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New Battlefield trailer!


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What a short ass campaign! Finished it up last night. Normal difficulty was a bit too easy. So it should be interesting to play back through on hard.

Anyone play co-op yet? I guess there is a whole set of different missions.

I still dislike the multiplayer. I do like how they have added more game variants.

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What a short ass campaign! Finished it up last night. Normal difficulty was a bit too easy. So it should be interesting to play back through on hard.

Anyone play co-op yet? I guess there is a whole set of different missions.

I still dislike the multiplayer. I do like how they have added more game variants.

I've only played 2 of the co-op missions but they were pretty good. What don't you like about the multiplayer?

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I've only played 2 of the co-op missions but they were pretty good. What don't you like about the multiplayer?

Running for a country fuckin mile to find someone/something to shoot at. Then just as I sight in, getting picked off by someone another country mile away. I can't fly, and my driving isn't much better, so I try to avoid the vehicles.

Also the random spawn in team death match is just terrible. Spawning an arms length away from the enemy is not random. Granted, one time I was spawned directly to the 6oclock position of three enemies. Good for me, bad for them.

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Running for a country fuckin mile to find someone/something to shoot at. Then just as I sight in, getting picked off by someone another country mile away. I can't fly, and my driving isn't much better, so I try to avoid the vehicles.

Also the random spawn in team death match is just terrible. Spawning an arms length away from the enemy is not random. Granted, one time I was spawned directly to the 6oclock position of three enemies. Good for me, bad for them.

Yeah it's definitely a different feel from CoD. I've been playing Battlefield for a long time and I've always liked it better than other shooters becuase of the variety of things you can do. But if you can't get used to the vehicles or don't like using vehicles you're probably not gonna have much fun cuz the maps are so big. I can't really comment on team death match cuz I always play rush or conquest.

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Yeah it's definitely a different feel from CoD. I've been playing Battlefield for a long time and I've always liked it better than other shooters becuase of the variety of things you can do. But if you can't get used to the vehicles or don't like using vehicles you're probably not gonna have much fun cuz the maps are so big. I can't really comment on team death match cuz I always play rush or conquest.

I've played the battlefield series for a while now. This is my biggest bitch with all of them. These maps on the new game seem to dwarf the previous games. Eventually I get used to BF style of play and will actually have fun. Until then, I'm achievement hunting in the campaign and co-op.

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ive been tagging along with r1crusher and blue 636...i just listen to them talk and try to figure out what theyre doing and assist lol...im starting to get the hang of it a little more, had fun with it last night

Yeah I had fun those few rounds we played until I had to get some sleep. Fucking exhausted right now...I might take a nap at my desk.

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ive been tagging along with r1crusher and blue 636...i just listen to them talk and try to figure out what theyre doing and assist lol...im starting to get the hang of it a little more, had fun with it last night

The dreaded question PS3 or Xbox? If PS3 what are your screen names?

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Yeah I had fun those few rounds we played until I had to get some sleep. Fucking exhausted right now...I might take a nap at my desk.

was the most fun the first game when they put me on the opposite team and i was hearing you three coordinate lmao made it easy to find you guys...i wanna say we played until about 1ish...blue had to go, and then me and r1 finished a game and i took off...not sure if he stayed on or not

The dreaded question PS3 or Xbox? If PS3 what are your screen names?


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I like the maps to be more open, I hate bumping into a shit ton of people.

I'm starting to get better with the chopper, my first flight lasted about 5 seconds. I'm up to about 20-30 seconds now. lol

Haha yeah the choopers are hard to fly. I'm ok until I actually have to try to attack someone or evade missiles

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i do semi ok in the chopper....once people start hitting it with rockets and throwing me off my game i usually wreck

tried the jet once and thought i was doing ok just flying around, but apparently i need to use a different view than the cockpit because i smashed one of the wings into a tower or something and exploded

and i need to figure out how to parachute....i jumped out of a chopper last night thinking it was automatic....nope

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I haven't tried the jet yet, I figured I would just crash sooner if I even make it off the ground.

Jets are pretty easy one you figure out where you are. I suck at the choppers, both flights have last less than 10 seconds. I like the feature if you get tired of flying around you can parachute out and join the ground battle.

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and i need to figure out how to parachute....i jumped out of a chopper last night thinking it was automatic....nope

I don't know about Xbox, but on PS3 you bail out with the O button and then push X to deploy your chute.

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Jets are pretty easy one you figure out where you are. I suck at the choppers, both flights have last less than 10 seconds. I like the feature if you get tired of flying around you can parachute out and join the ground battle.

we had a guy last night on the other team that didnt realize you cant kill people by dropping flying vehicles on them, so he kept getting in choppers and aiming them at us and then bailing out and letting them smash into where we were sitting

one other match i got put on the opposite team, and one of the OR guy i dont know who was flying the chopper and it was very obvious...only time ive been able to shoot one down using a rocket launcher without locking in on the target lol...they were hovering very slowly in the same spot...i think i missed with two and hit on the third and fourth

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I've tried flying choppers, but I'm worse than blue03 at it. I suppose I could go and change up the options to make it easier for me to do. I finally got fed up with one suck ass camping out in a building and then letting everyone spawn on him. Next thing you know there's 5 or 6 guys coming out like cockroaches when the lights go off. I got fed up and wanted to find a car just to catch them running out and getting some road kill points.

Hate playing Rush on the city maps, just too close quartered and they use the same tactics I listed above. WAY too many choke points to move forward with any effectiveness.

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