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ESPN NEWS- Joe Pa has been fired as Penn State football coach; school president Graham Spanier dismissed

Yep, just of Fox. Proof the media rules the world. I hope they lose every game for the next ten years. We don't know the circumstances but It sounds like JoPa was canned just because. :nono:

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I am glad he got fired pa is one of the few states that does not legally require you to report abuse to police. If he was in any of the other 45 states his ass would be in jail. I think everyone in that chain of command should lose their jobs. I still don't understand how you could work with someone that long knowing that they did those kind of things.

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I am glad he got fired pa is one of the few states that does not legally require you to report abuse to police. If he was in any of the other 45 states his ass would be in jail. I think everyone in that chain of command should lose their jobs. I still don't understand how you could work with someone that long knowing that they did those kind of things.

Why? Because Joe Paterno didnt meet your moral standard of doing enough? This is the type of shit that happens when the media sensationalizes and plays on peoples emotions.

This is something I put on facebook earlier, might as well put it here too.

More proof that the media is way more powerful than it ever should be, Joe Paterno was fired after doing absolutely nothing wrong and following proper procedure. The only reason he got fired is because the media made it out to be something it wasn't. This legendary coach gets fired which means no pension or any other retirement from the university all because the media once again sensationalizes the story and decides to play on the general publics emotion instead of reporting only facts and not bullshit. The general public is to blame too because 90% of people cannot put emotions aside long enough to look at facts all they hear is child molestation and anyone who knew the guy should be burned at the stake. Well congratulations assholes you just ruined the career and reputation of one of the greatest coaches to ever be on the field, i hope you feel better now that the witch hunt is over.

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OK so like tressel, lets make someone that did nothing the F'in fall guy. I know this has been discussed but dammit people. Fire the tard not the guy that had nothing to do with it.


Just because he is the head coach that does not mean he should be fired because his staff did whatever. This is stupid, Once again. First Jim now Joe.

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Football is srs bizznass

I take college ball more srs than pro ball. But this is just getting stupid now. :nono:

Oh wait a minute. Coach one of your guys sold some stuff to get a tatoo. Your fired.

Oh wait coach one of your staff assualted a under age kid in the shower. Your fired.


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Oh wait a minute. Coach one of your guys sold some stuff to get a tatoo. You knew about it, lied about it, and went down in writing that you didn't know. You're fired.

Oh wait coach one of your staff raped a 10yr old boy in the shower. You were told about it. You knew about it. You did the very minimum you could legally do without being arrested yourself but made no attempt to ensure that it was actually investigated. You're lucky that PA law doesn't require basic human morality so you can't be *charged*, but your responsibilty to manage the people that report to you was breached when you allowed a child rapist to continue working for you without asking; "Hey, why is he not in jail?" You're fired.

ftfy At least that's how I imagnie the conversations went. I have to assume the trustees have more info that we currently do. Police reports etc.

He was not the only person fired from Penn State. It was a systemtic problem, and anyone who was part of the system that stilfed these allegations must pay the price.

Are any of the JoePa suppoorters sparing a thought for the rape victims here? Just wonderin'

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I must be a real asshole because I don't think they should've fired him and let him finish out the season. But then again I have testicles and use logic as opposed to emotion, even if its real fucked up logic

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My brother walked in and caught his neighbor / best friend in the act of abusing an 8yo girl. He was under no legal reporting obligation.

He called the police. The man is now serving 14 years in jail.

That's how you do it. Any questions?

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I must be a real asshole because I don't think they should've fired him and let him finish out the season. But then again I have testicles and use logic as opposed to emotion, even if its real fucked up logic

The timing sucks. SHoudln't have been done in the middle of the season.

Should have been done back when the crime happened. Nobody should have covered up the rape of a 10yr old. It's like a cancer - all of the tumor must be removed if the university is to survive.

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Should have been done back when the crime happened. Nobody should have covered up the rape of a 10yr old. It's like a cancer - all of the tumor must be removed if the university is to survive.

Completely agree. My only issue with it is that I haven't seen anything proving JoePa himself covered anything up. That doesn't mean there isn't anything, I just haven't seen it so if someone has some info to dispute this I would easily change my stance.

He reported something that was not seen by his own eyes to his superiors who had a higher power to take care of the situation. THEY chose not to take care of it along with college police, state police and possibly an assistant DA. Sure, he didn't go to enough lengths to get it taken care of in most peoples opinions but how did he know if the GA was telling the truth? The GA could've had a grudge or something.

The whole situation is absolutely despicable and Sandusky should be lit on fire and hung from a tree while beaten and sodomized by his victims. The administrators that have been charged with crimes also should suffer massive beatings and sodomization. JoePa shoulda been left to finish the season and retire. Do I think he is innocent? Hell NO! But do I think he deserves as much as hes taking right now, absolutely not

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I have a question... how did he keep from killing the guy?

He's legally blind (lost 75% of his vision due to a brain tumor when he was 10 - has severe tunnel vision, but what he sees he sees clearly) and his neighbor was much bigger. He would have lost a physical confrontation. It also would have given the abuser the chance to destroy evidence.

Instead he went and called the police without the guy knowing he'd been seen. By the time the police arrived the guy had left the building and was arrested in a traffic stop - the police then searched his house and found evidence of years of abuse of multiple victims. All the evidence was set up in a way he could have destroyed it in seconds. Even if the police had knocked on his dooto serve a werrant while he was home the evidence could have been destroyed.

So, controlling the understandable urge to wade in an kill someone too it from a single rape charge then a he-said-she-said for everything else - into a slam dunk case where this man will likely not ever be released from jail. The prosecutor wanted 21 years but would have required a 6yo to testify about what happened to her - they settled for 14 years.

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Why? Because Joe Paterno didnt meet your moral standard of doing enough? This is the type of shit that happens when the media sensationalizes and plays on peoples emotions.

This is something I put on facebook earlier, might as well put it here too.

Coaches do not punch in at the beginning of the day and out at the end of the day, 24/7 they represent the university and everything it stands for. Molesting children in your locker room is not something that the university gets to decide if it is right or wrong. It is a legal issue so reporting it to your boss is not sufficient. It does not free you of your obligations.

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The guy my brother caught / turned in...


He was facing 800 charges to begin with. He had 37 SD cards full of pictures and videos of his crimes.

My brother sent me this update about the guilty plea:

Alan Nixon has been sent to prison for 14 Years

7 years for Rape of a child

4years for idecent penetration of a sexual Nature

2 years for posession of around 43,000 grade 5 images

1 year for Possetion of around 77,000 Grade 4 images

I would have hoped for more than 7 years for rape of a child - however you have to consider that murder is 25 years max.

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OK so like tressel, lets make someone that did nothing the F'in fall guy. I know this has been discussed but dammit people. Fire the tard not the guy that had nothing to do with it.


Just because he is the head coach that does not mean he should be fired because his staff did whatever. This is stupid, Once again. First Jim now Joe.

Apples and oranges. Tressel intentionally broke the rules. Paterno followed the rules.

Big diff.

I talked with someone who is in a similar job and his contract clearly states that he is required to take matters like this to his upper management, and it states, not to the police. Of course no one really knows what Paterno's contract states. Yet, lets react based on the media's buildup of it all. Once again we let the media dictate our actions and reactions. And just what did firing Paterno accomplish? Nothing positive. It also puts other coaches on alert-they are liable whether they follow their contract or not. The system is broke and this helps prove that.

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And just what did firing Paterno accomplish? Nothing positive. It also puts other coaches on alert-they are liable whether they follow their contract or not. The system is broke and this helps prove that.

You answered your own question. People now know that they must report crimes of this nature and that their contract won't save them.

Mandatory police reporting laws exist for many occupations. Teachers, doctors, photo developing places (people still use those??) Some states are thinking about adding IT techs to that list (if you find kiddie porn on a computer you are working on) (I drafted corporate reporting policies for a company I used ot be IT Manager at. I was very clear and all IT techs had to follow it - non-illegal porn found on a company computer was reported to me and HR. Kiddie porn gets reported to the police directly, and follow-up with me and HR.)

But you have to take a step back and relaize that regardless of your prescribed legal obligation, every person has a moral duty to report a sex crime against a child to the police.

No contract should ever tell you that you cannot report a crime to the police.

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