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Weird "drunk" driver


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Headed out to get some fast food just now, eastbound on 36/37 which is a divided highway as you approach I-71 headed eastbound. I saw a small car (though it was a Smart) driving the wrong way (eastbound in the westbound lanes).

Stopped to see what the car would do - it kinda drove into the ditch, then backed out of the ditch and then tried to back down the divided highway. Finally it pulled a u-turn and drove westbound at about 15-20mph (55 limit).

I pulled a u-turn at the next turnaround and started following. As you do.

She headed eastbound for a couple of miles, weaving, 20mph in a 55 zone. Then pulled a really slow u-turn at an intersection, then headed eastbound again, weaving, driving slowly. I called the OSHP and gave them the details. Kentucky plate 459MCY... wrong way on divided highway... into ditch... backing up down the highway... By this time she pulled into the Shell station at 36/37 & 71. The dispatcher said she'd pass the report to the local post and tell them I was following - and that I'd get a call from them.

Then I sat for about 10 minutes watching this lady struggle to put gas in her car. Turned out to be a Fiat 500. She walked slowly around to the gas pump bracing herself against the car with her hands for every step so she wouldn't fall over. Took her forever to get the think filled up. Finally she set off driving again, must have been 15 minutes it took her to fill up. Then she walked back to her driver's seat (using her hands for support on the windows again)

So I called the OSHP back and said nobody called me back, and she's on the move again. Southbound on 71 with no lights on. They transferred me to the Delaware dispatcher. I told her the same story from scratch. By the time I finished telling the story her lights are on but she's weaving side to side at 60 in the middle lane.

The Delaware dispatched asked my location (Southbound on I-70 at the 129 mile marker) and then siad; "OK, I'll pass that on. You can go on your way now."

Never asked me the car type, license number or anything. Granted, that info might have been passed on my the lady who answered 877-7PATROL, but it certainly seemed to me that no action was going to be taken. I've called in a DUI before and they had me follow until an officer located the car. This time, no interest at all.

So I continued to the 121 MM, the next exit, and turned around and went about my business. She weaved off into the distance, cars honking/passing her left and right as she weaved her impaired ass probably all the way back to Kentucky. Or probably about another mile or so down the road before she wrapped herself around a tree. I'll be watching the news the next couple of days.

Last time I got the brush-off like this was reporting someone speeding up and down 71 several times. I guessed they were doing 125mph. As soon as I gave my estimate to the dispatcher her tone changed. "Oh, ok sir, yes, 125mph. How did you measure that then? We'll keep an eye out, have a nice day."

I think it was a pretty good guess...


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not sure what number you called. but i have called the 1800-GRAB-DUI a few times when in a situation like yours and Ive always gotten a better response than you describe

When I call 877 7PATROL they usually ask me if I called on the "7patrol" or "grab dui" number... I think they wind up in the same place.

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I guess being unobservant and ignorant makes it easier to get through your day.

no not giving a shit makes it easier to get through my day. I see some someone that can't drive I get the hell away from them. Damn my typical American attitude!

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I got the blow-off 2 weeks ago driving south on 71 through Delaware and into Columbus. Old drunk was spending more time on the rattle strips than on the road. OSHP couldn't have given two shits. CPD either when they transferred me. I followed from north of 36/37 to the Broadway exit.

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^ you say that until one of the unreported drunk drivers kills one of your family members.

i knew someone would have this exact reply

True. 'Til then just don't hit me. No paint no foul.

and this also is my exact reply. I won't care until it happens and then I'll be pissed it happened then probably continue to do the same as I've always done. Just because I stopped (or more than likely lack there of because obvious lack of time of the PD as shown in this thread) one unsafe looking vehicle doesn't mean I can stop them all. Plus I don't believe in calling in 1 will give me so much karmic luck that such a thing could never happen to myself or someone I care about. I'm not so naive.

The way I drive, I doubt I'm around any one car for long to notice if they are a shitty driver or a REALLY shitty driver or impaired so I just go on with my life and try to get where I'm going as quickly and safely as possible :)

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Seems to me that if you see someone who's obviously impaired that it's your civic duty to report them, whether or not you get any "karma points" for it.

Might be a diabetic with sugar issues, might be a drunk, might be a heart attack in progress, might just be a texting teenage girl not paying attention.

Of course you can't stop them all, but wouldn't you want to stop one if you saw one? :dunno:

You might save a life or you might not, but you sure won't if you don't try.

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...one unsafe looking vehicle doesn't mean I can stop them all...

I hear this in many varieties for a number of arguments. Its the attitude of everyone as a collective that is the problem. If "everyone" changed their attitude then it would make a dramatic difference. I don't see nearly as many bad drivers as Scruit, but when I do I usually have the same response as you. When I am driving I have somewhere to go (which I am late to about 90% of the time) so I don't have time to follow a car out of my way and spend and hour or more chasing them. I generally do report the good truck drivers though on those "how am I driving" hotlines. If I can call in for either I do, but my experiences with police and using my cell have been piss poor.

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I find it absolutely darling that folks actually think the police are going to send someone looking for a drunk driver.

They have both times I called one in. Not sure why they didn't in Scruit and Brian's instances - as long as they see the erratic driving themselves, then...

Maybe one of our fine LEO members could offer up their opinion?

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I find it absolutely darling that folks actually think the police are going to send someone looking for a drunk driver.

Well' date=' when they strongly recommend to do just that (Source), then I find it it odd that they don't follow up. If it is truly an "epidemic of careless disregard for human life" (end of page 1), then they should treat it as such.

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They have both times I called one in. Not sure why they didn't in Scruit and Brian's instances - as long as they see the erratic driving themselves, then...

Maybe one of our fine LEO members could offer up their opinion?

Must have been busy with more serious calls.

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I actually had a great response a few years back. Elderly guy was having diabetic issues. He didn't even know he was driving. Marion police were responsive and grateful. 2 weeks ago, though, they really appeared to be annoyed by the call and looked to have made no attempt. I don't hang out across from bars to rat people out. But obvious impairment on a freeway warrants the call...IMO.

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I find it absolutely darling that folks actually think the police are going to send someone looking for a drunk driver.

If we aren't tied up doing something of more importance' date=' we absolutely respond. One of my best friends growing up was a California Highway Patrol officer who was killed on duty by an impaired driver. He had been married less than a year and had a 6th month old son as well as an 8 year old daughter from a previous marriage. You can be damn sure I will respond.

They have both times I called one in. Not sure why they didn't in Scruit and Brian's instances - as long as they see the erratic driving themselves, then...

Maybe one of our fine LEO members could offer up their opinion?

I had called in before I became an officer and had officers respond to pick him up. My guess is that they were short handed (holidays suck for staffing). Neither highway patrol or the counties have many deputies on the road to begin with. I don't know if you have heard the radio commercial about the "home invasion" in progress or not, but basically there are 2 deputies on duty and both are tied up on fatal crashes on opposite sides of the county. Meanwhile, a home invasion happens and there is no one available to respond. This could easily be a very real situation. Traffic violators tend to be low on the priority list in the whole scheme of things. The fact of the matter is that unless someone is following the drunk, they are extremely difficult to locate.

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The fact of the matter is that unless someone is following the drunk, they are extremely difficult to locate.

Thing is I *was* following, and was told to break off.

Still, I understand how staffing levels and other priorities can be. If you have a possible drunk driver but your officers are tied up working active calls that are just as high priority then something has to be let go.

Best police response I ever saw was back in the UK when I got home from a friend's house in the wee hours of the morning. Noticed two kids sitting on a wall across the street but I didn't look at them. Got inside my house, turned all my lights off and watched them from the window (stood 6' back for the window so they couldn't see me). They started trying to break into a car, and I called 999 right away. As I was talking to the operator they got the car started and backed it up ready to set off driving. Within one minute of being connected with the emergency operator 6 police cars converged on the scene at high speed. Scared the sh*t outta ME and I wasn't the bad guy. The kids ran off but were caught hiding in nearby gardens. I gave a statement and they were charged. 12 and 14 years old, so they were given an "official police caution" and nothing else (a stern teling off by a cop).

I asked how they managed to respond so quickly. There had been a false alarm (burglar) at a local propane depot. 6 cars had eventually shown up at that scene. When they cleared it, they all headed back to the "cop shop" in convoy. When my call came in they were all passing within 1/4 mile of my house. :D

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