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I get that all to often when holding the door for my girl and who ever happens to be coming through the door next :nono:

She appreciates it and says thanks but Ive had women look at me in the eye and then just keep walking no thanks or even a smile

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I hold the door for just about anyone. Mostly because I believe in karma. Now with that being said. You would be surprised by how often I struggle to get through them with my son who is in a wheelchair. While slackjawed fucks just stand there.

Sorry for slight derail. Back to Men Are Superior, Women Are Dumb.

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there are many reasons to hold the door open for people...

#1 - Being nice to someone doesn't cost a damn thing, and maybe you have just kept someone from being late

#2 - it doesn't hurt to walk in after a woman, so she doesn't see you scoping her ass

#3 - especially at work, why wouldn't you find any excuse to not go back to your desk?

#4 - refer to #2

#5 - sometimes it just feels good to be courteous

#6 - did I mention you get to look at her butt?????

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there are many reasons to hold the door open for people...

#1 - Being nice to someone doesn't cost a damn thing, and maybe you have just kept someone from being late

#2 - it doesn't hurt to walk in after a woman, so she doesn't see you scoping her ass

#3 - especially at work, why wouldn't you find any excuse to not go back to your desk?

#4 - refer to #2

#5 - sometimes it just feels good to be courteous

#6 - did I mention you get to look at her butt?????


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I hold the door for others and always thank people for holding it for me...the world would be a better place if we all slowed down just enough to think of some one else.

Ditto although I pretty much body checked this dumb bitch that decided she wanted to walk in the door that was open, it also happened to be the door that a line of people were coming out of. There was another door right next to it.

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I was walking with some people yesterday, and a guy in the group opened a door, and I opened the one right next to him. He looked at me and said, aw, chivalry is dead, so we went to walk through the next set of doors, and the guy (someone I don't know) opened the door, seemed to snake through it and just let it shut in my face.... can't imagine why i would rather just open my own door :)

although, I do think its nice when people hold the door open for me.

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Anyone else open the door to a public bathroom with their foot, though? :)

If I can open a door with my foot, it WILL be opened by my foot :D

P.S. also my 454th post :D

Made me think of my 454LTD that I sold this past summer :cry: damn I miss that thing!

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Anyone else open the door to a public bathroom with their foot, though? :)

Not only do I open with my foot, I use a paper towel to turn the handle if the door opens to the inside.

Now, with more bathrooms having those stupid blow dryers...I'm pretty much fucked if the door opens to the inside. I just wait until someone opens the door. I waited almost 30 minutes one time...

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Not only do I open with my foot, I use a paper towel to turn the handle if the door opens to the inside.

Now, with more bathrooms having those stupid blow dryers...I'm pretty much fucked if the door opens to the inside. I just wait until someone opens the door. I waited almost 30 minutes one time...

Some restrooms have a door butler at the bottom so you can open them with your foot. I use my foot to flush too...

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