOB holster. I really liked it, but sold it when I was out of work for a year+. I'd like to have another, although I don't think 'pocket carry' is wise with a 1911. Unless you plan on carrying it without a round in the chamber.



i carry in either a blackhawk pocket holster or an OWB holster - my HK doesnt carry well IWB (if i got a 5", i would carry OWB and maybe give IWB another shot, idk)

curious why you say pocket carry wouldnt be good with a 1911 vs a polymer? what would the difference be? holster covers the trigger, and the safety would be on, plus the grip safety

i liked the rubber grips on it - but i would possibly try some slim grips also

how was accuracy with it? recoil? any reliability issues?

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thanks for the review....i dont shoot the HK well which is another reason ive thought about getting something else, but im sure some more range time wouldnt hurt me if i decide to keep it...i was shooting 6" groups at 7 yards, and i feel thats not very good....i see people on an HK forum with the same gun shooting 2" groups at 10 yards...shot a j frame the other day and was shooting 1" groups at 7yds, so i figure i just dont shoot the HK well, idk lol

i think the defender will conceal better - so i might try IWB again if i pick one up, but my pocket holster covered most of the gun so im not overly worried about it...i carry my HK with one in the chamber and it doesnt even have a safety and theres no issues

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Yea im not overly worried on grouping size, but its the fact that i shot the j frame so much better that makes me question my HK.

Under stress and in a defensive situation, my shots will be less accurate im sure (although most likely closer than 7 yards)....i still feel comfortable carrying the HK - but im not opposed to something i shoot better

the width and weight of the defender are what i really liked....but i also handled a PT1911 taurus and i liked it also...that would mean no more pocket carry and its a bit on the heavy side - so im not sure about a 5"

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  Kyle Hunter said:
Usually when you get one 1911 you want more 1911's . . .

i already have this feeling and i dont even own one lol...i would like to buy a 3" and a 5" but its not in the budget right now

its taking a lot of restraint to not go buy the defender and "pay it off later" lol...just dont wanna put it on credit while im still in school, it would be easier to sell the HK and pick one up

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theres a defender for sale on the west side for $800....I could probably get $700 out of my HK but it may take awhile to sell...he isnt interested in trades, and is firm on his price

does this sound like a good price? or should i hold out and wait for a cheaper one or try to sell my HK first? i could cash advance my credit line i use for school and pick it up and then pay it back with the HK selling...or i could just wait...the price seems good, but im not sure its one of those "jump on it" prices...i saw one new for $999, and gander wanted $1099 i think.

also still looking for more opinions on carrying a 3" 1911

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  tbutera2112 said:
thanks for the review....i dont shoot the HK well which is another reason ive thought about getting something else, but im sure some more range time wouldnt hurt me if i decide to keep it...

I had a HK USP 40c and had trouble shooting it as well. Range time always helps though. :o

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  Mykill said:
I had a HK USP 40c and had trouble shooting it as well. Range time always helps though. :o

was yours DA/SA or LEM? mine is DA/SA, i hear they dont shoot as well as the LEM, but i liked DA/SA operation for carry since theres no external safety

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If you decide on a 5" you could get the PT1911AL would be much lighter being made of aluminum as opposed to steel. you can even get a railed version if you wanted and spend a little more than half of what you would on a colt or Kimber..

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I had a PT1911 and I couldn't get it to group worth a Damn, I didst care for it. When it comes to the PT1911's there isn't consistency you either get lucky and get s good if or well. I have two Springfield 1911's and love them they are very accurate out of the box. I would not carry a 1911 in my pocket personally just too big and you have the safety to catch on stuff. I prefer to carry cocked and locked and I just wouldn't feel safe doing so with a 1911 in my pocket. The grouping issues with tour HK might be grip related.

iWB carry isn't bad with the right holster I prefer crossbreed supertucks horsehide, that's how I carry my full size Xdm.

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I have a Taurus PT1911 and love it. I can make one hole with 8 rounds at 10 yrds. Although when it came to carry, I thought it WAY too heavy. Did allot of research and ended up buying a Glock 36, sub-compact .45acp. Cannot beat the weight, durability, and accuracy of the Glock, only weighs 29oz empty. Although not quite as accurate as the 1911, still more than adequate for CCW.

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The 1911 (and the BHP) are among the thinnest full sized guns and that helps concealability.

From a concealment standpoint, it doesn't make a difference if you have a 3", 4", or 5" if you carry IWB since all the barrel is inside.

1911s tend to be on the heavy side, so a good holster is important, as well as proper fitting pants. If the pants are just snug enough, they will take most of the weight instead of putting it all on the belt.

In general, reliability decreases if you get below 4".

Springfield and Dan Wesson are probably the most reliable although S&W and (newer) Sigs have good reputations too. The new Ruger seems to be an excellent gun with a lower price point and good reliability. Rock Island is probably the best bang for the buck.

For something small, lighter weight, and concealable, the Springfield EMP in 40SW or 9mm is a really good gun although they are not cheap.

If you do go to a 1911 type gun, you need to practice, practice, practice until flipping off the safety is just natural. Under stress of a real self defense situation, you do not want to pull the trigger and find that it will not fire because the safety is still engaged.

Yes, it's true, one 1911 is never enough. :D

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I can tell you that carrying a 5" 1911 gets old fast due to the weight. You want something that encourages you to carry, not discourages you. The 3" is a little lighter. My biggest gripe and why I don't carry a 1911 anymore is the magazine capacity. I don't feel comfortable at all having that few rounds, and I haven't been able to get my Springfield to go more than a few hundred rounds without jamming. Fussy about mags, expensive to maintain, heavy, low magazine capacity, and reliability are big turn-offs FOR ME.

The worst you can do is try it. If it's not for you, find something else. In my case, I've been much happier since I went to the M&P platform.

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Why not just carry a sub compact 9 and use the .45 as the range toy/ SHTF pistol? Only holster I'd have sitting around for a .45 is one for open carry. I don't see the point in carrying around something that big. I know it'd pull my pants off my butt.

And I'm sorry, but who wants a safety on your CCW? I'm assuming if I need to pull out my gun I don't have any extra time to spare turning off my safety. I want to pull my gun out and only have to worry about pulling the trigger and that's it. You don't know what you're going to do in a high stress situation, and I'm sure most of us here haven't been put in a situation where we really needed to draw on someone, so we don't know how we'll react. It at least won't be second nature.

Edited by Radio Flyer
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  Radio Flyer said:
Why not just carry a sub compact 9 and use the .45 as the range toy/ SHTF pistol? Only holster I'd have sitting around for a .45 is one for open carry. I don't see the point in carrying around something that big. I know it'd pull my pants off my butt.

And I'm sorry, but who wants a safety on your CCW? I'm assuming if I need to pull out my gun I don't have any extra time to spare turning off my safety. I want to pull my gun out and only have to worry about pulling the trigger and that's it. You don't know what you're going to do in a high stress situation, and I'm sure most of us here haven't been put in a situation where we really needed to draw on someone, so we don't know how we'll react. It at least won't be second nature.

Well to answer some of your questions:

Many people feel that a .45 is much more effective than a 9mm, especially a compact one.

If the gun is pulling your pants down, then you have the wrong pants and/or wrong belt.

Sure, no safety on a defensive gun. Glocks have a lot more accidental discharges than a 1911. IF YOU PRACTICE, there is no delay swiping off the safety. Mine comes off as the gun clears the holster, automatically. A 1911 with it's single action trigger, gives you a consistent trigger action from first shot to follow up shots, something that does not happen with a traditional SA/DA gun. Safety is provided on a SA/DA gun by having a long, stiff trigger pull for the first shot. A 1911 has the same crisp action for all shots.

Of course there are many fine guns out there and almost as many opinions as to which is preferred. YMMV.


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