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Kosmo and family made news headline in Florida


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Pauly, your message is conveyed to Mrs. and I will be riding in spring :D

Pauly's idea was exactly right. I went to the restroom first, wifey was pumping gas, when I was coming out of the restroom, wifey was in the restroom line. At this point the car was unlocked with the kiddo and grandma in the car.The guy jumped into the backseat and held them, when I walked to the car I couldn't see anything inside for the tinted windows, as I jumped in, I had the gun in my face and moments later the same thing to the wife.

The bank is kind enough to return all the forced cash withdrawal.

A good thing to know that I did not know that you put your ATM pin in reverse order in case of forced withdrawal; it will dispense the cash but will send a silent alert to all the cops nearby; a good thing to share with friends and families suggested by the Bank of America fraud Dept. representative.

Well as the crime scene investigators were taking fingerprints or DNA sample one of the officer showed us this; that made our day......

4yr old girl walks in on parents having sex - YouTube

and still I was laughing while driving back home.........

Once again glad your OK. The news paper wasnt to clear thats why I was wondering. I wasnt trying to sound like an armchair QB if it came across that way. On a side note I am very Pro Gun and think every law abiding citizen should carry one and be proficient with it. But it is not a fix all. Like this situation for instance, would there have been a point where you'd /(anyone) would be sure enough in there abilities to draw your gun and take a precise shot before the shitbag could fire his firearm at you or a loved one? Sounds like you handled it the best way possible with or with out a weapon on you.

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The guy got out of car started walking along the side walk, hand out of hoodies and pocket ; that's the point where I could make a move or shoot. I had a second thought to jump the curb and run him over but thought that might not hold good for self defense in funky Florida law.

Happy New Year Everybody; well did not find any guy with a gun in my trunk but found a pair of pointy Jessica Simpson designer shoes, a Calvin Klein ladies coat and lip and cheek stain.......:p Hey don't even think......"no panties"

I was designated driver for two parties.....made up my Jacksonville loss, actually little more ;)

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