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I dunno...after reading some of your posts, you seem to be the most left leaning person on this board. I might have went overboard on the crack pipe comment, but I'm guessing I wasn't too far off on the rest of it. I'd also guess your a union member.

You'd guess wrong. I'm white collar. Just FYI - Bachelor's in electrical engineering and a Masters in Business (well, technically I have a year left). And I do lean a little left on certain items I suppose, but I don't know why leaning a little left classifies me as some sorta Communist / tree-hugger / sissy / liberal drug hippie (in fact, I've never smoked in my life)? I'm none of those things.

...I think maybe you've got your wires crossed. She misses half of the qualifications YOU said she needed for the program. I'm guessing that something doesn't line up here.

You're right, you're still missing the point. The text Nick copied wasn't NEWS, it was opinion mixed with partial facts. You need to separate the actual facts from the opinion in Nick's copied text (e.g. she's only held a job for a year). Read Dweezel's snopes post on the previous page. I've walked you through everything and my process and logical steps can't be more clear.

...There are laws to cover the people that dont get hired because of race, sexual orientation, etc. so give that up.
True, you ever been involved in a discrimination lawsuit? You know how hard it is to prove? I know how the game works, there's a myriad of other reasons to legally fire you that can be used to mask discrimination. If someone has prejudices, you can't stop them from finding a perfectly legal reason to "shit can" you. I bet 99.9% of us are guilty of violating IT policy at work (personal phone calls, personal e-mail, message boards), but none of us get fired. Yet, if they felt like it they could terminate any one of us at any given time - which is just a single example of how to get rid of people you have personal prejudices against.
If someone has a shitty work ethic they shouldn't have a job, and I really dont give a rat's ass if they have to live in a refrigerator box under a bridge. I shit canned two guys this week that had a "shitty work ethic", they can take it down the block. If they're too old, they really should have planned better - maybe put some money away for a "rainy day"? IF they "refuse" to get a job (like the broad in question) let 'em starve.
Planned better? You can't be serious... how the hell are you going to forecast how long you're going to live? :wheelchair: And exactly how do you plan on motivating people to do this? Letting them starve? Yea, that's the solution to every one of our social crises, work or starve. This isn't a third world country, if you want to live with those standards, move to one. Personally, I don't want to deal with the panhandlers and street crime on a daily basis (my CW permit hasn't arrived yet). I've got a lot more to lose than a street bum who wants food. With as many people as your "solution" would put out to starve - it's almost a guarantee it that there would be huge civil unrest, and rampant crime. Its been researched.

Hmmmm....how DO you handle an increase in crime? I dunno...how about we arrest the people that commit them, and put them in jail? Same for the panhandlers - lock them up.
I've already proven that's wrong. Prison costs more than welfare -- go read my other thread and links and enlighten yourself. Plus, there's a TON of other issues locking people up create. Which, prison is just another welfare system, except not only do taxpayers pay for the welfare of criminals, but also the labor involved to guard them, plus the overhead of the institutions they live in. Not to mention that these crimes aren't victim-less. Some crimes could be violent, maybe against someone YOU know? And crimes aren't costless either - insurance could skyrocket, and forget about being a business owner.

So, you're OK with welfare as long as people are criminalized for using it? Basically, you're willing to pay MORE money into the system for welfare as long as you get the satisfaction of knowing that these lazy-ass people are behind bars? Or dead on the side of the road? Or living in a box under an overpass? Not a big fan of human rights are you?

Minimum wage is a joke, and should be abolished. I agree that you can't live on it, but those jobs aren't meant to support a family of 12. If you can't make it on the money you're paid what do you do? Live a little less large, or get a better job. That's what people who take responsibility for their lives do.
I almost agree with the logic, but that's not how everyone thinks and you can't FORCE them to think that way. In the perfect world no one would live beyond their means, everyone would have enough self-pride to pick their asses up off the street, quit blaming everyone else for their problems, and be a productive member of society -- but let's get real here, that's never going to happen and your "tough love" approach won't work either, because the poor people would revolt and then all your welfare money would have to be spent on security systems, 18 ft moats around your house, electrified barbed wire fences, and armored vehicles because of the daily constant threat of being in public. Cool things, I know, but I don't want to live in a Police-State, do you?

Again, I really don't have to look further than my own nose to know that the "welfare" system in this country has created generation after generation of people who look at it as an entitlement. That they somehow "deserve" this handout. I think its time we ended it.

And you're entitled to that opinion, but it's my opinion that the welfare system is the lesser of two evils given the Pandora's Box of societal and economic issues that'll arise if you do that.

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I could care less how someone is supposedly getting over because if and when it is meant to come to an end it will. Think about those that are getting over much more than she supposedly is ...that work in our government that doesnt get the media coverage.... i.e. politicians and the like. What gets me is the health care and retirement our politicians get in washington D.C. Most of us working folks couldnt come close to anything like that and they dont even put in 20 or 30 years work....if you call it that.

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