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3 gun combo for when shtf


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Lots of things fall into play. Id like to have a light weight DI AR with an optic and a 40 cal pistol. considering about 70% of cop shops stock pile 40cal ammo and 223.

i wouldnt carry a third gun that way i have room for what ever i come across. id def bring a tactical tomahawk of some sort too

Do they sell the tactical tomahawk at woodbury? How much are they $1500? :lol:

Just curious how much ammo do cop shops stock pile? I doubt they have that much on hand honestly, but I don't know for sure.

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I go minimum of 3 Infantry combat loads, but I may be on the light side.:D

I live in a small town, I just don't see the police stations stock piling that much ammo near me. The last place I would go to get ammo would be the police station.

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At the Departments or stations it's not all that much ammo. It depends on budget alot. Probably just over 'nuff for issue and qualls annually. Then the bean counters buy the minimum for next year.

My personal stash is a bit more than that.

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At the Departments or stations it's not all that much ammo. It depends on budget alot. Probably just over 'nuff for issue and qualls annually. Then the bean counters buy the minimum for next year.

That is kind of what I figured, stock piles seemed odd. Hell I bet that I have more ammo than my local PD.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I picked up a Springfield M6 which I would take if I had to bug out instead of bugging in, and only had limited time to get out of the house. I think I've talked myself into putting a BOB together just in case we have to leave expeditiously and can't pack all my ammo and toys.

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