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Its windy as hell right now...


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Missed this yesterday. I slept right through the storm. In the past, I had one covered bike tightly anchored to the front of a van, that got up and moved over six inches as far as it could. That kinda freaked me out. I had another blow over into a chain link fence, breaking a mirror. That one was leaning away from the wind, but it picked up straight without a cover and fell over anyway. Shit happens.

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You live in elyria, its not the wind carrying your bike away you should be worried about. I can't believe the wind has not blown it into the back of someones truck yet.

Well that's why I just got comp like yesterday. If its stolen cool, I get a new bike. If it is pushed over or something I'm gonna get pissed because I'm doing all this work on it just to get broken.

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