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COLUMBUS, Ohio - Police said that they think two people are casing out parking lots near West Broad and Interstate 270.

According to police, the couple has been casing out west side parking lots and fencing whatever they find for cash to buy drugs, CrimeTracker10's Angela An reported.

"Intelligence we're gathering right now, we think they are hitting anywhere from 8-10 cars a day," Franklin County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Jason Ronk said.

Ronk said that the two have been using a method that had been gaining popularity among criminals.

Ronk said that he was not giving away trade secrets, but wanted to equip car owners with information they need to protect themselves and their belongings, An reported.

According to Ronk, the best way to protect yourself from this new type of car robbery is to leave nothing behind.

Cliffs: Thieves have a new way they can open your car whenever they want. We won't tell you how, though.

I'm going to wet myself laughing if it's the tennis ball method. :rolleyes: Or the keyfob-over-the-cellphone method.

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The piece I saw mentioned punching a screw driver under the door handle and levering the latch to 'unlocked'. Leaves a small hole in the door, and when done on the passenger side, the driver may not even notice that anyone's been in the vehicle.

Two of our employee's vehicles were done that way here last spring. One hole was obscured by the trim and was not immediately noticed. The driver thought perhaps he had left his car unlocked--even though the thief apparently had relocked the door behind him.

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The piece I saw mentioned punching a screw driver under the door handle and levering the latch to 'unlocked'. Leaves a small hole in the door, and when done on the passenger side, the driver may not even notice that anyone's been in the vehicle.

Two of our employee's vehicles were done that way here last spring. One hole was obscured by the trim and was not immediately noticed. The driver thought perhaps he had left his car unlocked--even though the thief apparently had relocked the door behind him.

That's not "new". My Bronco got broken into that way back in '98.

F*ckers did every lock that way - both doors and the tailgate. Too lazy to hit the central locking button.

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This isn't really new, but it works well:


Carwash used this last week to get my car open. It wasn't discreet at all, and it looked well-used. Looked like they would break something, but they didn't. Note to self: take the keys with me from now on.

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there are tons of places online that will.

Amazon, for one.

...Note to self: take the keys with me from now on.

After the last time I locked myself out, I started carrying my extra remote/key in my left pocket, just in case. Haven't locked the keys in the vehicle since, of course.

Now, it feels "wrong" if I don't have a set of keys in each front pocket.

I may be a knob for doing this, but I'm not a locked-out knob. :D

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