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Here is an article with the picture of her place and some of the quotes.


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Welfare Ain't What It Used To Be

Sharon Jasper has been victimized. Sharon Jasper has been rabidly wronged. She has become a Section 8 carcass–the victim of ever changing public housing policies.

Sharon Jasper has spent 57 or her 58 years dedicated to one cause and one cause only, and has nothing to show for her dedicated servitude. She has lived in Section 8 housing all but 1 of her 58 years. It was a legacy passed down from her parents who moved into Section 8 housing in 1949 when she was six months old. She has passed the legacy down to her children, but fears they may have to get jobs to pay for the utilities and deposits. She laments about her one year hiatus from the comfort of her Section 8 nirvana, 'I tried it for a year. you know…working and all. It's not anything I would want to go through again, or wish on anyone in my family, but I am damn proud of that year.'

Sharon was moved out of her St. Bernard housing project after hurricane Katrina and into a new, yet albeit, substandard quarterage. As can be noted from the above photo of her new Section 8 home, it is repugnant and not suitable for someone of Sharon Jasper's seniority status in the system. 'Don't be fooled by them hardwood floors,' says Sharon. 'They told me they were putting in scraped wood floors cause it was more expensive and elegant, but I am not a fool – that was just a way to make me take scratched up wood because I am black. The 60 inch HD TV? It may look nice but it is not a plasma. It's not a plasma because I'm black. Now they want me to pay a deposit and utilities on this dump. Do you know why?'

She has held her tongue in silence through the years of abuse by the system, but it came to a head at the New Orleans' city council meeting where discussions were under way about the tearing down of the St. Bernard projects. When a near riotous exchange between groups opposing the tearing down of St. Bernard and groups wanting the dilapidated buildings torn down and newer ones built, Sharon unleashed verbal hell with her once silenced tongue. The object of her oratory prowess was an acquiescent poor white boy in attendance. The context of her scathing rebuke was, 'Just because you pay for my house, my car, my big screen and my food, I will not be treated like a slave!' and 'Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!'

Recapping from the mental log of the city council minutes in her head, Sharon repines, 'Our families have been displaced all over the United States. They are being forced to commit crimes in cities they are unfamiliar with. It is a very uncomfortable situation for them. Bring them back, then let's talk about redevelopment.'

Sharon directs the reporter's attention across the street to Duncan Plaza where homeless people are living in tents and states that, 'I might do better out there with one of these tents.' She further lamented her sentiments about her situation, 'I might be poor, but I don't have to live poor.'

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That's what happens when you create a dependency class of people.

They've been given EVERYTHING for so many generations that they have now come to EXPECT everything be given to them. Its no longer "assistance" but an entitlement to them.

Not to drag up an old thread, but the Somali's that were busted for grub stub fraud took what, $3,000,000? How much to you think this ungreatful bitch has sucked from the government in 57 years?

There's really only one way to fix it - STOP GIVING SHIT AWAY!

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No shit. the whole "it's not plasma because I'm black" comment really sent me through the fucking roof. She's living better than just about anyone I know! in my entire family (I'm Italian, the stereotypes are true, it's a big ass family) theres only 2 house holds that have flat screens, my grand parents, and my dad, and my dad has a plasma, grand parents have an LCD. We're a pretty well to do family and none of us are hurting for anything, but we're also not as well off as this cunt, and she's complaining about it!

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This goes back to my point about welfare in the universal healthcare thread. Yes, there are people that do abuse the system, are ungrateful, and unappreciative. But, what else do we do with these people? We can't kill them off, it's cheaper to pay them welfare than to stick them in prision, and -- I don't think that lady is qualified enough to be a Walmart greeter let alone hold a job of any importance.

Bottom line: I'd rather have someone working that has a little self-pride than to force this 60-yr-old lady to get a job where she'd end up sabotaging herself or just getting in everyones way. Flat screen or not, this story was reported in the way it was reported because someone has an agenda against welfare. None of you know the exact circumstances or nor do you know what or why this lady is Section 8 beyond "she doesn't want to work".

Just to ENLIGHTEN all of you, the article mentioned she's on the HANO voucher program (text copied from http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/offices/miscdocs/docs-231/Resources/New/SURVIVAL%20GUIDE%20-%20revised%2011-29-07.pdf):

HANO Voucher Program - Become a Homeowner

HANO offers a program in which Section 8 vouchers can be used to purchase a

home. Participants must become financially fit, be a first-time homeowner, be

employed for at least a year, satisfactorily complete HANO's pre-assistance

homeownership and housing counseling program, attend post-purchase

counseling and monthly homebuyer club meetings, and earn an annual salary of

at least $10,300 [2,000 hours x Min wage of $5.25/hr]. For more information call Audrey Williams, lead case manager

in HANO's Homeownership Department, at (504) 670-3428.

[Emphasis is my own]

If you dig even further, which people don't because they don't want to WORK to get information (kind of like welfare of information??), you'll see that Section 8 homeowner voucher program gives people one time LUMP sum payment to cover a downpayment on qualified homes, then (if I read it correctly) will use further Section 8 assistance to cover the mortgage payment (when necessary). Anyone that knows about Section 8 also knows there's a "one-strike" and you're out policy, so you can figure at least this lady isn't bad at paying bills on time.

I'd be upset too if I was in a program where I was trying to BUY a house, and then they want to knock it down -- forcing me to start the process all over again, somewhere else. You want to get these people OFF the system, but everytime the SYSTEM changes the rules, they have to go right back into the SYSTEM.

And regarding the text you posted below the picture Nick... I found your source for THAT inflammatory text -- hell, the title of it is "A Skewed View" obviously to incite this exact sort of response from people.

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Maybe you misread the article...

Sharon Jasper has been victimized. Sharon Jasper has been rabidly wronged. She has become a Section 8 carcass–the victim of ever changing public housing policies.

Sharon Jasper has spent 57 or her 58 years dedicated to one cause and one cause only, and has nothing to show for her dedicated servitude. She has lived in Section 8 housing all but 1 of her 58 years. It was a legacy passed down from her parents who moved into Section 8 housing in 1949 when she was six months old. She has passed the legacy down to her children, but fears they may have to get jobs to pay for the utilities and deposits. [blunt statement, she doesn't want to work, and she doesn't want her kids to have to work, she's proud to suck off the sytem] She laments about her one year hiatus from the comfort of her Section 8 nirvana, 'I tried it for a year. you know…working and all. It's not anything I would want to go through again, or wish on anyone in my family, but I am damn proud of that year.' [you need more proof she's a welfare sucking leach?! ]

Sharon was moved out of her St. Bernard housing project after hurricane Katrina and into a new, yet albeit, substandard quarterage. As can be noted from the above photo of her new Section 8 home, [which looking through the pictures is a pretty nice place] it is repugnant and not suitable for someone of Sharon Jasper's seniority status in the system. 'Don't be fooled by them hardwood floors,' says Sharon. 'They told me they were putting in scraped wood floors cause it was more expensive and elegant, but I am not a fool – that was just a way to make me take scratched up wood because I am black. [no bitch, you'll take the scratched up hardwood floors because you refuse to work and live off of hand outs, take what your given and be happy you got anything cunt!] The 60 inch HD TV? It may look nice but it is not a plasma. It's not a plasma because I'm black. Now they want me to pay a deposit and utilities on this dump. [like every hard working American, oh wait YOUR NOT A HARD WORKING AMERICAN, YOUR THE CANCER EATING AT THIS COUNTRIES SOUL!!] Do you know why?'

She has held her tongue in silence through the years of abuse by the system, but it came to a head at the New Orleans' city council meeting where discussions were under way about the tearing down of the St. Bernard projects. When a near riotous exchange between groups opposing the tearing down of St. Bernard and groups wanting the dilapidated buildings torn down and newer ones built, Sharon unleashed verbal hell with her once silenced tongue. The object of her oratory prowess was an acquiescent poor white boy in attendance. The context of her scathing rebuke was, 'Just because you pay for my house, my car, my big screen and my food, I will not be treated like a slave!' and 'Back up and Shut up! Shut up, white boy! Shut up, white boy!' [sounds like she expects to have everything provided for her and be treated like royalty. typical welfare shit, also sounds like she's a racist fucktard too]

Recapping from the mental log of the city council minutes in her head, Sharon repines, 'Our families have been displaced all over the United States. They are being forced to commit crimes in cities they are unfamiliar with. [yeah, it'd be much nicer to have them committing crimes back at home where when their thrown in jail at least you could go visit them] It is a very uncomfortable situation for them. Bring them back, then let's talk about redevelopment.'

Sharon directs the reporter's attention across the street to Duncan Plaza where homeless people are living in tents and states that, 'I might do better out there with one of these tents.' She further lamented her sentiments about her situation, 'I might be poor, but I don't have to live poor.' [ahh, yes you do bitch! it's called being rewarded for making something of yourself, your stupid fucking ass expects to be rewarded for doing nothing, and contributing nothing to society]

The article says enough, it may be intended to help those who are struggling, but all it's doing is supporting filth. Fuck her. She can die in a box on the street corner like so many Vets who fought for this country.

THAT is the saddest part of this country, a veteran who fought for this country won't be given anything, and is forced to live in a box on the street, and this cancer is given a damn good lifestyle and has the nerve to bitch about being given NY strip, when she thinks she deserves Fillet since she's getting it for free. Fuck her, I hope she drowns in a sewer somewhere.

She and her whole family are leaches. She doesn't want to work, she doesn't want her children to work, she wants to live like Bill Gates, off of the tax payers money. She deserves to live in a box in the street, after a year of working she decided it wasn't for her?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? work isn't for me either but somethings got to pay for my bike, gasoline and basic cable, this cunt has a 60"HD TV, I've got a 27" my aunt was throwing away, and I can't afford to go out and drop 2500 on a 60" HD, plus the HD package etc that comes with it.

Welfare isn't helping these people, it's supporting them, several generations of them!

Work harder, millions on welfare depend on you!

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This goes back to my point about welfare in the universal healthcare thread. Yes, there are people that do abuse the system, are ungrateful, and unappreciative. But, what else do we do with these people? We can't kill them off, it's cheaper to pay them welfare than to stick them in prision, and -- I don't think that lady is qualified enough to be a Walmart greeter let alone hold a job of any importance.

What do we do with these people? FORCE them to get to work by cutting the subsidy after 6 months. I don't care what kind of job she may or may not be qualified for, I'm tired of bustin my dick so that some people can get a free ride.

With everything she has, and everything she's gotten, I kinda doubt that it would be cheaper to put them in prison.

Bottom line: I'd rather have someone working that has a little self-pride than to force this 60-yr-old lady to get a job where she'd end up sabotaging herself or just getting in everyones way. Flat screen or not, this story was reported in the way it was reported because someone has an agenda against welfare. None of you know the exact circumstances or nor do you know what or why this lady is Section 8 beyond "she doesn't want to work".

This woman has been in the "system" virtually ALL HER LIFE. I really don't care who or what she "sabotages" along the way. Bottom line??? WTF? Bottom line is this woman has a place to live and a big fucking television because people who WORK EVERY DAY paid for it.

Just to ENLIGHTEN all of you, the article mentioned she's on the HANO voucher program (text copied from http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/offices/miscdocs/docs-231/Resources/New/SURVIVAL%20GUIDE%20-%20revised%2011-29-07.pdf):

HANO Voucher Program - Become a Homeowner

HANO offers a program in which Section 8 vouchers can be used to purchase a

home. Participants must become financially fit, be a first-time homeowner, be

employed for at least a year, satisfactorily complete HANO's pre-assistance

homeownership and housing counseling program, attend post-purchase

counseling and monthly homebuyer club meetings, and earn an annual salary of

at least $10,300 [2,000 hours x Min wage of $5.25/hr]. For more information call Audrey Williams, lead case manager

in HANO's Homeownership Department, at (504) 670-3428.

[Emphasis is my own]

If you dig even further, which people don't because they don't want to WORK to get information (kind of like welfare of information??), you'll see that Section 8 homeowner voucher program gives people one time LUMP sum payment to cover a downpayment on qualified homes, then (if I read it correctly) will use further Section 8 assistance to cover the mortgage payment (when necessary). Anyone that knows about Section 8 also knows there's a "one-strike" and you're out policy, so you can figure at least this lady isn't bad at paying bills on time.

Dude, this lady's been on the dole for 57 years. She doesn't even come CLOSE to qualifying for that program. I'd say you need to do a little more research into what exactly section 8 is.

I'd be upset too if I was in a program where I was trying to BUY a house, and then they want to knock it down -- forcing me to start the process all over again, somewhere else. You want to get these people OFF the system, but everytime the SYSTEM changes the rules, they have to go right back into the SYSTEM.

And regarding the text you posted below the picture Nick... I found your source for THAT inflammatory text -- hell, the title of it is "A Skewed View" obviously to incite this exact sort of response from people.

Dude, if you're cool with giving people something for nothing, thats fine with me. I'm not, so why should I be forced to participate?

Maybe you could pay my share?

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To start off, both Todd and Dweezel...you both must've glanced over the very last point in my previous post, about how that text that Nick copied wasn't from the NEWS. It was from some right-wing blog that added a lot of the quotes to make it incendiary. Some snippets are true, but a lot of it is 'interjected opinion'.

What do we do with these people? FORCE them to get to work by cutting the subsidy after 6 months. I don't care what kind of job she may or may not be qualified for, I'm tired of bustin my dick so that some people can get a free ride.

With everything she has, and everything she's gotten, I kinda doubt that it would be cheaper to put them in prison.

Wrong... read the stuff I posted in the other thread


This woman has been in the "system" virtually ALL HER LIFE. I really don't care who or what she "sabotages" along the way. Bottom line??? WTF? Bottom line is this woman has a place to live and a big fucking television because people who WORK EVERY DAY paid for it.


Dude, this lady's been on the dole for 57 years. She doesn't even come CLOSE to qualifying for that program. I'd say you need to do a little more research into what exactly section 8 is.

Umm, obviously she DOES qualify if thats what the article said?? If you have any research of your own to refute this, I'd be willing to read it.

Dude, if you're cool with giving people something for nothing, thats fine with me. I'm not, so why should I be forced to participate?

Maybe you could pay my share?

Just because I defend the welfare system does not mean 'I'm cool with giving something for nothing'. I don't know why people think that. The welfare system SERVES a purpose, all social programs serve SOME KIND of purpose (or aim to at least). Everyone's logic of, "Just go out and get a Goddamned job!" is NOT A SOLUTION. If it were that simple, people would do it. So, I'm all ears for people to give their take on how all these problems with the "system" should be fixed, but you have to think deeper than whats right in front of your face. Put a little more thought than, "Just go get a job". You have to think of the secondary and tertiary consquences of the decisions being made that directly AND indirectly affect people.

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To start off, both Todd and Dweezel...you both must've glanced over the very last point in my previous post, about how that text that Nick copied wasn't from the NEWS. It was from some right-wing blog that added a lot of the quotes to make it incendiary. Some snippets are true, but a lot of it is 'interjected opinion'.

Wrong... read the stuff I posted in the other thread


Umm, obviously she DOES qualify if thats what the article said?? If you have any research of your own to refute this, I'd be willing to read it.

Just because I defend the welfare system does not mean 'I'm cool with giving something for nothing'. I don't know why people think that. The welfare system SERVES a purpose, all social programs serve SOME KIND of purpose (or aim to at least). Everyone's logic of, "Just go out and get a Goddamned job!" is NOT A SOLUTION. If it were that simple, people would do it. So, I'm all ears for people to give their take on how all these problems with the "system" should be fixed, but you have to think deeper than whats right in front of your face. Put a little more thought than, "Just go get a job". You have to think of the secondary and tertiary consquences of the decisions being made that directly AND indirectly affect people.

Woah...take a deep breath of real air, and put down the crack pipe, my liberal, tree hugging, welfare supporting little buddy.

YOU need to re-read what YOU posted. This broad has never paid for anything in her life, according to the article. Explain to me how she qualifies for a program that YOU said required you to have a fucking job???

In reality it IS as simple as finding a FUCKING JOB. If you have a job, go to work, and pay for the shit you have, the system works. Thats what I do, my girlfriend does, and many many other people do.

What are the the "secondary and tertiary consquences of the decisions being made that directly AND indirectly affect people"? Gimme a break man. The fact that someone can suck of the government tit for nearly 60 years and not be institutionalized is absolute bullshit.

Tell you what. Why don't you double up on your "contribution" to this lifestyle choice? That way I can reduce my contribution.

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And regarding the text you posted below the picture Nick... I found your source for THAT inflammatory text -- hell, the title of it is "A Skewed View" obviously to incite this exact sort of response from people.

Dude I'm gathering lately that you're a sissy. This isn't English class. Sorry if you think it's skewed. For homework you can do your own research ok? I'm sure your findings will elaborate more on your sissiness.:rolleyes:

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Woah...take a deep breath of real air, and put down the crack pipe, my liberal, tree hugging, welfare supporting little buddy.

You have no idea how off-base that is, but whatev :slap:

YOU need to re-read what YOU posted. This broad has never paid for anything in her life, according to the article. Explain to me how she qualifies for a program that YOU said required you to have a fucking job???

In reality it IS as simple as finding a FUCKING JOB. If you have a job, go to work, and pay for the shit you have, the system works. Thats what I do, my girlfriend does, and many many other people do.

What are the the "secondary and tertiary consquences of the decisions being made that directly AND indirectly affect people"? Gimme a break man. The fact that someone can suck of the government tit for nearly 60 years and not be institutionalized is absolute bullshit.

Tell you what. Why don't you double up on your "contribution" to this lifestyle choice? That way I can reduce my contribution.

Alright, lucky for you, I have the time to do this, but normally I don't make it a habit to hand-hold people through this...

1) Click first link in Nick's post

2) 13th paragraph down, under 'Added Expenses' -- the first time they make reference to Sharon Jasper

3) "A HANO voucher covers her rent on a unit in an old Faubourg St. John home, but she said she faced several hundred dollars in deposit charges and now faces a steep utility bill."

4) THUS, this is how I deduced she's a qualified participant in the HANO program.

5) Reading the HANO literature I set forth in my prior post, to qualify you must meet certain criteria.

6) THEREFORE, Ms. Jasper must meet said criteria to be part of the program.

Where is my logic flawed in that? That is how I deduced she qualifies... satisfied now Todd? :rolleyes:

Secondary and tertiary consequences like, what if there are no jobs, or no employers willing to hire people because of their race or work ethic? What if they're disabled? What if they're too old? What if these people just flat out refuse to get a job? How do you deal with the increase in crime? How do you deal with the people in the street, begging for change? You just going to let bodies pile up until people decide to get a job? You can't be serious that it's just THAT easy to get a better than minimum wage job, because you sure as hell can't live off minimum wage. So do you increase the minimum wage? Or just have people work more hours? If they work more hours, should they get overtime? Should they get benefits? How would that affect employers and their hiring practices then?

C'mon, you gotta think farther ahead than your nose.

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Dude I'm gathering lately that you're a sissy. This isn't English class. Sorry if you think it's skewed. For homework you can do your own research ok? I'm sure your findings will elaborate more on your sissiness.:rolleyes:

I don't know where you equate sissiness with being educated, or seeking to educate yourself. It's funny how when people run out of options or facts, they resort to name-calling.

People are too much like lemmings and just believe all the shit they're fed. If you can come in and post skewed stuff like that to support some personal belief you have, the least I can do is try to dig deeper into the issue and make people aware of the things that get 'buried' that don't support their viewpoint, or at the very minimum, educate myself on some of the additional problems we're facing in America today.

If you posted it as something that was funny or something, I wouldn't have touched it -- but you posted this thing in an effort to spread politicizing bullshit and start this "everyone jump on the bandwagon and agree that welfare is bad"-thread. It's just a shame more people aren't open minded enough or diligent enough to seek out the facts themselves. Just because I defend things or do MY research doesn't mean I necessarily agree with the stuff I defend. I have my own views and I spend just as much time researching opposing viewpoints as I do my own.

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If you posted it as something that was funny or something, I wouldn't have touched it -- but you posted this thing in an effort to spread politicizing bullshit and start this "everyone jump on the bandwagon and agree that welfare is bad"-thread. It's just a shame more people aren't open minded enough or diligent enough to seek out the facts themselves. Just because I defend things or do MY research doesn't mean I necessarily agree with the stuff I defend. I have my own views and I spend just as much time researching opposing viewpoints as I do my own.

Hmmm, interesting. You're opinion on my opinion is skewed JRMMiii. I haven't been argueing with you at all. I'm just tired of you having to turn everything into a debate. You're putting words in my mouth now, claiming you know what my purpose was for this thread. You are seeming like a hypocrite now.:nono:

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Hmmm, interesting. You're opinion on my opinion is skewed JRMMiii. I haven't been argueing with you at all. I'm just tired of you having to turn everything into a debate. You're putting words in my mouth now, claiming you know what my purpose was for this thread. You are seeming like a hypocrite now.:nono:

It wasn't meant to be hypocritical, but it is a little ironic how you don't like that I pass judgment on your intentions, yet you can pass yours when you've never personally met this Jasper lady...

Don't post things that are debatable, and I won't debate with you. Problem solved. Like I said, if you can post your opinions, it's only fair game I can post mine -- assuming we have that freedom on these boards, which according to the rules, I'm not being sexist, racist, or advertising, so I think I'm in the clear.

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You have no idea how off-base that is, but whatev :slap:

I dunno...after reading some of your posts, you seem to be the most left leaning person on this board. I might have went overboard on the crack pipe comment, but I'm guessing I wasn't too far off on the rest of it. I'd also guess your a union member.

Alright, lucky for you, I have the time to do this, but normally I don't make it a habit to hand-hold people through this...

1) Click first link in Nick's post

2) 13th paragraph down, under 'Added Expenses' -- the first time they make reference to Sharon Jasper

3) "A HANO voucher covers her rent on a unit in an old Faubourg St. John home, but she said she faced several hundred dollars in deposit charges and now faces a steep utility bill."

4) THUS, this is how I deduced she's a qualified participant in the HANO program.

5) Reading the HANO literature I set forth in my prior post, to qualify you must meet certain criteria.

6) THEREFORE, Ms. Jasper must meet said criteria to be part of the program.

Where is my logic flawed in that? That is how I deduced she qualifies... satisfied now Todd? :rolleyes:

I really dont need you to "hold my hand". I don't know what to tell you, but aside from ONE YEAR, this woman hasn't worked a day in her life. You said in an earlier post that some of the requirements for the program was:

"Participants must become financially fit"

"be employed for at least a year"

"earn an annual salary of

at least $10,300 [2,000 hours x Min wage of $5.25/hr]"

The emphasis was yours...

So, is she "financially fit"? NO

Has she been currently employed for a year, earning at least $10,300.00? NO.

I think maybe you've got your wires crossed. She misses half of the qualifications YOU said she needed for the program. I'm guessing that something doesn't line up here.

Secondary and tertiary consequences like, what if there are no jobs, or no employers willing to hire people because of their race or work ethic? What if they're disabled? What if they're too old? What if these people just flat out refuse to get a job?

First of all, none of those are secondary or tertiary consequences of people not getting "welfare". Those are reasons people dont have jobs.

There are laws to cover the people that dont get hired because of race, sexual orientation, etc. so give that up. If someone has a shitty work ethic they shouldn't have a job, and I really dont give a rat's ass if they have to live in a refrigerator box under a bridge. I shit canned two guys this week that had a "shitty work ethic", they can take it down the block. If they're too old, they really should have planned better - maybe put some money away for a "rainy day"? IF they "refuse" to get a job (like the broad in question) let 'em starve.

How do you deal with the increase in crime? How do you deal with the people in the street, begging for change? You just going to let bodies pile up until people decide to get a job? You can't be serious that it's just THAT easy to get a better than minimum wage job, because you sure as hell can't live off minimum wage. So do you increase the minimum wage? Or just have people work more hours? If they work more hours, should they get overtime? Should they get benefits? How would that affect employers and their hiring practices then?

Hmmmm....how DO you handle an increase in crime? I dunno...how about we arrest the people that commit them, and put them in jail? Same for the panhandlers - lock them up. Minimum wage is a joke, and should be abolished. I agree that you can't live on it, but those jobs aren't meant to support a family of 12. If you can't make it on the money you're paid what do you do? Live a little less large, or get a better job. That's what people who take responsibility for their lives do.

C'mon, you gotta think farther ahead than your nose.

Again, I really don't have to look further than my own nose to know that the "welfare" system in this country has created generation after generation of people who look at it as an entitlement. That they somehow "deserve" this handout. I think its time we ended it.

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