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out of gas


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Happened to me for the first time last summer. I figured I pushed it about a Mile before someone stopped and brought me to a gas station and back to the bike with a gas can. Trying not to be late for work and then look what happens.

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I ran out of gas when a fuel gauge went crazy and said I still had 1/4 tank left. After about half a mile I was taking a break and someone stopped by and gave me like 1/4 gallon of 2-stroke mix he had for his chainsaw. Worked perfectly and got some real gas without having to push it up an inclined exit ramp :D. Happened another time in my car, just locked it up and walked a mile and came back, no biggie there.

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I had this happen on my katana luckily I was in town heading to the gas station. Bike stops like three to fours blocks away and I started up but died ended up pushing it for a block and a half. Short distance I now but still sucks guy said to that has to suck. So now I just keep a 1/4 min in the cbr as much as possible but when my last fuel bar starts to flash I've got a few miles left before I'm pushing it hopefully it never comes to that.

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My Nighthawk ran out of gas on Livingston avenue. Fortunately, I ran out about 30 feet from a gas station and was able to coast in without missing a beat. That wont happen twice.

this happened to me in my truck the other day :lol: i forgot my wallet at home when i left for work, so i had to make my gas last to work, home, and then right to the gas station to put gas in...it died as i was pulling in and coasted to the pump

if you think a diesel sounds bad when its running good, wait until you hear one puttering out of gas :lol:

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I didn't run out but I was 2/3 of the distance to work this time last year & couldn't find/feel the petcock on my new bike to switch to reserve. Cold as FUCK & had to pull over far right from the hammer lane just to look down & switch over with my double gloved, mummified hand. I think I parked it for the season after that. :nono:

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this happened to me in my truck the other day :lol: i forgot my wallet at home when i left for work, so i had to make my gas last to work, home, and then right to the gas station to put gas in...it died as i was pulling in and coasted to the pump

if you think a diesel sounds bad when its running good, wait until you hear one puttering out of gas :lol:

:wtf: you put gas in a diesel truck???:confused:

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damn. I am a man of little patience and something like that would piss me off so bad it would not end well. The closest I've ever gotten to running out of gas on a motorcycle or in a car was in college and in my grand am. My gas light went on about 5 miles from the next exit with gas in stop and go traffic. I ended up still having half a gallon left but I'm paranoid as it is so usually I err on the side of caution and fill up way more than I have to.

Hell, I should get 200 miles out of a tank on the VFR and if we stop for gas after 100 miles I'll still top off just so I dont piss myself off or inconvenience the others I'm riding with

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Riding through upstate new york one time... My GPS was set to skip toll roads so it sent me on about 100 miles of hocking hills-type roads. Which is all well and good, except the bike I had at the time had a fuel range of 125 miles. I tanked up just before the crazy roads so I made it out the other side, but ONLY JUST. Tank capacity of 4.8 gallons and I swear I put 4.7 in there when I got to the next gas station.

Fun roads to ride but was nervous because I had no desire to be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no gas, shelter, camping supplies... or cellphone reception.

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