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Microsoft patents "avoid ghetto" GPS feature


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I'm black and I find this funny :lol:

I hadn't noticed! :lol:

One thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to me was this:

How personalized should it be, though? My eyes perform slightly odd twitches when I read this sentence from the patent: "Various features can integrate with route presentment, such as integrating an advertisement targeted to a pedestrian with a direction set."

Is this suggesting that Windows Phones will give pedestrians a route that will take them past specific ads? What a curious and slightly mind-altering thought.

One wonders whether those who use the system might also be offered an "avoid ads" option.


Maybe we could get an app written where you enter which states you have a CHL for, and it would warn you when you were getting close to a state that's not covered. :dunno: I think that would be more useful for most.

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