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Stupid America


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Bah. I know plenty of poor farmers, white trash, and good ol' boy rednecks that vote religiously Republican. Doesn't mean or say much though.

Libertarianism is a nice idea, but it doesn't work. It assumes that people have a certain level of personal responsibility and respect for another's rights. In the US know one seems to want to take responsibility for their own actions and there are far too many that are way too eager to force their beliefs and morals on others.

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Some key things to look at:

vote by income

vote by education

I can post pics too, see?

Yes, my mistake on not capitalizing Democrat -- that was an oversight. I'll go back and correct it.

But, your fallacy is that I'm a Democrat. Anti-Republican, maybe... but in general, I'm in the "Anti-Dumbass" party. Problem is, we're in a two-party system (which is a whole different debate on how broken and illogical that is), but in order to have ANY meaningful impact you have to vote between the Republicans and Democrats. Neither party represents my views fully, so I'm forced to chose between the one that comes closest on most of the issues I care about.

Like Fusion said -- there's too many stupid people for Libertarianism to work.

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These pics are pretty funny. (My favorite so far is "Bitch, I will cut you...")

But, I mean, I just checked your link to the CNN site, and education level is pretty much split (within the margin of error basically) up until you get into Post-Graduate studies -- which voted for Kerry. The supposed upper echelon of the educated vote Democrat. That was my point. They don't just hand out graduate degrees to everyone (or everyone would have one). Yea, I'm sure a few are idiots, but you do have to put some clout in how the "smart people" vote. Just like you put some clout in how a financial manager spends his own money.

Like I said in my other post, I've got a sense of humor, and this stuff is all pretty funny, but most people on here seem to be very right-wing. I'm just trying to balance it out. My hope is that the people on here don't actually believe in all this political bullshit we debate and actually have their own informed opinions supported by facts about issues and vote accordingly - that's all I ask. There's just SO much slamming the of the leftists, we need some people to start bashing the right-wingnuts too.


Edit: New favorite (Vampire Bush + Statue of Liberty)

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Most Republicans seem to get their politics from losers like Limbaugh and Hannity so you really can't expect anything but needless, uneducated slamming, devoid of facts from the right. I'm not saying Dems don't do the same, but that seems to be the primary tactic of most on the right.

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Most Republicans seem to get their politics from losers like Limbaugh and Hannity so you really can't expect anything but needless, uneducated slamming, devoid of facts from the right. I'm not saying Dems don't do the same, but that seems to be the primary tactic of most on the right.

I hope that isn't directed at me.... I'm bashing both sides equally.

Ever seen Team America? Well, Democrats are pussies and Republicans are dicks.

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