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Lets just blow them all up... everyone hates us anyway


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lol are people really advocating the use of nuclear weapons in iran? seriously?

does anyone honestly think that they would just let that slide? that there wouldnt be any retaliation?

they would not rest until an american city has been taken out by an islamic device.

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lol are people really advocating the use of nuclear weapons in iran? seriously?

does anyone honestly think that they would just let that slide? that there wouldnt be any retaliation?

they would not rest until an american city has been taken out by an islamic device.

Allot of the badguys would pretty much be ashes........afterwards "and now" it is easier to secure our nation from within than from invading other countries.

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  • 3 weeks later...

guess Iran was just "blowing smoke"


WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid heightened tensions with Iran, an American aircraft carrier has sailed through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf. The Navy says it's a routine maneuver.

Cmdr. Amy Derrick-Frost said the USS Abraham Lincoln entered the Gulf on Sunday without incident to conduct scheduled maritime security operations. Derrick-Frost is a spokeswoman for the Navy's 5th Fleet, based in the Gulf state of Bahrain.

U.S. warships frequently operate in the Gulf. But when the carrier USS John Stennis departed the Gulf in late December, Iranian officials warned the U.S. not to return. On Saturday, however, Iran indicated that it viewed U.S. naval operations in the Gulf as normal.

Iran recently suggested it might use military force to close the Strait in retaliation for new international economic sanctions.

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