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Could use some input on this....


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So I received my second parking ticket in front of my house today from the same officer that gave me the last one that was BS. Let me give a brief explanation;

The first ticket was issued because I had my TT hooked up to my truck and parked out front for 3 days. I was ticketed for having a trailer with living quarters parked in our development, which is against Obetz's laws. However, the same day I moved mine out(day ticket was issued), there were 2 other TT's parked in the development as well, neither with tickets. I brought my TT back for a few hours after the weekend to unload and made sure I was around and didn't get ticketed(the officer only works a few weekdays). However, there were the same other TT's parked in the development at least 2 more times each for more than a week each, no tickets issued. I emailed the Chief to ask why I was singled out and he offered to make time for me to meet him but I work 45 minutes away so there was no chance of that. I dropped it as is and just moved on.

Fast forward to today I wake up and recieved a new ticket on my truck for parking the wrong direction, even though it has been like that 1,000 times before, including the last 4 days. It was from the same officer who works like Tuesday and Thursday I am told. SO I was trying to move my truck, the batteries were dead and it wouldn't start, so I put a note on the ticket and am getting new batteries tonight. In the mean time another officer pulls up and asks how I'm doing, I said not real good, I recieved a ticket for this and can't move my truck because it's dead. He laughed and goes what the heck was the ticket for, I tell him who wrote it and for what, he looks at me and goes yeah that is total BS and none of us would ever have wrote you a ticket for this.

Obviouslly at this point Im not happy, but I say thank you sir and have a safe day and walk away. So I drove through the development and saw about 3 other cars all facing the wrong way with no tickets.

Now, I don't think of myself of some law breaking guy that does all kinds of crazy stuff, I speed, etc. but I never speed in my development, have 0 tickets for moving violations etc. and like to think I'm actually a good neighbor. There are cars parked in front of fire hydrants, there are cars on the street when it snows a lot, even though we have POSTED snow street signs, and I move my truck into my drive every time it snows right away so the plows don't tear it up.

I am curious if this is turning into harrassment and I need to really go to the chief about it in person, or maybe a letter to the chief with the mayor CC'd and sent the same letter? There is mayors court, but I'm not sure that is worth it either.

When it's all said and done the tickets are like 30.00 each so it's not a huge deal, but it's starting to get old. Another guy parks a motorhome on the street infront of his NEIGHBORS for weeks on end and doesn't get tickets because he's friends with the guy.

What would all of you do, and yes, I know this is long winded and probably stupid but I'm getting a pulloff put in this spring first thing to park my trailer and truck on legally, but until then I still have to deal with this DB.:mad:

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My sister had a similar thing happened in her apartment complex. To make a long story short she was told by an officer that the only time they investigate and possibly cite a ticket is if someone calls and complains about somthing and thats when they inforce "the stupid little laws". So basically he said they overlook things unless there is a complaint, then they have to act. you don't have any nib nosey neighbors do you.

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First thought that comes to mind is that movie "Lakeview Terrace" since the officer seems to have it in for you.

The Chief offered to talk to you and you declined it. I would ask him again for an appointment. If he was willing to talk back then, that would lead me to believe he's a good guy. Maybe not, but probably.

I wouldn't send a letter with the Mayor (the Chief's boss) cc'ed; the Chief may see that as a delta-bravo move, and you could be in for even more fun.

I would suggest not having an accusatory tone in regards to "Officer Ticket" when you meet with the Chief; after all, Officer Ticket is one of his employees, and may be his son, brother, nephew, bro-in-law...

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1) The tickets will stand because you admit to being in violation of the law at the time.

2) I'd be looking at neighbors complaining rather than a cop with a vendetta.

3) Just because other people didn't get tickets doesn't make yours invalid. In fact if you told the cop; "That guy is parked illegally over there why didn't you ticket him?" then the cop may just do so, telling him; "MadCat asked me to ticket you."

4) Just because you didn't see a ticket doesn't mean they weren't ticketed. They may have taken the ticket off*.

5) Not what you want to hear, but comply with the law and you won't get tickets. Regardless of it's a neighbor or cranky cop, take away their ammunition and they can't bother you.

* My brother did parkling enforcement for a while. One guy got a ticket and came storming out of a nearby store accusing my brother of lying in wait (he wasn't) and knowing that he was in the store (he didn't) and ignoring the 4-ways hazard lights that were flashing (doesn't override parking laws). Then the guy took the ticket off the windshield, spent a minute calling my brother every nasty name under the sun and threatening to beat him up etc and then said; "Well you can't ticket me twice me so I'm just going to leave it here while I do the rest of my shopping."

Well, he was only half right. The traffic wardens' instructions were that they should not put a second ticket on a car that *still has a ticket attached to it* because the owner probably hasn't been back to the car to see the first ticket so can claim that he got two tickets for the same offense. BUT by removing the ticket he proved that he was aware that his parking was illegal and by leaving the car there after removing the ticket he was now comitting a new offense. My brother radioed for another traffic warden to come by and give the guy a second ticket. Guy was beyond pissed but lost in court.

Edited by Scruit
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All good points, I def. don't argue I broke the law, and will pay the fine, I just want to know why I am being singled out vs. others.

I do bet it's some neighbor or something becasue that was what was said at first too by a friend that lives next door. I don't plan on even farting in the wrong direction once the truck is turned around, it just is frusturating.

I think more than anything I want to clear the air with the cop, and make sure it's not personal. I like cops, really, and always support them, so like I don't want him thinking I'm an A-hole out to make his life miserable.

I also know they have ticket quotas so that comes to mind too lol.

I like that the man code card was even played above.

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when I lived at my old house (under Columbus PD) I parked the wring direction on the street daily and never had a problem, no warnings or anything. I even saw a few LEO drive down the street on patrol and they never said anything. But as stated above, it may have been because my neighbors didnt complain

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I would establish comms with your neighbors. I try to say hi and be friendly with mine since i know when I work on the bike I can be loud when starting her up/revving or watch movies a little loud.

Someone obviously doesnt appreciate some of the things you're doing.

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This is another reason I love living in BFE... none of these "stupid" laws to contend with. My neighbors are all far enough away that it doesn't matter how loud I play a movie. Also, there are so few LEOs per given area that traffic laws are rarely enforced on open highway.

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Yeah thats what I don't get, I am very nice to my neighbors, I mow for them, aerate, my dog has never once crapped in anyones yard, less than I can say for most of my neighbors etc. I also have a double lot and still mow it twice a week, edge/trim every week, blah blah. Basically I'm the perfect neighbor except someone doesn't like the street parking thing. I just gotta find out why, as everyone else does it. Or somehow I made them mad, but I'm cool with everyone, or I thought.

We would love to move, already found a few house, problem is, selling a house in Groveport is about worthless. There's 3 HUD homes in my neighborhood now, and 2 more on the market, so 5 out of like 150 houses. It may be time to look to rent it and say screw thinking about selling it.

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