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HDMI cable


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At least compare apples to apples. None of those in your link showed to be legal for installation within a wall. Big time difference in the jacketing of the cable. I bought one of those Dayton style and there is no comparison.

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Thanks serpent. I appreciate the consideration, something SimplySix and ChrisKnight might observe.

I have the receipt right in my hand so I know how much I paid. Either of them could have just pm'd me or made an offer. If all they did was come in to shit on my for sale thread then they can both stick it where the sun never shines.

I do appreciate your consideration though.

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wasnt trying to shit on your thread, just seemed like your price was a little higher then it should be and i showed an example instead of just saying "youre asking to much". If i was selling something and you disagreed with the price i would have no problem with you voicing your opinion if you examples to back it up, like i did.

and just because you/yourwife paid that much for an item is pointless. I could buy a 2005 Buell Blast for 6000, that doesnt mean i could resell it for 5K, it means i simply paid to much


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So? Are you the post police? You're

'I wasn't trying to shit on your thread
' is bullshit. If you are not interested in buying it for whatever reason then stfu. You want to be friendly about it and let me know about pricing, then pm me. That's cool. Don't come in here saying 'hey everybody, you can buy it cheaper somewhere else. That is chickenshit.

What a dick

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So? Are you the post police? You're ' is bullshit. If you are not interested in buying it for whatever reason then stfu. You want to be friendly about it and let me know about pricing, then pm me. That's cool. Don't come in here saying 'hey everybody, you can buy it cheaper somewhere else. That is chickenshit.

What a dick

sorry I didnt pm you about your price. I figured you either didnt know what a fair price was so i told you and figured you would adjust yours, or you knew your price was too high in which case i dont mind calling you out as I dont want to see friends I have on here pay 2X what its worth.


What a dick

I wasnt trying to be a dick, asshat. but since you feel like being so friendly, I will be a dick. I have a new 10ft hdmi that i dont need. If anyone here does let me know. Its FREE.

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six doesn't seem you need to try to be a dick, it just comes naturally.

As to your free cable, I would be very careful taking anything from you, its probably diseased.

Yep crazy, I see the cable prices have dropped alot. Guess I am just screwed trying to get anything out it.

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The brick and mortars are way over priced on these cables. I assume thats where you purchased this from. Comparing prices on the net to those is incomparable. Don't take it personal against simplysix. They are just cheap as hell on amazon.

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OhioMike has taught/reinforced a lesson us men should have learned a loooong time ago:

Don't send the wife out shopping for things about which they know nothing.

For that, we all owe OhioMike a debt of gratitude. :bow:

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Yep crazy, I see the cable prices have dropped alot. Guess I am just screwed trying to get anything out it.

I know quite a few people who have bought cables at the store and have been pissed when they found out what you can really get them for. It's not that the prices have really dropped. They have always been that cheap online. I always keep them on hand to give/sell to people when they need them since brick and mortar stores are outrageously over priced.

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I know quite a few people who have bought cables at the store and have been pissed when they found out what you can really get them for. It's not that the prices have really dropped. They have always been that cheap online. I always keep them on hand to give/sell to people when they need them since brick and mortar stores are outrageously over priced.

Yea I ordered a bunch of computer cables from amazon, because the brick and mortar stores were 2-3 times more expensive.

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now that it seems ok for this I was going to say I read on a electronics site that hdmi cable prices are the biggest scam going.

they said if you pay more than $20 for cables under 10' you got scammed.

I was at a sears a few weeks ago and they had some old merchandise on a closeout table. 9' flat gold plated sony hdmi cables for $10 and 6' component cables(red green blue cables) from philips for $2.

I wanted to buy them just to sell on ebay lol.

the sony cables are going for $45-50 at stores online.

Edited by serpentracer
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