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Mutha Fuggin Squirels


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So here's the deal. The squirels are back. I had some squirels get inbetween my roofs. Yes inbetween. My house had a flat-ish metal roof but the previous owners had a regular roof put on with a different pitch and what have you. Anyway back to the point. The first time they were jumping onto the roof from a tree and made there way in thru the soffit. So i trimmed the tree back and the squirels seemed to leave. I havent heard them for some time. Lately i have heard them in there again. They are not in the attic but inbetween the roofs and i cant physically get to them. The other day i figured out how they were getting up there. They are climbing the chimney. So does anyone know if they make something that you can attach to your chimney that they can climb down but not be able to make it back up? Also i live intown so going on a guns blazing squirel killing rampage is pretty much out of the question.

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Call the Mt. Sterling cops, tell 'em your squirrel won't go to school.

Or, live trap w/peanut butter on a piece of cardboard. Mr. Squirrel hops in in the morning, trapped in there all day on a metal roof in the sun, by the time you get home, just dump Mr. (dead) Squirrel in the trash can.

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Traps and what not may work but i cat get to them . If i go in my attic i can see the older metal roof. What is on top of that is a totally new framed roof. Not just shingles ontop of a metal roof. There is space between them. My plan was to just go in my attic and beat on the older metal roof to drive them out then make it to where they cant climb the chimney again. I live in an odd house. Dont make me come up with a horrendus MS paint diagram.:D

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The squirrels have to come out for food and water. Set the traps around the trees and you will get them.. Trust me I have caught and disposed of 7 in 2 months. I bought a trap at TSC for about $15. Worth every penny. I used peanut butter, and a shelled peanut a few times to catch them. I need to reset my trap again....

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Live traps work. I removed a couple of big destructive squirrels from my area.

I set them outside with peanuts and peanut butter. I don't have them inside.

The raccoons won't let them inside, I think. That's another story.

I'm also pretty sure a rat trap (the snap type) is big enough also.

I kinda like the fly paper glue trap idea. Just the thought of a stupid squirrel walking around with glue paper stuck on is excellent. Payback.

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The squirrels have to come out for food and water. Set the traps around the trees and you will get them.. Trust me I have caught and disposed of 7 in 2 months. I bought a trap at TSC for about $15. Worth every penny. I used peanut butter, and a shelled peanut a few times to catch them. I need to reset my trap again....

I've been blaming my dog for getting in the trash. But other day i saw one of those cocksuckers diggin in my trash. Thats when i saw it run up the chimney. By the way have i told any of you i fucking hate squirrels. I wish i could just sit out back and plug'em with my .22 mag.

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What about one of those high powered air rifles with the integrated suppressor?

From what I've read, since it's compressed air instead of a propellent, it's pretty loud. I guess it's nearly as loud as not having the suppressor. Dunno. Sounds like a crappy suppressor to me.

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What about one of those high powered air rifles with the integrated suppressor?

I will probaly just borrow one of my dads traps he uses for cats. Then release it at a buddy's house. And if it can escape the Saiga 12 then it will have earned its right to live.

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From what I've read, since it's compressed air instead of a propellent, it's pretty loud. I guess it's nearly as loud as not having the suppressor. Dunno. Sounds like a crappy suppressor to me.

I'm talking about the good internally suppressed ones, not the ones from Walmart. Maybe you are too I dunno?

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We had raccoons in our attic and I couldn't get to them as they were in the edges where I couldn't reach, etc. We set traps and got those shit-hole beasts. Then, I'd plug 'em and throw them out.

Just a few days ago after some serious cleaning and almost 6 months since, I hear this scratching above the office from the outside...

I walk outside (This was around 10pm) to see a fucking raccoon up at the gable clawing at the vents and trying to get in. I used a screen to prevent the birds from flying in and that pile of shit clawed and created a hole in the screen. He would freeze with the flashlight and I wanted to try and keep him/her out...

Didn't want to use the pistol so, had my son get his paintball gun and plugged him 3 times in the back. He shot through that screen like he was on fire...

So, we used that concrete screen stuff that is very sharp and will shred your knuckles just putting it into your cart at Lowe's. So far, so good...

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Okay here is my plan. I got ahold of 2 live traps. I will set one on each side of the chimney. Also i will be baiting my back yard with cracked corn the next couple nights. On saturday morning i will wake up early, brew up a pot of coffee and get into my firing position on my balcony. Any squirrel smart enough not to get in the trap will take its chances with my aim. As for the squirrels that make it into the trap they will be relocated. The guy thats going to loan me the traps wants the squirrels.

I still need to find something to attach to the chimney to prevent them from climbing it in the future.

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I still need to find something to attach to the chimney to prevent them from climbing it in the future.

Squirels are acrobats, I dont think its possible to prevent them from climbing a house. You need to close the opening they are using.


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steel wool inside the crack with expanda-foam might do the trick on the holes too

Yea I've heard that critters will not bite or claw at steel wool. So it makes a good way to prevent them from entering small crevices.


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I think im going to try and record my shots from my balcony. How do they get the scope view on camera. I'd assume they just set the camera behind the scope. Then use the LCD screen on the camera to aim? Or is there some kind of trick to it?

Just so everyone knows my neighbors are pretty cool. Hell i could probaly get my one neighbor to set up a spot at his house to get those squirrels in a crossfire! I've seen him drop a rabbit from his back porch that was in his garden with his pellet gun.

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