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Mad at NRA


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Instead of bitching about it here where nothing can be be done about it, why don't you let them know that you don't appreciate the hats place of orgin. In fact, why you are at it....you could take on the US Capitol souveniour shops that sell all kinds of stuff of which none or very little is made in the usa. Like the small american flags which have the same label as your new hat.

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Sorry I know they do lots of good things but I just searched the internet and tons of people are mad about the hats and other stuff they are making just wish they could make it here and to tell you the truth we all buy stuff made everywhere and that's just life but I have yet to buy a flag not made in the USA :)

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Also when I signed up the guy talked to me for 30 min on how they are helping America and we need to stand behind the US business and that's why I did signed up and payed.Then saw the hat and it touched a soft spot I guess

Have a good night guys ;)

Edited by JaronsToy
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They get my money to stand for one thing. They are not the Tea Party, they are not the ACLU, they are not the Teamsters..... if you signed up for the free hat, we've already lost.

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If you think you are unhappy with them now wait until your phone starts ringing off the hook and they fill your mailbox with requests for more money. They hit new members really hard with extra marketing. It pissed me off so much that I didn't renew.

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If you think you are unhappy with them now wait until your phone starts ringing off the hook and they fill your mailbox with requests for more money. They hit new members really hard with extra marketing. It pissed me off so much that I didn't renew.

I have never received a bunch of mail or phone calls, I've only been a member for like 6 years. I only get automated calls at election time and even then its like once.

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I'll have to check if my duffel bags have a 'made in' tag, and see from whence they came.

My guess is from the PRC.

*** edit: Yup, "MADE IN CHINA".

Edited by jblosser
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If you think you are unhappy with them now wait until your phone starts ringing off the hook and they fill your mailbox with requests for more money. They hit new members really hard with extra marketing. It pissed me off so much that I didn't renew.

I was told you can call and request to be taken off any mailer list like that.

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If you think you are unhappy with them now wait until your phone starts ringing off the hook and they fill your mailbox with requests for more money. They hit new members really hard with extra marketing. It pissed me off so much that I didn't renew.

Google Voice (or just make up a phone #), e-mail filter for *@nramedia.org

I don't get bothered at all - in fact, I've not received a phone call, ever, from them that I know of. I do have 1,500+ e-mails filtered...

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