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If Ohio Riders offered email and instant messaging, would you use them?


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eh, probably not. i might use the email to register for other sites, as my gmail gets way too much spam now. but...

I'd use an OR App though with messaging, live feed, and cool useful stuff. I'd pay $0.99

i like that idea. my phone dies a lot. maybe a dedicated app would use less data, but idk.

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unlikely and unlikely.

yeah, this. It would be nice to have a directory of members other IM info so I can chat instead of exchanging multiple rapid-fire PM's, but I already have too many email accounts, and I only use IM to talk to my wife while we're both at work...

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I'm not so much worried about an app but it'd be nice to have a mobile site. I have issues hitting certain buttons like PM's and can't comment on rep.

Yea, a mobile site would work also. I have trouble on my phone as well essges aare a pain to open.

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I'm not so much worried about an app but it'd be nice to have a mobile site. I have issues hitting certain buttons like PM's and can't comment on rep.

Posting is sometimes difficult for me on my phone :o

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I like the idea for the advantages of both - be cool to have a dedicated email for all things riding related instead of having to sift through my gmail. IM's are a cool feature for interrupting your buddies surfing;)

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I have used bike forums that use an IM so you can talk to a poster privately in real time and it is nice. I'd use the IM, but don't give two shits about an email. :cheers:

I'm a member on the FZ6 forum and it has an IM feature to talk to posters privately. It's a really nice option.

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I already have enough email addresses to keep track of, so another one is not anything that I would use.

I don't hardly ever use IM anymore other than the facebook chat, but if it was just an OR thing, I might like it.

For those asking for a mobile site, have you tried tapatalk?

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For those asking for a mobile site, have you tried tapatalk?

Gotta pay for that, so no I haven't tried it. Buut, might have to consider it

cause I'm using another forum frequently on my phone now too and it's

a pain sometimes trying to post.

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