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Am I a Democrat or a Republican?


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I thought this was great!

Read the statements below and circle the one that comes closest to representing your opinion.

· A) I think people should be able keep most of what they earn.

· B) I think the government could best spend the money I earn.

· A) I think limits or restrictions should be placed on abortions.

· B) I think abortions are just another form of birth control.

· A) Our country was founded on Christian principals and seeing a cross or the word “God” in public does not mean congress is making a law to endorse a particular religion.

· B) Even the mention of “God” in public is a violation and should stopped at all costs.

· A) We have fewer jobs in our country today because we have high taxes, costly regulation and higher wage expectations than other countries.

· B) We have fewer jobs in our country today because of corrupt businessmen and we need to tax and regulate them till they are in the same boat as the rest of us.

· A) I think jobs, scholarships and the like should be given based on a person’s qualifications and not on their race, sex or religion.

· B) I think minorities, gays and women are not as capable as a white man, so they must be given priority in hiring and at least the 15% on testing that they receive now.

· A) I think the death penalty is a just sentence for some of our more extreme criminals.

· B) I don’t care what a person has done; they should never be put to death.

· A) I think that given the needs of modern society that we need to balance production and manufacturing with sensible environmental laws.

· B) Production and manufacturing should be forcibly shut down if it impacts the environment in any way.

· A) I don’t want to wait for a policeman to protect me. If I’m in danger, I want my right to a weapon so I can protect myself.

· B) This is a modern society. We have laws and policeman. There no need for anyone to ever have a gun.

· A) I don’t mind legal immigrants who obey our laws in coming to our country. Criminals and those who refuse to assimilate are a problem though. Besides with open borders, even terrorists can come in.

· B) We should welcome anyone who can make it here and we should accommodate them by giving them help in their own language.

· A) I think our government needs to reduce its spending. Borrowing half of what we spend from other countries is a national security risk and our kids will have to pay for it.

· B) I like a big government; I don’t care how or where we get the money.

· A) I don’t think a person should be punished more severely just because his victim was gay

· B) Gays are a minority and should be protected by more severe laws just like an endangered animal is.

· A) We have to have a strong military. Nothing else matters if we can’t protect it.

· B) We don’t even need a military. There wouldn’t be violence in this world if we didn’t start trouble all the time.

· A) Since public employees work for me. I’d like to be able to hire or fire them, give raises or withhold raises based on their performance and not be forced to reward them for laziness.

· B) Public employees are our heroes and should be protected from cutbacks. Seniority is the only way.

· A) Welfare, project housing and food stamps have become a way of life for many people. It has taken away their motivation for doing more and needs to be trimmed back.

· B) Welfare, project housing and food stamps are vital for our poor. Programs like these ultimately help people become productive members of society.

· A) Everyone should have lifesaving health care performed in an emergency but I don’t agree that everyone should have access to everything when someone else is forced to pay for it.

· B) Healthcare is a right and is a good example of why the government should decide how to spend the money I earn.

· A) I think taxes and tariffs can be an effective tool in decreasing our trade deficit. Using them to increase the cost of cheap foreign products will make our companies better able to compete, creating more jobs here.

· B) I don’t think taxes and tariffs have anything to do with jobs at home. Besides I like getting stuff cheaper at Wal-Mart.

Total “A’s”_________

Total “B’s”_________

If the majority of your answers were marked “A” then you are a Republican and should vote accordingly. Their party platform most closely represents your views.

If the majority of your answers were marked “B” then you are a Democrat and should vote accordingly. Their party platform most closely represents your views.

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Although I hold many conservative and liberal views, this survey is obviously worded to force people.into a conservative choice, the democrat option is way way left while the republican options are more towards the center of the right.

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Although I hold many conservative and liberal views, this survey is obviously worded to force people.into a conservative choice, the democrat option is way way left while the republican options are more towards the center of the right.

Yeah? I didn't even read it. It's part of Rod's master plan to make everyone think they are right leaning and vote that way. mwah ha ha

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Although I hold many conservative and liberal views, this survey is obviously worded to force people.into a conservative choice, the democrat option is way way left while the republican options are more towards the center of the right.


LoL.. because there's a difference. :facepalm:

Haha and this too

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Can I get some libertarian options please?

agreed. half of those questions i wanted to answer with both... the one that really stuck out was" we have fewer jobs in our country because of both of those. its too bad the people that are representing OWS are all a bunch of morons. im very conservative when it comes to money but the ceo's in our country make way too much money. the ratio from ceo to worker is out of control compared to other western states. I love this country but neo cons and leftist liberals are ruining it. The two party system sucks. state rights. individual freedoms. i hate politics because its easy for me to sit in the middle and say this is whats right for the whole but these dumbasses making 10x my pay can only see the 000's coming in from lobbyists. localized government is the only thing that would change tammany hall part 2

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research thomas jeffersons view on states rights vs the souths view on state rights... in a nugtshell: TJ said rights were granted to the individual to protect our freedom. the south wanted the rights so they can further invade our personal lives (to stop anti slavery literature). im not old enough to remember but didnt reagan get into some hot water for advocating state rights because people thought he meant the southern view not the libertarian view?

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I request this thread title changed to:

"Am I an Idiot or a Moron"


"Politics: The only sport where everyone loses"

Pretty much, unless we return to the founding principles we are heading down a dangerous path. I would love to see term limits. I think I'm voting the incumbents out in 2012 D or R I don't care its time to go. I'm ready for some real change, but I'm left feeling no hope. Somedays it seems our REPUBLIC is fading away.

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Pretty much, unless we return to the founding principles we are heading down a dangerous path. I would love to see term limits. I think I'm voting the incumbents out in 2012 D or R I don't care its time to go. I'm ready for some real change, but I'm left feeling no hope. Somedays it seems our REPUBLIC is fading away.

Pretty much! I get the bi-partisan system and why its a good thing but at the same time I can't stand it because they spend too much time fighting each other for their own benefit and not enough time working together for the benefit of everyone

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