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MotoZen CNC Levers


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MotoZen CNC levers... the most innovative CNC lever you could find in US market. It's foldable, expandable, adjustable, replaceable and extremely affordable.? The lever tip can go from full length to shorty or anywhere in between. The slit on the lever reduces wind resistance and easy to replace in a tip over situation. It is fully machined from T-6061 aluminium with 6 position dial and features all stainless steel hardware. It is also available in multiple colors for you to pick the most fit for your bike. Perfect feel and look. Expandable and foldable. 6 Position Dial. Easy and economical to replace. Available in multiple colors.

these have been track tested in AMA and WERA

$150 + tax shipped for the set - brake and clutch




Edited by Hoblick
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Anything sold in Ohio would have sales tax.... Nothing you can do to get around that.

As far as the levers, I guess my concern is the two? piece design. I would be afraid that the secondary part would break off or feel uncomfortable versus the single piece design. From use, what you do get/feel from them Prez? Also, the last crash I had didn't break the lever, it broke the perch to the MC which these don't appear to come with.

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They feel great in my hand just like crg or pazzo did. the tips are $10 each to replace so if you were to break it its CHEAP to fix. These fold so maybe in your crashes case the lever would have folded and not broke the perch or MC,but all crashes are diff and anything is possible. The best part of these IMO is the fact I can make them short or long and replace just the tip if it gets road rash.

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What team has "track tested" them in AMA?

The concern I have over the Vortex, CRG, etc are the fact they are two pieces. When crashing, the small bolt setup looks to be the weakest link. Yes, $10 replacement, but will break in a fall almost easily. If you do not have spares, you could be swinging without a bat.

Where, with a CRG setup or similar, they can be possibly bent (I know the CRGs I have used have been crashed on, bent slightly, but due to great workmanship, they did not break and were able to be used rest of the weekend) and still be used.

Of course, replacement for a CRG is pretty damn expensive. These are a great alternative, but would like to see who is using them and what the results have been.

Interested in trying them out, but honestly, anytime we mess with brakes and levers and I see two pieces with a screw holding it together, I get worried...

Any test results and reviews?

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well if you want to get technical I see 4 spots for screws....4X's the worry?:dunno:

besides, slide it all the way in to make a shorty. isn't the idea of a shorty to help keep it from touching the ground?

Not sure where the second bolts are? I only have seen one per lever on the adjustment part? Are you referring to the bolt for the fold up application? That isn't typically an issue and can/should be safety wired anyways so, no worries on the nut being lost, etc...

But, the shorty is for guys that like the feel of an almost MX lever feel. Shorter throw if you will...

You can push your standard (what I do) inward to avoid hitting the ground as such. I don't mind shorty on brakes, but have found I prefer the long/standard length for feel and modulation. Shorty on clutch sucks monkey nuts... My opinion of course...

I just want to hear about the impact part and how they crash. I read they are tested by AMA racers and just wanna hear what was tested and who runs them...

Again, interested and like the detail. I would like to see the fit and finish on a bike and such. I'd consider a set to try I suppose... The concept is cool - I'll say that much.

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Not sure where the second bolts are? I only have seen one per lever on the adjustment part? Are you referring to the bolt for the fold up application? That isn't typically an issue and can/should be safety wired anyways so, no worries on the nut being lost, etc...

But, the shorty is for guys that like the feel of an almost MX lever feel. Shorter throw if you will...

You can push your standard (what I do) inward to avoid hitting the ground as such. I don't mind shorty on brakes, but have found I prefer the long/standard length for feel and modulation. Shorty on clutch sucks monkey nuts... My opinion of course...

I just want to hear about the impact part and how they crash. I read they are tested by AMA racers and just wanna hear what was tested and who runs them...

Again, interested and like the detail. I would like to see the fit and finish on a bike and such. I'd consider a set to try I suppose... The concept is cool - I'll say that much.

Brian buy me a set and I'm sure sometime this season I can give you a crash test result :)

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I think a couple teams have given them a go. Not sure who exactly. If the screw were to fall out you woild still have a "shorty" part of the lever to use. I have seen 2 sets of crashed ones and both bikes involved were totaled and took hard hits on the clip on/lever area. The levers did not fail and could have been used again. Liz they have been on my race bike for going on 2 years now so come check them out anytime :)

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I've decided to take a shot at these after having Pazzos on my 51. I'm no super track dude, but dig trick go-fast parts. I did have the same kind of questions regarding the build quality of them that Brian has, but Ryan was very forthcoming on his thoughts, and I trust him. Gixxie's endorsement here helps too.

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I've decided to take a shot at these after having Pazzos on my 51. I'm no super track dude, but dig trick go-fast parts. I did have the same kind of questions regarding the build quality of them that Brian has, but Ryan was very forthcoming on his thoughts, and I trust him. Gixxie's endorsement here helps too.

look for my PM tomorrow ill be getting back to you.

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