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Satin & Steel RC 1st Annual Poker Run and Biker Bash!


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My name is Roxy and I'm a member of Satin & Steel RC out of Delaware Co. We are a group of women who ride, passenger or just LOVE motorcycles and the life. But beyond that we have come together to support local charities. We are just now entering into our 2nd year! Our first year we raised and donated well over $6,000 to local charities! We are hoping to make our 2nd year even more amazing! We are planning our 1st Annual event on the larger scale and hope to make it a tradition!

The event will be held on July 21st at the Delaware Eagles on Winter St. They have offered us their huge parking lot and the large inside reception room! So there should be plenty of room to put together a great event!

We are just getting started but we have several bands signed already and a few vendors. We really believe this event is going to be big. We have signed our 1st major sponsor…Thunder Roads Ohio Magazine. They will also be advertising this event in their April, May, June and July issues of TRO and have a booth at the event!! Also some of our Sister’s will be on WCOL’s Woody and the Wake Up Call on July 12th to promote this event! So as you can see, we are off to a great start! I have included a few links below for everyone to check out. Hopefully you will mark your calendars…It’s gonna be a great day!




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I’m not sure how people can judge people to the point of being rude and insulting…it’s quite comical actually….Thinking this Ohio Rider’s Forum is not quite what I thought it was going to be. You all have fun thou…I personally have better things to do then defend my name, club, lifestyle or anything else for that matter. I simply came here thinking of meeting others with the same interest but that obviously is not the case here. Really before you go judging others you might want to take a closer look at how your wonderful comments make you look…NEVER had that problem with the “drunken, sleeveless, unskilled” group of people I hang with! For those of you that would like to join us uncivilized people for a great cause…Hope to see ya there! Peace out… ;)

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If you were insulted by the comments made about the types of people who usually attend poker runs...you need some thicker skin.

Also, you don't have to defend your name/club or...lifestyle? (whatever that means) as far as I can tell nobody here has said anything bad about you or your club... (nobody here has said they were familiar with your group, and it sucks..for example)

Most of the people here are good people, I can personally vouch for a bunch of them, but we are not defined by our motorcycles, we are not a "group" but a random array of individuals with one thing in common, we enjoy 2 wheeled conveyance of some sort... For some it's getting better times on track days, for others it's roaming the countryside on a modern antique... the list goes on, and on, and on... for a site with over 4000 members. All individuals with their own ideas about motorcycling.

This seems to be a trend among "group" riders, they have a narrow view of what motorcycling "should" be, and it usually involves some unnecessary bureaucracy, and class structure. "ride our kinda bike, respect our chain of command, adhere to our image...etc etc"

have some positive rep, chill out, and don't take the internets so srsly

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I am all for anything charity, and not bashing the club or reason for the poker run.;) I have been on "1" Poker run and it was exactly as I had described, never again will I ride "well it aint really riding" in a group like that. Maybe your group and the folks that will show up are different, poker runs and most any large group ride for that matter, isn't something many here are fond of. Be safe, have fun and don't get too sunburned!!!!!!:cool:

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Dang Magz. Why you mad bro?

But really, I'm glad people organize charity rides. It takes a good bit of organization and usually gets some much needed cash to a needy organization. Most of us here have been on a "Poker Run" and have witnessed riders pounding shots and mixed drinks then saddling up while we ride in close proximity. It's not something most sport riders enjoy. hence the comments here. This is my personal experience on more than a few runs.

I will do a "run" as long as bars are not the stops or the destination.

I'm sure more than a few riders from here will attend.

Hope it's a successful and safe ride.

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Have fun!

I personally get bored on Poker Runs. I've been on one and it was for something that was important to my Dad so I went. All his friends were wondering what was wrong with me when I had only 1 beer between the 5 bars we stopped at considering they know in that day I was basically a functioning alcoholic :lol:

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I was in a club for a while, poker runs, spaghetti dinners, rallies, drunken brawls, we did it all. The bullshit politics and drama is why I got myself kicked out, I guess I'm not the leather vest type. I'm all for charity tho, gold luck with your event. A buddy of mine is in the missing links MC, they have an Akron chapter now, you should contact them and see if they will support your event.

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