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Hey penn state....


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You answered your own question. People now know that they must report crimes of this nature and that their contract won't save them.

Mandatory police reporting laws exist for many occupations. Teachers, doctors, photo developing places (people still use those??) Some states are thinking about adding IT techs to that list (if you find kiddie porn on a computer you are working on) (I drafted corporate reporting policies for a company I used ot be IT Manager at. I was very clear and all IT techs had to follow it - non-illegal porn found on a company computer was reported to me and HR. Kiddie porn gets reported to the police directly, and follow-up with me and HR.)

But you have to take a step back and relaize that regardless of your prescribed legal obligation, every person has a moral duty to report a sex crime against a child to the police.

No contract should ever tell you that you cannot report a crime to the police.

You violate your contract, you are fired. Your it issue with work computers is a different issue totally.

Think of Richard Jewell. The media jumped into his accusations and when it was over he was ruined.....and proven innocent. The system is broke.

Sad day indeed for CFB, even sadder in Happy Valley. The media wins again and the victims are still victims.

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While I am torn about JoePa being fired I do see the reasoning behind hit. What I don't get is why Mike McQuery is still employed, he did the exact same thing Joe Pa did. He should have been axed last night as well. Maybe he will be in the future . If anyone saw the press conference when they announced the decision on JoePa, it was very clear that this was a snap decision.

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Are any of the JoePa suppoorters sparing a thought for the rape victims here? Just wonderin'

As victims I am sure they would like to see the whole college burn to the ground but it doesn't mean they are right. They have been violated in a way no one ever should be, but because they are suffering does not make it ok for for others to suffer without just cause.

Paterno is collateral damage in a media driven public relations move. If other facts come out that indicate Paterno covered this up like the 2 that are up on chages then my opinion will change, until then he got screwed for following protocol.

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The guy my brother caught / turned in...


He was facing 800 charges to begin with. He had 37 SD cards full of pictures and videos of his crimes.

My brother sent me this update about the guilty plea:

I would have hoped for more than 7 years for rape of a child - however you have to consider that murder is 25 years max.



A Life Sentence for Possessing Child Pornography

Last week a Florida judge sentenced Daniel Enrique Guevara Vilca, a 26-year-old with no criminal record, to life in prison without the possibility of parole for looking at forbidden pictures.

A jury convicted Vilca on 454 counts of possessing child pornography, one for each image found on his computer. Under Florida law, each count is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Sentencing guidelines indicated a minimum term of 152 years, although Collier Circuit Judge Fred Hardt had discretion to impose a lighter sentence if he concluded it was justified by factors such as constitutional infirmity or Vilca's mental health.

"Had Mr. Vilca actually molested a child," The New York Times notes, "he might well have received a lighter sentence."

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Apples and oranges. Tressel intentionally broke the rules. Paterno followed the rules.

Big diff.

Not so sure about that. Rumor has it the vest followed the rules also, but was used a scapegoat. I find it quite believable since the changed his resignation with no pay to retirement with full benefits. They wouldn't have done that if they had legal grounds to force him to leave.
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After reading through this I'm in the minority it appears. I don't think firing was enough.

Every person starting with McQuery should be charged with some form of child abuse. While Sandusky was the perp McQuery, Joe Pa, and those above him are just as guilty. This is a group of people that all knew what was going on for a decade and turned a blind eye to it and let it go on. The janitors that saw Sandusky in the showers with a boy in 2000 should be facing charges also.

I don't care what the contract says or what rules dictate, it's not acceptable to let child abuse/sodomy to go on and do nothing about it. I've got to believe if I walked in on it I'd walk out in cuffs. Anyone who would see it happening and walk out is as guilty as the perp.

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Not so sure about that. Rumor has it the vest followed the rules also, but was used a scapegoat. I find it quite believable since the changed his resignation with no pay to retirement with full benefits. They wouldn't have done that if they had legal grounds to force him to leave.

Funny you should mention that theory-I think its very plausible myself. Now with the latest round of sanctions and accusations from the NCAA maybe people will realize the real problem probably lies with the AD and the compliance office leadership.

I also have thought it would be just like Paterno, knowing his run was about done anyway (prior to the scandal)

, to offer himself as a scapegoat. "Fire me, its whats best for the University." Just as long as you pay me what I have worked for 60 years to get.

I see Joe hired an atty, probably to protect himself, but it might also be to make sure he gets his pension, which he should get.

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Every single person aware of sex allegations should have gone to the police. F*ck the contract. I'd sign a work contract saying I can't report this stuff to the police but I'd break that contract in a second if I saw crap like this going on.

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Here's the indictment if you still don't think joe-pa should be fired you're an idiot.


You keep carping that Paterno deserved firing, when he was told a couple of guys are horsing around in the shower then tells his higher up, but the 28 year old adult man who walks in on the incident, AND DOES NOT STOP IT, GOES HOME TO TELL HIS DAD INSTEAD OF TELLING ANY OFFICIALS, OR THE POLICE, yet he can keep his job. BS

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You keep carping that Paterno deserved firing, when he was told a couple of guys are horsing around in the shower then tells his higher up, but the 28 year old adult man who walks in on the incident, AND DOES NOT STOP IT, GOES HOME TO TELL HIS DAD INSTEAD OF TELLING ANY OFFICIALS, OR THE POLICE, yet he can keep his job. BS

Slow down, turbo - you been following the news? The 28yr old has been suspended indefinitely and they're still deciding what to do with him. My guess is he's toast too, for the same reason as JoePa.


Edited by Scruit
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I am just staing that they were justified in firing him. I also think they would be justified in firing the athletics director and president of the university. As for the other guy his ass should be in jail for not reporting it.

There is not a single thing in there that justifies his firing. The only way his firing is justified is if he actively covered up the incident which he did not do. All he had to work with was an accusation from someone else. He did not see anything, he reported the accusation to his boss his boss fucked up not him. He did nothing wrong and absolutely did not deserve to get fired. If people could set aside emotion for 2 fucking seconds and work with facts and logic then they would see that he should not have been fired, but of course since there was a kid involved the whole fucking campus should be burned down and anyone who was even remotely close to the situation should be burned at the stake. They conducted a fucking witch hunt as a public relations move. This mans legacy and career and life are now ruined because fucking morons can not look at a situation logically with the presented facts.

Fact: Joe Paterno did not see the incident

Opinion: Being told about the incident is just as bad as seeing it

Fact: Joe Paterno followed protocol and reported what he had heard to his superiors

Opinion: He should have said fuck protocol and called police

Fact: Joe Paterno fulfilled his legal obligation by reporting the accusation that he did not see to his superiors

Opinion: He had a moral obligation to do more.

Like I said before I personally would have done more follow up on thesituation but it still does not justify Joe Paterno being fired

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As a father of a 10 year old football player (same age as one of the 2002 vicitims), I know for a fact that I'd be sitting in city/county lockup right now, as the D.A. would be considering whether or not to file charges against me on a count of manslaughter.

Sh*t like this, when the victims are children and the adults who are supposed to protect them do next to nothing, really, really, REALLY angers me.


so you think killing that man is worth 10-15 years away from your son while you are in prison?

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Fact: Joe Paterno fulfilled his legal obligation by reporting the accusation that he did not see to his superiors

Opinion: He had a moral obligation to do more.

The fact that he fulfilled his legal obligation is the reason he wasn't criminally charged with anything. Has no bearing on his moral duties or his duty to effectively coach his team.

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The fact that he fulfilled his legal obligation is the reason he wasn't criminally charged with anything. Has no bearing on his moral duties or his duty to effectively coach his team.

And that's why he shoulda been able to retire at te end of the year in my opinion

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And that's why he shoulda been able to retire at te end of the year in my opinion

I would have been ok with him retiring at the end of this season - as long as he is out of the program and the message is sent out that even icons are not immune.

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