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3 gun combo for when shtf


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Obviously, I poke a little fun. It's the Christmas 12-year maybe. Things are, indeed, simmering right now. You can feel it. I've taken more new shooters for their first range session in the past three months than in the previous 3 years. What is a SHTF scenario? Jagr puts perspective on many of these threads. Man, I can't imagine. Thank you for volunteering for something that I lacked the commitment and balls to do. What is a SHTF scenario to most of us? Global zombie apocalypse? Global financial collapse? Perhaps. But, those are lofty scenarios. What is SHTF to a resident or ex-pat of New Orleans? How about 1990s Los Angeles? Most of us watched it unfold on the 6:00 news. Reginald Denny had his SHTF moment. Would he have benefitted from 15 in the mag? I tease. But nestled neatly between the near east side of Columbus and Whitehall, could an LA scenario unfold that would affect me?

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Obviously, I poke a little fun. It's the Christmas 12-year maybe. Things are, indeed, simmering right now. You can feel it. I've taken more new shooters for their first range session in the past three months than in the previous 3 years. What is a SHTF scenario? Jagr puts perspective on many of these threads. Man, I can't imagine. Thank you for volunteering for something that I lacked the commitment and balls to do. What is a SHTF scenario to most of us? Global zombie apocalypse? Global financial collapse? Perhaps. But, those are lofty scenarios. What is SHTF to a resident or ex-pat of New Orleans? How about 1990s Los Angeles? Most of us watched it unfold on the 6:00 news. Reginald Denny had his SHTF moment. Would he have benefitted from 15 in the mag? I tease. But nestled neatly between the near east side of Columbus and Whitehall, could an LA scenario unfold that would affect me?

You make an excellent point a SHTF situation could be almost anything, unfortunately most of us can't be fully prepared for any situation. I try to be generally prepared, but for instance if we had a massive flood I don't have a boat. Hopefully I will feel more secure after November 2012.

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I think over inflation. Devaluation of currency, rioting in the streets is more likely. S will HTF when people can't feed their family because their money is worthless. Just my 2 cents.

This.... you get to see how people will act over the last you on the shelf at Christmas time. It will be worse when it comes down to survival.

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Obviously, I poke a little fun. It's the Christmas 12-year maybe. Things are, indeed, simmering right now. You can feel it. I've taken more new shooters for their first range session in the past three months than in the previous 3 years. What is a SHTF scenario? Jagr puts perspective on many of these threads. Man, I can't imagine. Thank you for volunteering for something that I lacked the commitment and balls to do. What is a SHTF scenario to most of us? Global zombie apocalypse? Global financial collapse? Perhaps. But, those are lofty scenarios. What is SHTF to a resident or ex-pat of New Orleans? How about 1990s Los Angeles? Most of us watched it unfold on the 6:00 news. Reginald Denny had his SHTF moment. Would he have benefitted from 15 in the mag? I tease. But nestled neatly between the near east side of Columbus and Whitehall, could an LA scenario unfold that would affect me?

All good examples!

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Say you were in a 5 man recon element who spent the night watching 100+ dismounts with armor and assorted technicals rape and kill everyone in a small town across an imaginary line. Skip ahead to the silent morning, nobody screams when they're dead. Post sunup half that motley group decides to go cross country across said imaginary line towards you instead of back the road they came. You can't break cover and your air assets are 27 minutes out with about 2 clicks till they're on you. You can smell them. They are coming.

That my friend is shtf.

In this instance it is going to be mag fed bolt gun in .308. Still AR carbine and 1911.

Puts a little light ont he subject. If it comes to a fight or flight situation. I can sling the AR carry the bolt and leave the 1911 in its holster. If it comes to taking them out. Hopefully the brain is working good. Take drivers out first and hope for a fatality crash out of the vehicles. IF not start at the top or the person being hailed or talked to the most and take his head off. Move to the next in charge and hope for the best, ranks breaking and choas setting in. When that does not work... Kill'em all and hope for night fall. Then we'll put the blade to work.

I hear SHTF lately I think oh shit someone figured out how to re-animate flesh and the zombies are coming. Which to me in the instance the bolt gun is just a waste. wheres the fun in shooting slow moving puss bags that are falling apart as they are walking... and AR ammo is easier to carry in bulk.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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Depends what zombie movie your talking about. You talking Shawn of the dead zombie or resident evil/ 28 weeks later type of fast aggressive zombie?

exactly... all depends on the issues coming at you.

28 weeks - rage virus - fast movers. need to be fast weapons

shawn of the dead... slow movers - might still stick with the carbine and shotty.

Talking AQ moving in on you and dealing with a bunch of different fighting level combatants. I would take my bolt gun.

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This is one of the best topics for discussion.

Lots of things fall into play. Id like to have a light weight DI AR with an optic and a 40 cal pistol. considering about 70% of cop shops stock pile 40cal ammo and 223.

i wouldnt carry a third gun that way i have room for what ever i come across. id def bring a tactical tomahawk of some sort too

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