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Operation Northwoods: Makes the 9/11 conspiracy nuts not so nutty


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8. It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate

convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down

a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United States to

Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama or Venezuela. The destination would

be chosen only to cause the flight plan route to cross Cuba.

The passengers could be a group of college students off on a

holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to

support chartering a non-scheduled flight.

a. An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and

numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered

aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the

Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be

subsituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be

loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under

carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered

aircraft would be converted to a drone.

b. Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual

aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rendezvous south of

Florida. From the rendezvous point the passenger-carrying

aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly

into an auxiliary field at Eglin AFB where arrangements will

have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the

aircraft to its original status. The drone aircraft

meanwhile will continue to fly the filed flight plan. When

over Cuba the drone will being transmitting on the inter-

national distress frequency a "MAY DAY" message stating he

is under attack by Cuban MIG aircraft. The transmission

will be interrupted by the destruction of aircraft which will

be triggered by radio signal. This will allow IACO radio

stations in the Western Hemisphere to tell the US what

has happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to

"sell" the incident.

There's lots more. This isn't a movie script. This is a declassified government document from 1962.
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It's a big stretch to say that they would apply that plan to killing thousands of citizens and destroying the center of our economy. If they did, there would be evidence of the plan, just like this northwoods document. That means eventually the truth would come out through FOIA. I couldn't find anything about this on snopes so I can't say for sure it isn't a total fabrication. What I do know is that all the 9/11 conspiracy theories are absolute, unmitigated horse shit. Here's a theory for you; a small group of extremists with very limited resources, driven by crazy religious beliefs and an almost psychotic hate for America hijacked some planes, controlled the passengers, killed the crew and flew into the pentagon and wtc. The end. If someone had come to you in 2000 and laid that shit on you, you would call them crazy.

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It's a big stretch to say that they would apply that plan to killing thousands of citizens and destroying the center of our economy. If they did, there would be evidence of the plan, just like this northwoods document. That means eventually the truth would come out through FOIA. I couldn't find anything about this on snopes so I can't say for sure it isn't a total fabrication. What I do know is that all the 9/11 conspiracy theories are absolute, unmitigated horse shit. Here's a theory for you; a small group of extremists with very limited resources, driven by crazy religious beliefs and an almost psychotic hate for America hijacked some planes, controlled the passengers, killed the crew and flew into the pentagon and wtc. The end. If someone had come to you in 2000 and laid that shit on you, you would call them crazy.

I bet in 1962 if you'd asked anyone if the government was capable of staging terrorist attacks in order to gain support for a war against Cuba they would've thought you were crazy. They were contemplating blowing up US ships (which would cause casualties). I only posted one small section of the document.

As for proving whether it's real or not:





In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
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either way.... Im with crusher..... anyone that views 9/11 as a inside job is a fkn loon. If they had gone so far as remote controlled the planes into the towers where in the fuck did they find all those passengers that just up and disappeared from their lives without as much as a thought. SERIOUSLY......... come on.

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The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.
This was feasible in 1962.

I'm not saying 9/11 was an inside job. I'm simply provoking thought.

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Well this was during the height of the red scare and McCarthyism, our govt did a lot of grimey shit back then, like state sponsored racism and segregation, subverting seditious ideas, limiting free speech etc in the name of security for the most part. I would like to think that our system of government has evolved since then. At least this has a clear end game, destroy Cuba. I still haven't figured out what the end game is for the conspiracy theory.....our nation has yet to profit from any of the military action taken after 9/11. Some weirdos will tell you it was all so dick Cheney could pocket some haliburton dollars but I don't buy that for a second.

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Well this was during the height of the red scare and McCarthyism, our govt did a lot of grimey shit back then, like state sponsored racism and segregation, subverting seditious ideas, limiting free speech etc in the name of security for the most part. I would like to think that our system of government has evolved since then. At least this has a clear end game, destroy Cuba. I still haven't figured out what the end game is for the conspiracy theory.....our nation has yet to profit from any of the military action taken after 9/11. Some weirdos will tell you it was all so dick Cheney could pocket some haliburton dollars but I don't buy that for a second.

You think our government is better and more honest now than they were 39 years ago?

As for end game, well, over $3.7 trillion has been spent so far. Did the troops get that money? Nope.



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So you honestly believe our government executed a perfectly orchestrated hoax involving all the different agencies and bureaucracies involved and killed 3000 of its own citizens, crippled its own economy and blew up part of the headquarters of its own military just to justify spending its own tax money on a virtually un-winable war to make dick cheney rich? I'm sorry but apart from that being just fucking crazy, our government has proven it can't even balance a check book, let alone pull off some crazy rube goldberg shit like that. Our government has improved since the 50's tho, civil rights, FOIA, EPA, etc...

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What about building 7? Building 7 was never hit by anything, yet collapsed in under 7 seconds from a small office fire. Demolitions are planned. This demolition just happened to occur on September 11th at just the right time.



By the way the video's demolition expert, Danny Jowenko, recently died in a freak car accident. :rip:


Edited by alienpi
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I don't think our govenment had anything to do with 9/11. I think our government, who is controlled by a very persuasive small group of rich individuals (some who are not even Americans), had everything to do with not preventing it from happening.

Knowing how the American people would react, they ceased the opportunity to take more of our rights away from us.

And you better believe, if this small group of individuals sees another opportunity to munipulate the American people into giving up more of their rights, no matter the death toll, they will do it.

There is a much larger agenda going on than just flying a few planes into some tall buildings.

Of course this is just my opinion and theory and means absolutley nothing because I'm just an idiot from a small town in Ohio.

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I have watched numerous movies on this subject and have come to the conclusions I want as little government in my life as I possibly can have. I don't wanna believe the massacre of 9-11 was an inside job but if im wrong I wanna be as far from those responsible as I can be.

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I have watched numerous movies on this subject and have come to the conclusions I want as little government in my life as I possibly can have. I don't wanna believe the massacre of 9-11 was an inside job but if im wrong I wanna be as far from those responsible as I can be.


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I'm not gonna argue any of the rediculous claims of controlled demolition or any other conspiracy theory, they have already been proven false by plenty of independant investigations, one of which was done by popular mechanics magazine. People who argue this

nonsense aren't interested in truth, they're interested in their opinion being right.

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I'm not gonna argue any of the rediculous claims of controlled demolition or any other conspiracy theory, they have already been proven false by plenty of independant investigations, one of which was done by popular mechanics magazine. People who argue this

nonsense aren't interested in truth, they're interested in their opinion being right.

Many times truth is stranger than fiction. I think it's funny when the facts are there, but people are told to dismiss them by the controlled main stream media. It's easy to dismiss the truth by claiming conspiracy theory. I think many couldn't handle the truth.

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I only read the section on tower 7 and all I have to say is look at their source. The NIST, where do you think their funding comes from. I'm not saying one way or the other but just because a government funded agency says something doesn't make it true.

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Same holds true for paranoid college kids. The discovery channel also put a bunch of the claims to an actual test, one of which was packing 70 lbs of thermite around a structural steel I beam 1/4 the size of those used in the wtc and detonating it. The steel was left intact, but when they put one across a ditch filled with burning jet fuel it buckled after a few minutes.

Let's try using occum's razor here:

What is the least complicated explanation? The intricate, convoluted conspiracy theory or that a group of terrorists who hate us flew planes into buildings, the fire weakened the steel and the buildings collapsed?

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Same holds true for paranoid college kids. The discovery channel also put a bunch of the claims to an actual test, one of which was packing 70 lbs of thermite around a structural steel I beam 1/4 the size of those used in the wtc and detonating it. The steel was left intact, but when they put one across a ditch filled with burning jet fuel it buckled after a few minutes.

Let's try using occum's razor here:

What is the least complicated explanation? The intricate, convoluted conspiracy theory or that a group of terrorists who hate us flew planes into buildings, the fire weakened the steel and the buildings collapsed?

Paranoid college kid?

Do I think our government did it? Not necessarily

Is our government capable of such a thing? Absolutely

Would there have been a motive? Look at the war that was started using this event as justification

What did our government gain from this?

Millions of people signing up for and supporting the invasion of the oil rich middle east nations that were full of WMD hoarding terrorists. People willingly giving up freedoms in the name of "safety." How many laws and policies were put into place because of this event that were meant to "protect" us?

All I'm saying is that our government would have had the capabilities and motive to plan and carry out the attacks. I don't want to believe that is the case and more than likely isn't but I wouldn't put it past them. There is as much credible evidence for the official report as there is against it.

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