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Nano quadrotors: swarm of tiny robots fly in formation


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Since at least 2010, researchers at GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania have been working with nano quadrotors, managing to get them to fly aggressively, build a tower structure and now — fly in perfect formation.

The video posted by GRASP makes it clear the robots now know how to maintain distance from each other, shift positions when obstacles are in their way, and even fly in a figure-eight pattern. CNET reports that the research is a step toward coordinating robots for searching areas after a disaster, or for surveillance.

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You do realize that these flight parameters will eventually be applied to full size unmanned combat aircraft? The term used for group flying in combat is "swarming". The research is in full gear in both public and secret venues. Books have already been written by universities.

So I imagine that instead of a standard manned squadron formation of four sets of four manned aircraft, there would be a large number of smaller unmanned aircraft.

Just as deadly. Similar weapons, or miniature weapons of almost the same power. Maybe 64 of them instead of 16. Maybe 256 even smaller robots. And capable of extreme flight control. Both formation and random swarming actions. I can't even imagine how to defend against a swarming attack. These are robots after all. Imagine one of them suddenly ramming straight down through an enemy aircraft's engine. Game over.

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The formation flying is impressive - I wonder what kind of control protocol is going on...

Ever see this one? It's being used for surveillance - the Libyan revolution troops actually bought one. - Next add small arms and you got something nasty.


Edited by mello dude
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