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Free to Good Home!


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So I stopped and talked with my neighbor today while they were cutting the bean fields and while we were standing there this guy came out of the brush and over to us. I believe it is spayed male and he is super friendly. Obviously well fed as well. I didnt want to leave him running around because he probably wouldnt make it more than a couple of days, especially with the hawks circling the fields looking for mice during the cut.

Please someone take this guy within the next day or so or else he will end up getting let loose or taken to a shelter. Unfortunately I dont have any time to deal with it because I travel allot for work. Im willing to bring him to you tomorrow if you are around columbus because I want to help.



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Don't forget that new rabbits have to be quarantined before joining with other rabbits in a community. Too easy to transmit fatal rabbit diseases. It's ok though, it's a precaution to prevent losing the entire herd. Err... warren... whatever...

I found a nice one turned loose in my neighborhood. It took up residence in the yard with a couple of the neighbor's cats. I caught it in a live trap with a mixed salad, and ran it up to the animal shelter in Hillard. The only one that will take rabbits. It was a tame rabbit, it liked the cage.

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i was serious though....why dont you just eat it? its a rabbit not a dog...weve shot and cooked some wild rabbits and the meat is actually great ...if you could remove the gamey taste completely then it should be even better...that sucker looks nice and plump - ready to be cooked

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