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Commercial control by Direct TV


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I have been noticing this for quite a while now. Didn't know if anyone else has seen this also.

I have Direct TV, mid level service, not HD.

I just don't like the picture on HD, my old eyes like the standard picture.

Here is the rub.

I am watching a Football game, or another Sports show. I am also watching a regular show, a commercial comes on, I hit the "BACK" button to go to the Football game.

Oh, another commercial, on at the exact same time as the other show I clicked from.

A LIVE Football game, who knows when there is a change of possesion, time out, quarter or half ending, it is LIVE.

Just today, I decided to keep track of this intertesting coincidence.

Out of 27 clicks, on different channels and diff. shows and diff games, 23 were met with another commercial.

If I was selling advertising, I would gaurantee that part of the package in this add deal, gave the clicker another commercail, which greatly increses the chance of the clicker going back to the original.

Does this sound familiar to anyone else on here.

Something else, on Direct TV I get personal messages from them that puts a ghost image up telling me that this show is better in HD.

I have to go to the message screen and shut it down.

I have discussed this with customer service, and they are clueless.

Sorry for the length of this, just wondering if it is accross the board or am I Special. :thefinger:

Ride safe all, and please, ATGATT.


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There is a name for it... Happens on radio - not only do differents channels from the same network tend go to commercial at the same time, but you can pay to have your commercial be broadcast nearly simultaneously on all channels in the network to increase the chances that your ad is seen by more people.

Many ads are target-specific, though, so it won't help. Ads during football games tend to be for beer and trucks. During kids shows are toys and kid-themes eating places.

Advertisers don't want people sidestepping commercials by changing channels, especially to another channel run by the same company that you are paying to run your advert.

How many ads do regular shows run? Top of the hour, bottom of the hour and two in between? 6 slots per hour?

My observation is that during gootball games they tend to run more commercial breaks but with fewer ads. You may only get one or two ads sometimes. change of posession, coach's challenge, booth review, timeout etc. They usually have a minute or two for those. And I know the network has the ability to tell the league to wait for the restart until they get back from current commercial. Nobody, not the advertiser, NFL, TV network or fans wants to miss a touchdown because someone blue-tinted black and white guy with a broken-down mustang is apparently no longer worried about his previously broken-down meat missile.

Edited by Scruit
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There is a name for it... Happens on radio - not only do differents channels from the same network tend go to commercial at the same time, but you can pay to have your commercial be broadcast nearly simultaneously on all channels in the network to increase the chances that your ad is seen by more people.

Just about to say this - if one of my 6 presets on the Sable is on commercial, 9 times out of 10 the other 5 are too. And the 1 time out of 10, only one of the others is playing music. I think on radio and TV they have accepted a standart timing of commercial - usually between shows (27 and 57 after the hour), "first break" (10 and 40 after), and "last break" (22 and 52). I've also noticed most newer shows, especially hour long, will delay that first commercial break five minutes or so, but then it's longer. Gets people hooked.

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