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Cancer Cure anyone?


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Lots of cancer cures in the last few years:






But unfortunately, it seems big pharm can't make money on them so they're not putting the money into testing and production. That is the healthcare change we need in this country.

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Lots of cancer cures in the last few years:






But unfortunately, it seems big pharm can't make money on them so they're not putting the money into testing and production. That is the healthcare change we need in this country.

I remember posting in a few of those threads. :)

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reading the interwebz...

Reportedly certain other substances perform similar cellular functions.

The first six can be found in health food stores.

Co-Q10 (natural substance in the body)

curcumin (curry spice)

ellagic acid (from pomegranates and other fruits)

Se-methylselenocysteine aka methylselenocysteine (found in garlic and broccoli)

grapeseed extract

capsaicin (the "hot" substance in red pepper)

U-Fucoidan/Modifilan/Laminaria japonica/konbu (seaweed extract)


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in europe doctors tell patients that sugar feeds cancer.

in america doctors and the usda tell people to load up on sugar.

the food guide pyramid says you should eat 300g of carbs per day.

that equals 1 1/2 cups of sugar. you are only supposed to eat 1 tea spoon.

if you could inject 1.5 cups of sugar into your blood it would kill you.

shredded wheat cereal has a glycemic index of 70. a can of coke has a index of 63. but that cereal is what they call a heart healthy breakfast. lol

but that's what our gov and doctors tell us to eat...

I'm really convinced doctors believe anything they're taught and never think outside the box and the gov treats us as lab rats.

there are dozens of books that have come out in the last several years that have debunked the lipid hypothesis too. which says if you eat animal fats it raises your cholesterol and cholesterol causes heart disease.

well study after study never supports that theory. in fact, there are just as many thin with low cholesterol people having heart attacks as people who have high cholesterol and are fat.

our government comes up with these guidlines out of thin air and pressures from nut job vegitarians like the center for science in the public interest. whose theories come from no studies that proove anything they are telling us about what foods to eat. these are the people who got mcdonalds and kfc to stop using trans fats to cook their food after they told them to use trans fats in the first place. (ponder that for a moment) btw, the beef talo mcdonalds used to use is proven to be healthier than using veg oil.

in fact study after study reveal that people for thousands of years never ate the wheats and processed veg oils, corn oils, cotton seed oils, etc (which can only be extracted chemically) that we eat so much of today. but they did eat diets often 10 times higher in animal fats than we do. but now, we have higher rates of cancer, heart disease, obesity, depression, epilepsy and add than in human history. it's also ironic we now face all these diseases at much higher rates with our gov guidelines in place to make us healthy..lol

lets talk about the lipid hypothesis for a second. the guy who came up with it did so by throwing out data that didn't agree with is theory. such as, people in chile that eat very little animal fat has a high rate of heart disease. so do asians. in fact asian countries have some of the highest heart attack rates in the world.

and also threw out data from places like holland that have low heart attack rates but eat a lot of animal fats.

but why on earth would any respected scientist do such a thing???? maybe it has everything to do with being famous and money.

every scientist knows if you don't tell the us gov what they want to hear you don't get anymore funding. so basically you're out of a job.

and so leads up back to the this topic of cancer and it's cure. there are also ways to stop aids but our gov and drug companies will not allow it to happen just yet. until they unleash the next fake "epidemic" on the public.

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Good points, SerpentRacer

There are good sources of info out there, just have to find them.

I usually check the Harvard School of Health website for info.

I got a basic answer to find carbs in whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans.



1. Oatmeal instead of cereal.

2. Whole grain bread, that stuff that looks like a brick.

3. Rice instead of potatoes.

4. Whole fruit instead of fruit juice.

5. Beans, all types of beans. Each type of bean does something different and important in the body.

Glycemic Index list of foods

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another thing i seen about how your body uses insulin etc said since we're eating so much sugar now a lot of people's bodies are not able to produce enough insulin to keep them from getting fat.

there was a good saying and it went like this,

you're not getting fat because you're eating more, you're eating more because you're getting fat.

this had to do with the "obesity epidemic" which is actually wildly exaggerated. which comes back to the "follow the money" syndrome that scientist have. if you tell the gov what they want to hear, you get to keep your reputation and job.

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