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WTB: Ipad 2


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whens the 3 gonna be out?

They are saying the 7th of March. Also, I think Best Buy has already begin discounting the iPad 2 $50... That's a sign that the new one is already here or close. We are a week away...

Hang tight, dude. Buy new. Or, at least buy one from Best Buy that's discounted or a refurb.

I've bought a few iPods refurbed and they were perfect and worked great. In fact, gave one to my son and he still uses it and I use the other one when I MTB bike as I don't worry if it gets damaged...

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New retina display, new processor, new camera, probably Siri.

All speculation at this point. We'll all have to wait until the news conf...kinda like how better cameras and SD slots were slotted for all things apple right about now.

Had a facebook friend selling his 64gb ipad2 wifi, jailbroken for wireless 3g tethering, with leather case and camera connection kit for SD cards for dslrs...$600.

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Even if you end up not needing the potential features the rumored iPad has, you'll be able to get much better deals from craigslist and ebay once the current owners start selling their iPad 2s and 1s to pay for the upgrade.

Also, seconding any suggestions to check out Apple refurbished items. Repaired items go through a pretty strict quality control process that is, in many ways, more involved than the one new items go through. The external cases are often completely replaced, so other than the cardboard box not having the same full color photos, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference, and you get the same warranty any new device has.

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I got a referb MacBook when the aluminum ones first came out and it looked and worked like brand new. Even came with a larger HDD than they said it would.Called later the day I ordered it because I decided I wanted to upgrade the shipping, they said it had already shipped and they offered me any laptop bag off their site for free since I was inconvenienced. I wasn't even mad or anything, they just offered. So I got a free $80 laptop bag, that's the day I became an apple head.

Edited by JStump
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