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Replacing my clutch tonight... mechanic's opinions?


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back story: Towards the end of last season, my clutch started acting funny around the friction zone... Full release it felt okay, and engaged it was tight (no slipping), but as i came across the friction zone, it would shudder and engage unevenly... somewhat unnerving...:eek: so i just assumed 50,000 miles on the clutch, and me not being very gentle with it, it was just worn unevenly and shuddering as the thicker sides of the friction plates tried to pass through narrower sections.. reasonable theory i guess...

As I was replacing my clutch tonight, I got all the steel plates and friction plates off, inspected, and didn't find any signs of damage or uneven wear...


Pulled the clutch bar out, slave side is very dirty, thought okay, maybe this was causing my problems last year...couldn't figure out why though...

Out of curiosity I checked the bearing in the outer clutch plate...It appears to be binding pretty badly... AHA! this makes sense...

Even when it was binding it didn't bind enough to affect the bike at full clutch, but as the clutch plates got more friction and the bike started to roll, that binding gave it that uneven torque to make it shudder...

Make sense? or am I chasing a shadow? I ordered a new bearing anyway...

also does anyone know offhand if that has to be pressed in? or if it's just a tight fit and will pop in/out with some gentle persuasion?

bearing 17 in this microfische


Edited by magley64
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I would Tim, but Pauly is swamped with Turtle and Jbot, besides, I'd like to get to the point where I know this bike from nose to tail, bolt by bolt...and there is no better way than to fix it yourself...


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I would Tim, but Pauly is swamped with Turtle and Jbot, besides, I'd like to get to the point where I know this bike from nose to tail, bolt by bolt...and there is no better way than to fix it yourself...

Oh I agree... I'm do for a valve check and would like to do myself but just not too sure and I have the service manual for mine

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Find a deep well socket that will push on the outer race of the bearing. If you can't push it out by hand' date=' GENTLY tap it out with a hammer. Same for installation. It's important to make sure you're not putting pressure on the inner race.[/quote']

This was exactly what I had planned, either that or hand it to dad and have him use the press at work.

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taking her easy, got the clutch assembled, slave cleaned, and up on the center stand for first fire up with new clutch...

fire up the bike, running good, squeezed the clutch and snapped her down into gear.

rear wheel spun right up to 8mph, full clutch did nothing. :(

Adjusted clutch handle to full out, bled slave again...

Fired it up, squeezed, popped into gear and the rear slowly spun up to 8mph...

Is there some "break in" procedure for a new clutch? seems a little tight, don't want it taking off on me when i drop her into first...

If i jump on and hit the rear brake while squeezing the clutch, it will stop the rear wheel, and it will stay stopped for a little bit and then gradually pick up speed.

I haven't tried it with the wheel on the ground yet...

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That seems like a bad idea.. But I remember hearing somewhere that bike clutches are supposed to allow a little torque to slip out with it fully squeezed.... Is that correct?


This is a pretty normal thing, it has to do with the tight clearances in the stackup of the clutch plates. This is why you will hear a nice clunk when shifting into gear from neutral, after the clutch has been engaged (lever released) especially the first time after startup.

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I would have also replaced the clutch and got a kit with springs also. Typically, the springs are getting worn especially at those kind of miles...

It sounds like you are not hard on clutches which is a great thing.

Also, (doubt it is an issue) check the basket for wear. Even though the clutch fibers and steels look fine, there can be issue with the basket itself. Again, doubt this is an issue, but a lot of times, you cannot see anything unless you properly clean and degrease the basket and look for cracks or wear...

Sounds like you got 'er though. Good luck!!

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Thanks. Iwas hoping something like that. The ri wants to lurch forward if it's in gear and I'm just revving it to piss off the neighbors.

You might want to check the adjuster also. Too many guys run the adjuster freakin tight! There needs to be some slack in the lever where you essentially think it is loose. I believe that 5mm is a normal amount, but would have to refresh memory and look at the manual.

Again, too many guys never keep slack in the lever and they are running them tight. That ain't good, folks...

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that would be the yamaha anti squid device kicking in

No way! That's an awesome feature! hope it won't interfere with my nos. or the buck eighty five I plan to go, sideways.

I do like how my bike sounds, so if I'm just waiting for it to warm up, I tap the gas once our twice to remind me. Hope that's not too squid ly of me.

Lever is within service manual specs btw.

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quick test run tonight, 2 miles, clutch is smooth as glass...WHOOOHOOO!!!

now to give ember a bath, and get her ready for tomorrow morning...

last day at old job and I am riding.

also, went back and inspected old clutch plates closer... the 2 innermost steel plates look like someone sprayed them with rainbow spray paint (very discolored)...maybe they did get a little warm and warped? idk...

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