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Weird "drunk" driver


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So when will the video from the original post be available?

When I get more than one request. it all happened over the course of 25 minutes so I'm sure you dont' want the raw video. I'll take a look and see if I can pull highlights.

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Thing is I *was* following, and was told to break off.

Most departments are scared to death of being sued. If they tell you to stay on the line and the "drunk" is involved in an accident and you end up getting involved/hurt/killed, thy are screwed because they told you to remain engaged in what was known to be a potentially dangerous situation.

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I was on my way home a couple of nights ago at about 730 am. Followed a car who kept tagging and crossing the white line. Thought maybe they were riding the right since it was raining. I continued to follow until he went off the edge twice and decided to call Licking County SO and had them dispatch Pataskala PD. I followed him into town where he ended up turning into McD's and parked. Guy got out, had white hair and couldn't walk all that well. I knew then he wasn't drunk, just old. Pataskala PD arrived and met me. His reply "That guy is 83 years old! Look like we're not getting a .19 this morning" (4511.19 is the ORC for operating while intoxicated.)

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Last time I got the brush-off like this was reporting someone speeding up and down 71 several times. I guessed they were doing 125mph. As soon as I gave my estimate to the dispatcher her tone changed. "Oh, ok sir, yes, 125mph. How did you measure that then? We'll keep an eye out, have a nice day."

way to be a douche.

dui, swerving, etc? sure, whatever.

speeding? give me a break.

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way to be a douche.

dui, swerving, etc? sure, whatever.

speeding? give me a break.

That's me. Douchey McDouchebag. The Maserati did at least 3 laps of the stretch between 131 and 121 just going back and forth like that.

There's speeding, and there's well into triple digits...

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I just call 911 and always get a good response in Ohio, they usually stay on the line with me and I guide the officer to the car. I love when the dispatcher asks me"what makes you think they are drinking?" My response is well I'm in a semi truck and can see the Budweiser(or other beer) in their hand. Once I tell them the brand of beer they defiantly take interest. Most people don't understand I can see the beer in the paper sack from the semi. Two weeks ago I had to call in on a semi driving on the other side of I71, he had no lights on in the middle of the night and his drivers door was open for some reason. Honestly it looked like he was going to jump. A couple weeks before that a pickup was towing a boat on I71 and the boat was half off the trailer Damn near dragging the ground. I see the craziest stuff.

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I just call 911 and always get a good response in Ohio, they usually stay on the line with me and I guide the officer to the car. I love when the dispatcher asks me"what makes you think they are drinking?" My response is well I'm in a semi truck and can see the Budweiser(or other beer) in their hand. Once I tell them the brand of beer they defiantly take interest. Most people don't understand I can see the beer in the paper sack from the semi. Two weeks ago I had to call in on a semi driving on the other side of I71, he had no lights on in the middle of the night and his drivers door was open for some reason. Honestly it looked like he was going to jump. A couple weeks before that a pickup was towing a boat on I71 and the boat was half off the trailer Damn near dragging the ground. I see the craziest stuff.

$75 Dashcam + crazy driving video + youtube + adsense = profit

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glad we agree on something :)


so? :wtf:

Speeding is one thing. 20 over? meh. I don't care. But doing double the speed limit in traffic is ludicrous.

You've heard the phrase that double the speed is four times the pain, right? Well that Maserati hitting somone would have been like getting hit by the tractor unit from a semi at freeway speed. You can get away with that crap in Germany or England where the roads are better and signal/lane discipline is observed... But not here where the potholes can swallow up a wheel and people switch lanes unexpectedly with no signal for no reason.

You wanna do double the speed limit? Do it when nobody is around. Saint Peter might even let you in as long as you're alone.

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Speeding is one thing. 20 over? meh. I don't care. But doing double the speed limit in traffic is ludicrous.

You've heard the phrase that double the speed is four times the pain, right? Well that Maserati hitting somone would have been like getting hit by the tractor unit from a semi at freeway speed. You can get away with that crap in Germany or England where the roads are better and signal/lane discipline is observed... But not here where the potholes can swallow up a wheel and people switch lanes unexpectedly with no signal for no reason.

You wanna do double the speed limit? Do it when nobody is around. Saint Peter might even let you in as long as you're alone.

gotta say, the argument here is thin...

were there semis on that road doing freeway speed? should they be required to go slower since they are carrying the same inertia as a maserati doing double the speed limit?

Since when am I responsible for other people failing to signal?

If you switch lanes with no signal for no reason, aren't you taking it upon yourself that the lane is clear?

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Since when am I responsible for other people failing to signal?

Worry less about avoiding the liability, and concentrate more on avoiding the accident. Don't matter who was right or wrong if you're both dead.

If you switch lanes with no signal for no reason, aren't you taking it upon yourself that the lane is clear?

Did you see the video? Someone checking their mirror/blind spot is going to see a car that is far behind them - more than enough room for a safe lane change if the car was going at a reasonable speed. In this state you are lucky to get a quick glance.

Agreed, that person should recognize that you are travelling quickly - but a reasonable person would not be doing 125 so it would be argued in court that it follows from there that a reasonable person would not expect a car to do double the speed limit on the freeway, and therefore was not acting negligently in failing to recognize the speed.

Doesn't surprise me that some folks don't see this as a problem. Some people argue that DUI is not a problem either. Just gotta find your comfort level.

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I guess my position is more that I'd rather see a good driver driving fast and paying attention to what they are doing, rather than what I usually see, which is shitty drivers doing the speed limit, not paying attention, and generally clogging up the highway with their bullshit.

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I guess my position is more that I'd rather see a good driver driving fast and paying attention to what they are doing, rather than what I usually see, which is shitty drivers doing the speed limit, not paying attention, and generally clogging up the highway with their bullshit.


but also I'm in that first boat so naturally I'd agree :D

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if you're doing 125 in a Maserati, chances are stopping isn't needed when you can roll super sweet evasive manuevers

Or, chances are you won't get the time to utter your favorite curse word before you get shoulder-barged into the crash barrier. Your reaction time alone (assuming 1 second, which is for a reasonably alert driver) would carry you nearly 200'.

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Or, chances are you won't get the time to utter your favorite curse word before you get shoulder-barged into the crash barrier. Your reaction time alone (assuming 1 second, which is for a reasonably alert driver) would carry you nearly 200'.

I used to do 120mph pretty frequently on trips between Cleveland and Cinci because certain spots were pretty "safe" to do so. It takes skill to handle a car at those speeds but not near as difficult as people make it out to be. I had to make plenty of split second decisions because of other vehicles on the road and in my experience its really not that difficult if you know your surroundings and outs

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I guess my position is more that I'd rather see a good driver driving fast and paying attention to what they are doing, rather than what I usually see, which is shitty drivers doing the speed limit, not paying attention, and generally clogging up the highway with their bullshit.

Ownership of Maserati ≠ good driver, nor does it = paying attention; it just means they can't afford a Ferrari.

Jus' sayin'. :rolleyes:

Besides, my Maserati does $185. :D

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I once drove from Edinburgh to Yorkshire at triple-digit speeds. My average speed for the 260 mile journey was about 100. When I was alone on the freeway I was doing 130. BUT when there were ANY other cars in sight I slowed down to 10-20 over.

I don't have a problem with speed in and of itself - it's speed in traffic that I think is insane. You cannot predict or prevent what normal road users will do, and you're going to fast to do anything about it anyway. That's why I say do it when nobody else is around if you must.

Or go up to Mid-Ohio. Get your jollies on there. Lots of fun.

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i wouldnt call that heavy traffic....there was like you, and one other person....plenty of time for the guy to react in the middle of the day....125 isnt really that fast either....sure its faster than other cars on the road, but in a capable car (not a hunk of shit camaro that is falling apart with rust) 125 is not what i would call unreasonable....i bet that maserati at 125 maneuvers and stops better than a lot of the pieces of shit i see doing 80mph.....a good example is my mustang, at 160 it felt like it was going to come apart at the seams....my saab at 160 was smooth as a cloud and more than capable of handling that speed

125 is like the beginning of "fast" i guess for public roads....but IMO, fast is when you get to 160+....up to 160 everything feels perfectly manageable...once you break that 160 mark things start to get blurry and move a lot faster....i could do 125 all day long in a capable car (such as a maserati) in anything but rush hour and not be worried about it

i was simply commenting that it was a douchey move to call him in, he wasnt hurting anybody...not like he was swerving around out of control, or almost hit you or anything of that nature...dude was just out playing around enjoying the car, maybe it was new or maybe he just got it out after a long time away or something....my neighbor has a nice maserati, if he tossed me the keys you would see me out doing the same shit in it

Edited by Steve Butters
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