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Entertainment from last night


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My fiances family has a cabin on the river halfway between gaysport and malta. We frequent the place in the summer for some fishing every now and then. Not much to it, just been in the family for years.

There is a gi-normeous maple tree growing in the side lot (approx 5' at the base - across). Family felt compelled to have it trimmed up so it would not fall and hit the neighbors house (even though he is a old asshole).

They paid to have 30 feet of the top taken off all the way around. While the trimmer was there working on it, the asshole comes over and tells him to cut another 10 feet off of every branch left. :confused: The trimmer does and then calls the family and request the extra money...

... I was there to load the wood when he request it from me. I was like the asshole told you to cut it. The asshole needs to pay you! WTF is wrong with you dumbass. Why would you do what he said when he does not own the property?

Oh brother I can see the disaster coming here. :nono:

Fukin drama...

to boot the asshole wont talk to me. he gave me shit last year and I told him I would beat the ever loving shit out of him if he ever approached me again. He stays in the house when I am down there now. Stems from him trying to run me the fiance and the neice and nephew off while we were fishing one day and him saying he owned the cottage and he never gave me permission to be there. :D

I will cut this fuk-stick up and use him for bait he fucks with anyone else down there. I love him that much

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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the rule of fight club is there are no rules, punch him in the face :D

just kidding, i am advocate of ahimsa," try to forget it if u cant forgive, and ignore his presence if you cant seem to avoid."

or may be the easy way is just punch him in the face

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the rule of fight club is there are no rules, punch him in the face :D

just kidding, i am advocate of ahimsa," try to forget it if u cant forgive, and ignore his presence if you cant seem to avoid."

or may be the easy way is just punch him in the face

I think I am picking up what you are putting down!

I just need to punch him in the face or ignore him. Or punch him in the face again. :lol:

Thanks man, I think I needed to vent it off more than anything.

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